Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 57 The Peerless Swordsman makes her official debut!

Chapter 57 - The Peerless Swordswoman officially appears!

"Brother Yuan, did you know all these things before?"

Jack, who was huddled in the quilt, looked at the stars outside the window in a daze.

His and Yuan Shen's dormitories were arranged together, and both of them were happy to see it happen.

Anyway, we had known each other before, so there was no conflict.

"I thought about it when I first started playing professionally, but only children can tell the difference between right and wrong, and adults only have interests..."

"I understand, but shouldn't we try our best in every game? This is the most basic professional quality, right?"

Jack is still a little hard to accept that this reality is somewhat different from his professional dream.

Yuan Shen was speechless.

He has been playing professionally for one year, and his thoughts have changed at some point.

Is he going to slowly change Jack's mind like others?

"Make yourself stronger. Only by becoming stronger can you defeat all the enemy's plans."

Yuan Shen smiled.

A high-end King's Game consists of ten scheming boys plotting against each other, let alone in a professional arena.

When it comes to the professional arena, there are two groups of scheming boys plotting against each other, not only on the court, but also on off-court factors.

As long as the dirty information, scandals, and scandals collected about players are released at the right time and lead public opinion to attack the players, they can destroy a player's mentality to some extent and cause him to perform abnormally on the competition field.

This kind of thing has not happened in various competition arenas more than once.

"LGD's idea is very obvious. They want to bypass EDG in the playoffs. This way, they can go further. Even if they lose in the end, they can still get a very good bubble by virtue of their high points advantage in the spring and summer double Asia. Competition ranking.”

"And we don't need to worry so much. IG's spring third place also has 100 points, but we don't need this. As long as we win the summer split, everything will be no problem."

Yuan Shen drank a bowl of chicken soup directly with a satisfied smile on his lips.

Presumably Jack must be full of fighting spirit now!

Even he himself was a little excited!

Will win!

"But... isn't it true that only the team with the highest points throughout the year can advance to the World Championship?"

Jack's voice was small, but it calmed Yuan Shen down.

NND, forget this embarrassing format of S5.

In fact, the LPL's world competition format for three consecutive years has been different.

S3 specially played the regional selection competition, and the summer playoffs of S4 were even behind the World Championship.

S5 is the first time that LPL adopts a points system. Simply put, the top four in the spring split will receive 300, 200, 100, and 80 points. The top four in the summer split will receive 450, 300, and 150 points. 100 points.

Except for the team with the highest points throughout the year, which can be admitted to the World Championship as the No. 1 seed, the other teams all have to play in the bubble game, but the team with high points has higher priority and can play one less round.

However, with just a little calculation, Yuan Shen had the answer.

Assuming that they win the championship, IG will have 550 points, while LGD will only have 500 points at most, and EDG will have 600 points at most.

So the answer is obvious.

If you want to advance to the World Championship as the No. 1 seed, then the key is to prevent EDG from finishing second!

In all other situations, IG will have to play the bubble game.

The first round of the regular season is over, without any rest and adjustment time, and the second round of the regular season has already begun.

Such a high-intensity regular season is rare even in the LCK, let alone the European and American divisions, which are known for their casualness and health.

In their regular season, they only need to play a BO1 game every week.

This kind of schedule actually has advantages and disadvantages.

High-intensity confrontation is indeed beneficial to improving the overall strength of the division, but it is meaningless for strong teams.

Let the strong teams serve as sparring partners for the weak teams. The weak teams will be abused a lot. As long as they don't mess up, their strength level will naturally rise. Maybe they can drag one or two strong teams into trouble by showing the research results in advance and win a few games. Bundle.

However, if a strong team plays against rookies too many times, it will not help improve their strength. Instead, they will gradually expand in the process of abusing the rookies, become overconfident, unable to discover their own problems, and their playing methods and thinking will become solidified.

It was only during the World Championships that I exclaimed, "What we play in China is different from this!"

Looking back at the LCK, there are a total of ten teams, six of which have entered the playoffs and three of which have entered the World Championship. Both the intensity and cruelty of the competition are much stronger. There are often strong clashes and fights between gods.

Unlike the LPL, in many cases, the most powerful games are dominated by bad games. The truly powerful ones, that is, the top six, or even the seventh or eighth place in the playoffs, have to rely on small points to compete for playoff spots...

In the second round of the regular season, Yuan Shen could clearly feel the progress of the teams in the middle and lower reaches of the league.

Teams such as RNG and WE are getting stronger and stronger as they play, as if they have found a style of play that suits their team.

QG's dark horse status has also been fully exposed. Except for facing EDG, it has almost never lost, and the worst is a one-to-one draw.

IG's overall strength is also slowly improving. It is capable of fighting against strong teams, but it becomes a one-sided performance when facing weak teams.

Although the average game time of IG in the second round reached 28 minutes, IG still played the best in the bullying game.

A little difference in strength makes a world of difference, and they were snowballed to death.

In the last game against EDG, IG also successfully scored a point, and the final score was 1:1.

The regular season is over, and EDG is still ranked first. The other seven teams are QG, IG, LGD, Snake, OMG, VG, and M3.

After arriving at the base, the first meeting was held.

IG's biggest problem has not been solved yet.

JackeyLove's performance is still a little immature, and he often reveals flaws because of being too anxious. It is not a good thing to be brave and fight blindly.

And KID still maintains his usual style, hitting hard against weak teams and being submissive to strong teams.

In the current version, the mid-to-late team battles still have to be handed over to ADC. Unless the early stage is smooth and enters the offensive rhythm that IG is best at against strong teams, it is easy to drag it to the late stage.

Even Yuan Shen can't change this.

No matter how strong the weapon sword girl is, it is impossible for her to use the Infinity Blade to continuously output in the crowd.

Even if you are the top single core and bear all the pressure from your teammates, the ADC must dare to output.

Like Liang Xiaosan last year, crazy output under the big brother's crotch is the best way to play for the top core team.

Moving for nine seconds out of ten seconds completely wastes the space pulled by the team, which is simply a crime.

IG's final result in the regular season was third place.

This result is not good, but it is not bad either.

At least Yuan Shen thinks that third place is still good.

Losing a game is sometimes a good thing. With too many consecutive wins, even KID and Shekeke have become a little lax, often being lazy and not training seriously.

Anyway, the results are already like this, why so serious?

Compared with Yuan Shen and Jack, some people's desire to win is not that strong.

However, the version of the playoffs has quietly changed.

As early as July, the national server launched an event called the Bilgewater Incident.

At that time, the game also updated some things in real time according to the plot. When the story ended, the captain was killed by Miss Gun, and each player got a ghost captain skin. The default skin for Miss Gun was the newly released Empress. When the story was finished, the new version of the captain was launched.

The background story was also updated synchronously. Captain Gangplank lost his left hand, but he did not die. He returned to Bilgewater with a prosthesis to let those bastards feel the anger of the returning captain. During this period, anyone who played the captain would be given the former overlord skin when the update was made.

The update time of the captain was August 10.

It was also on the same day that the 5.15 version was officially launched, and the new version of Sword Princess was launched!

Unknowingly, the version of the heavy warrior has quietly arrived!

Please read~

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