Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 59: The unrivaled name, debut!

Chapter 59 - Unparalleled name, debut!

"Hello, audience friends, welcome to the summer semi-finals between IG and EDG!! In yesterday's game, LGD defeated QG three to two and advanced to the finals first. Today, no matter who wins, these two teams will face each other. LGD will have a battle between dragons and tigers!”

As soon as Miller finished speaking, the baby next to him started talking.

"Yes, IG has not won a single victory against EDG in the last five games, but today may be different."

The ones in charge of commentary today are still the official partners, the Haier brothers.

To Miller's right, though, there was a special guest.

"Hello everyone, I'm Miss!"

Today, Miss is still the goddess in the minds of many LOL players, an existence that cannot be touched by the wind.

The audience at the scene let out bursts of exclamations, and the barrage in the live broadcast room was filled with "Miss" one after another.

"EDG is our LPL's third consecutive championship team and this year's MSI champion. In fact, they have an advantage in terms of mentality and strength. I don't think there will be too much suspense about the result of today's game, but It’s not like IG doesn’t have a chance. They can compete in the bubble and get a spot in the World Championship.”

Miss was the first to express her judgment and received unanimous praise from Starch.

EDG's fan group is still the largest in the LPL.

But Miss's words made Wawa and Miller frown.

In the civil war between LPL teams, they never speak too slowly, but always help the inferior team speak. Otherwise, what else is there to watch in this game?

"To be honest, I still like the IG team. Their playing style is really entertaining to watch. All three lines can be operated. They can often use less to fight more and create some unscientific team battles."

Wawa took the situation back a bit and seemed to be playing against Miss. In fact, he was just controlling the situation.

"It seems that the baby director is more optimistic about IG, so we will wait and see!"

Miss smiled, it was not that she had low emotional intelligence, but she said it deliberately. There were not many opportunities to become a guest commentator. She also spent a lot of effort to get to the guest seat in the playoffs. Of course, she had to deliberately say something controversial. If so, you can get more heat.

"Both players have completed debugging, let's enter the BP interface!"

As Miller's voice fell, the BP interface of ten people from both sides also appeared on the big screen.

In the first game, EDG took the lead in choosing the blue side.

In today's version, the advantage held by the blue side is simply too great.

"Sword Lady, do you want to ban it?"

Abramovich stood behind AJ with a notebook. The player he once bought as a substitute is now EDG's starting player.

"Sword Princess..."

AJ frowned.

To be honest, when he saw Yuan Shen's ID, he was already half withered.

Throughout the summer split, he had no advantage against Yuan Shen.

Even in a lane-changing game, Yuan Shen was able to develop and gain an advantage in a single lane. It was just because of the characteristics of the hero that his performance in team battles was not as good as his.

It would be fake if you put him face to face and don't feel scared. After all, he is the league's solo kill king, killing all top laners in the LPL.

"It's not necessary. Sword Girl has only been out for a long time. There is no need to ban her. Instead, she is the captain of the posture. She seems to have played a lot during this period."

"Yeah, in my opinion it's better to ban his Sword Girl and Ike."

Meiko also said.

A hero like Jace is too tight-rope-walking, too demanding on development and rhythm. Even Yuan Shen only plays with it occasionally.

On the other hand, Dao Mei and Ekko are the two heroes who have played the most.

The BP of both sides was carried out rapidly. EDG's first three bans were banning Ekko, Enchantress, and Tsar.

IG banned Digger, Nunu, and Lucian.

"The ban positions of both sides are very targeted. The Enchantress Tsar is Rookie's signature hero. As for Ekko, after being weakened several times, the midfielder's appearance rate is already very low. Only Yuan still uses him as a top laner. ." Miss said.

"The same is true for IG, but they chose to target the factory director. Excavator and Nunu are the two heroes with the highest winning rate for the factory director."

"No, there is also the Widow with a 100% win rate, but there is basically no need to ban this hero, and it doesn't fit the meta."

After Miller added, EDG had already grabbed the big tree with the first hand.

Although this hero has been cut a bit and lost his status as a non-ban choice, he is still a T1-level hero in the game.

The most important thing is that this hero's ability to withstand pressure online is really strong, especially when facing Yuan Shen. Dashu can rely on his own characteristics to survive.

At present, most top laners try their best to survive the laning period when facing Yuan Shen with a mixed mentality.

Because both sides had prepared a lot for this semi-final, there was almost no hesitation in choosing a hero.

Soon, it was IG’s fifth choice.

The commentators and the audience are looking forward to it.

Everyone knows that IG's top laner often plays some weird heroes. He dares to play any hero, but he can still achieve good results!

However, when the new version of Sword Girl with long burgundy hair and aloof eyes appeared on the big screen, the audience's eyes widened and they were instantly in an uproar!

"Others have tried, but I'm the only one who succeeded!"

"Oh my God!! New version of Sword Princess??"

The doll was confused.

This hero has only been out for a few days? ?

The update of the Chinese server is already slow, and they have just updated it since overseas competitions are already taking place.

The playoff version is determined to be version 5.15. Sword Girl can theoretically play in the game, but no one dares to do so.

"New Sword Girl, this hero has changed a lot after the revision. No matter how fast Yuan practices, he can't bring it out at this time, right?"

Miss also feels a little confused. All four skills of QWER have been changed, and the passive has also been modified. It is no exaggeration to say that the new version of Sword Princess is a completely new hero.

With the selection of the last hero, when exchanging heroes, the lineups of both sides were completely revealed to the audience.

"IG red party:

Top laner Yuan: Peerless Swordswoman-Fiona

Jungle Kakao: Barrel-Gragas

Mid laner Rookie: Fairy Witch-Lulu

Bottom Lane JackeyLove: Brave Bombardier-Kuch

Auxiliary Kitties: Daughter of Darkness-Annie

EDG blue side:

Top laner AmazingJ: Twisted Dryad-Maokai

Jungler ClearLove: Blind Monk-Lee Sin

Mid laner Pawn: Clockwork Demon-Orianna

Bottom lane Deft: Abyssal Maw - Kog'Maw

Assistant Meiko: Tauren Chief-Alistair. "

"Headmistress skin, I used this skin yesterday when it came online. It feels pretty good."

Miss said, completely ignoring the tendency of the doll and Miller on the side to become darker, and started advertising directly.

"I'm still very interested in the new version of Sword Princess, and I'm going to make a teaching video. Many people say that the new version of Sword Princess has a aunty look and is not as powerful as the old version of Sword Princess. This is actually wrong.

The old version of Sword Girl was a bit brainless, basically just go up to Q and hit a set. If you win, you will be invincible. If you don't win, the whole game will collapse.

The new version of Sword Princess is more demanding, and its damage is almost entirely dependent on flaws. Breaking the flaws will result in high real damage and movement speed bonus, as well as the effect of restoring blood. But the shortcomings are also obvious, that is, the timing of the attack is too easy to predict, and it depends on luck. If you are unlucky and cannot find a flaw, it will be very difficult.

In the past, W could only block basic attacks, but now W can block, counter control, and even ignite. I feel that Sword Princess is not as powerful as the old version. It may be because she is not proficient enough. She just needs to practice more. "

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