Chapter 58 - The semi-finals battle, EDG!

"The schedule is out, everyone should check the group messages and prepare."

Su Xiaoluo clapped his hands and walked into the training room.

Everyone at IG frowned when they saw the detailed playoff schedule in the group file.

"Look at it this way, we have to fight OMG first, and then EDG?"

Zhi Zhi hit the table, feeling a little unwilling.

The schedule was completely different in the spring split. At that time, the first team played the eighth team, and the second team played the seventh team. The team with high points could play the team with low points.

Obviously, high points do not mean strong strength. There is room to control points. Oscar night was born in this environment.

Eighty-six deaths occurred in more than 40 minutes, and people were dying every minute.

In order to prevent this from happening, officials directly modified the rules of the summer playoffs.

The first and second place in the league will directly lock in the semi-finals.

The top five teams in the regular season compete against each other, with the winner going to play the fourth place team, and the winner advancing to the semifinals to face the second place team.

In the regular season, six or seven teams compete, the winner goes to play the third place team, and the winner advances to the semifinals to face the first place team.

"LGD really got caught. They will probably beat the Snakes and QG, and then they can advance to the finals."

Jack was a little reluctant.

He has learned a lesson about LGD's ability to control points.

On the other hand, IG needs to face OMG and EDG and win completely to advance to the finals against LGD.

You know, IG's record against EDG this year is really ugly.

Five games played, three losses and two draws, which looks pretty good.

But the small score is nine to two!

Almost crushed.

The power of the phantom god in the civil war is simply too strong.

You know, since EDG established the team, it has won three league championships in a row, and now it is the first place in the regular season and the team closest to the summer championship.

"Don't worry, it's also a good thing to face EDG in advance. Put them in third place and save us from competing for the first place in the year's points."

Yuan Shen controlled the new version of Sword Girl and hit Rank, and said casually.

"Hey, you are so crazy! How about the new Sword Girl? Is it fun?"

He came over to see Yuan Shen's performance.

He has also played the new version of Sword Princess and found it very uncomfortable.

The mechanics of this hero are completely different from the old version. It is no exaggeration to say that they are two new heroes.

The playing style, equipment, skill points, and combo sequence are all unknown and are still waiting for others to develop.

"All I can say is, Wu Di."

Yuan Shen breathed a sigh of relief.

He actually has a unique feeling for the hero Sword Girl.

Compared with the old version of Sword Girl, he got started with the new version of Sword Girl faster and was more familiar with it.

Many of the combos and tricks are familiar to me and don’t even need to be studied again.

Not long after Sword Princess was revamped, he raised the proficiency of the new version of Sword Princess to A level and rushed towards S level.

Obviously, this is not the end.

Version 5.15 has been officially established as the playoff version.

All teams are studying this version.

Each version has different powerful heroes, and professional teams need to grasp this information as soon as possible.

However, according to Yuan Shen's guess, no one should dare to use the two heroes Sword Girl and Captain in the playoffs.

The reason is simple, time is too short.

If these two heroes appear on the top lane, they must fight around the top lane.

Not to mention whether other teams have such a playing system, even if they do, players may not be able to practice heroes so quickly.

Without enough proficiency support, if you take it out rashly, it may be worse than using a big tree to play familiar routines.

For these two new heroes, Fumanduo also has his own considerations.

Unlike other teams, IG has a complete top, middle and jungle system tactics.

The final result is that Yuan Shen practiced swordsmanship and posture as a captain.

Yuan Shen had no objection to this decision.

No one understands Sword Queen better than him.

The old version of Sword Girl is known as the God of Abuse, but she is rarely seen in competitions or even high-end rounds.

But after the revision, it became a favorite in this year's competition and will often appear in future competitions.

This difference is enough to prove that the new version of Sword Princess has a better mechanism and a higher upper limit.

However, the current version is still not the heavy warrior version.

Noshou and Tetsuo are still being reworked, and the equipment for heavy warriors such as Jujiu, Bloody Hand, and Plate Armor have not yet been released.

Currently, only Ju Jiu is available, and the new version of Black Cut is still on the test server.

If there is any benefit to IG, it is that the ADC has been weakened.

ADCs of all sizes have been slashed, especially skateboard shoes, which have been slashed several times.

To put it simply, the top lane position has indeed been strengthened, but it has not yet reached its strongest point.

With this revision, Riot Games has actually sent out a signal.

In the S5 World Championship, getting on the road is likely to be the key.

Each major competition area received this signal almost at the same time, but the speed of reaction and acceptance were different.

You know, Riot’s version changes, the national server is one version slower than the foreign server due to review.

The Korean server playoff version is version 5.16, which is the heavy warrior version.

If Yuan Shen remembers correctly, the World Championship version is 5.18.

This means that the LPL version is three versions behind the World Championship version!

Moreover, two of the versions have subversive changes.

The team selected in this way will almost certainly not adapt to the world.

To summarize briefly:

The first version, which is 5.15, is called the Sword Princess and Captain version.

The second version, 5.16, is called the Heavy Warrior version, which is the version that updates new equipment.

The third version is a fine-tuning version that weakens and strengthens major heroes.

The fourth version, 5.18, is the Iron Man and Noxus version, which is the World Championship version.

When all LPL teams are studying the Sword Princess and Captain version and selecting the World Championship team based on this version, what are other regions doing?

They are studying the Heavy Warrior version, studying new equipment, and can end the game earlier, and studying the World Championship version of Noxus and Iron Man.

The LPL version and the World Championship version are three versions apart, and even the play style will be completely overturned.

And this is the biggest problem facing all LPL teams.

If they focus on the Sword Princess and Gangplank version, their research on the World Championship version will lag behind other regions and other teams.

If they focus on the World Championship version, they are likely to have problems in the playoffs.

This is an unprecedented great attempt by Riot designers, but it has brought huge troubles to the major LPL teams.

The result of the attempt is that Riot designers will no longer dare to make large-scale subversive changes before the World Championship version in the future, but will inherit the general gameplay of the summer version and only make fine adjustments to certain heroes and gameplay.

The playoffs of major regions are in full swing.

Especially the LCK teams are slowly studying the tactics centered on the top lane.

In terms of coaching staff and analyst teams, LCK, which has been deeply involved in the field of e-sports for many years, is much more professional than LPL, and has a much higher version sensitivity.

Moreover, they are more authoritative within the team.

Not to mention the European and American regions, they dare to play any cool heroes. Sword Princess and Gangplank have appeared on their courts more than once, and their performance is also quite good.

But the LPL region has not yet.

In the two BO5s between the last four teams, no one dared to bring out Gangplank and Fiora.

This was caused by the overall environment of the competition area and the slow pace of the LPL version changes.

The coaches and players of the LPL are really slow to accept the new version.

In the playoffs, there is a BO5 every day. After the game, they will have an early holiday. If they win, they will go to the next round.

With such a cruel competition system, no team dares to take the risk of trying new tactics.

On August 14, LGD defeated the Snake Team 3-1.

On August 15, IG swept OMG 3-0.

So far, the top four teams have all been released.

And IG is about to face an opponent that it has never defeated this year.


(S7 is very special because the development of the incense burner monster was after the playoffs. It belongs to the players changing the world and has nothing to do with the designers. Strictly speaking, it’s just that the routine development was a little slow, otherwise it would have been cut into idiots long ago)

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