Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 60: The darling of the version, peak moment!

Chapter 60 - Version darling, peak moment!

"Sword Princess is making her debut. Are you confident, Brother Yuan?"

Jack tilted his head and looked at Yuan Shen, but he could only see Yuan Shen closing his eyes and concentrating.

"Don't worry, as long as you don't collapse, I will chop him to death with three swords."

After adjusting his condition, Yuan Shen felt that he had never been so relaxed.

The new version of Sword Girl is a new hero to others, but to him she is an all-too-familiar partner.

Moreover, this is the newly revised Pinnacle Sword Girl!

Although there is no ultimate talent blessing, in the current talent system, some talents also have very good bonuses for Sword Queen.

"Be careful if they change lines, why don't you just make a blind guess?"

"No more guessing, just join a group and invade as an eye."

After a short discussion, Rookie made a decision directly.


The five-man team headed straight in and penetrated into the lower half of EDG's wild area.

It is impossible for them to let EDG succeed with the line-changing tactic.

The plane has an advantage in the lane, and the Sword Queen has an advantage in the lane. Once the lane changes, it's all over.

"EDG's lineup is obviously three-guarantee-two. Although Clockwork also has output, it basically uses big moves to intimidate the enemy and protect the core. EDG's core is very clear, which is Deft's big mouth. They still want it. Create a gap in the bottom half.”

"EDG, who likes to switch lanes the most to run the game, met IG, who likes to catch and switch lanes the most. These two teams really don't give in!"

Miller looked at the situation on the field and joked.

After setting up their wards, everyone at IG returned to the defense zone. The bottom duo and Sword Girl were all waiting in the middle, ready to rush to the sidelines to catch their opponents at any time.

Seeing the IG crowd covering the lower half of the jungle, the EDG crowd also fell silent.

"Fight as normal. They don't have vision in the early stage. I'm easy to do."

Ming Kai commanded.

Dashu's first-level F4 start was destroyed, and the small routine of single-playing F4 was immediately ineffective, and the lane-changing tactic could not be implemented, so he could only fight normally.

"Sir, times have changed."

Yuan Shen looked at the big tree that appeared on the road and became excited.

In the past, due to the hero mechanism, there was no good way to deal with big trees, but now... it's different!

The first flaw happened to be right in front.

However, if you want to exchange blood, you can't rush forward directly.

Dashu can also see his own flaws. When he cannot start F4, he will choose to learn Q to push the lane.

If you rush forward rashly, you are likely to be counterattacked by Big Tree Q, so exchanging blood is not profitable.

When Level A was taken, the minion's health dropped a bit. When the big tree was also Level A and was finishing its last strike, the Q skill pierced the air and slashed out diagonally.


The flaw was broken in response, and the tree's health dropped a bit. Using the acceleration effect to pull away, the tree's Q skill hit the air directly.

"Depend on!"

AJ was already sweating profusely.

The details are still the same. Facing Yuan Shen, he seems to be a blank piece of paper!

He has also studied the new version of Sword Princess, and he naturally knows the output method to break through the flaws.

Then it is obvious how to counterattack.

By observing the direction of your own weaknesses, you can be alert and predict in advance.

But Yuan Shen's consumption method is obviously better.

"It's not over yet, brother."

Yuan Shen didn't even need to look, he could tell the cooldown time of Sword Queen's Q skill just by feeling.

The cooldown time of Sword Queen's Q skill [Air-Breaking Slash] at level 1 is 18 seconds. After hitting the target, it is reduced by 60%, leaving 7.2 seconds left. This does not include the cooldown reduction in the talent runes.

The cooldown time of Dashu's Q skill is longer than this.

This resulted in Sword Princess not even being able to fight back when she used her Q skill to break through the flaw again.

The top lane laning has completely become a one-sided trend.

Sword Girl can use her Q skill unscrupulously to consume and exchange blood, but Dashu doesn't even have any effective means of resistance.

Even though the Sword Princess has attracted the hatred of the minions, Yuan Shen is still using the grass to block his vision, and has the blood recovery effect of breaking through the flaws.

On the road, the gap slowly widened.

After the two waves of troops were cleared, the big tree had knocked out a blood bottle.

But the blood volume is still not full.

After a while, Yuan Shen saw an opportunity.

"With this blood volume, if you are lucky enough, it is not impossible to kill alone!"

The newly revised version of Sword Queen is even stronger than the Sword Queen in the World Championship.

Without experiencing the weakening in the 5.16 and 5.17 versions, the current Sword Lady is in her strongest form.

The damage and recovery effect of breaking the flaw have not been weakened, and the cooldown time of the Q skill has not been increased. The damage and flexibility are among the best in the entire league.

What's more, the tree's basic armor and growth armor were weakened in previous versions.

With the support of various factors, the ecological environment of the top laner in the playoffs has undergone great changes.

Relying on past experience for laning can sometimes get you killed.

The flaw was refreshed, and Yuan Shen continued to use the air-piercing slash to consume.

However, this time it is different from the previous consumption.

Instead of taking advantage of the acceleration effect to retreat and distance herself, the Sword Princess went around behind the big tree and blocked the big tree's body.

AJ was stunned when he saw Sword Girl's position, but he was immediately overjoyed!


He saw an opportunity!

Kill Yuan Shen alone and get a chance to become famous!

Although IG has lost games, no one has ever single-killed Yuan Shen!

The soldiers' hatred was concentrated on Jian Ji, and AJ counterattacked decisively.

Another flaw was refreshed, and Sword Girl retreated while A.

And AJ's positioning is also very detailed, always stuck in the weak position, preventing Sword Queen from easily reaching the A.

Seeing that the blood volume of both sides was about to be even, AJ also started to murmur in his heart.

I can't understand it, I can't understand it at all.

What does this swordswoman want to do?

However, Sword Girl had no intention of retreating, knocked down the blood bottle, and continued to move A.

The blood volume of both sides dropped almost simultaneously. Because of the help of the soldiers, Sword Queen's blood line seemed to drop even faster!

The cooldown of Sky Breaking Slash is over, and Fiona's figure changes again!

Accelerate, take real damage, restore blood!

The triple effect broke out, and the status of both sides was immediately reversed.

The tree's blood volume was already very dangerous.

However, the big tree will soon return to the tower.

Seeing the defense tower close at hand, AJ also had an idea in his mind.

The Q skill backhand hit steadily, and the health of both heroes was less than 200!

The big tree can kill Sword Girl with four basic attacks.

If Sword Girl wants to kill the big tree, she must deal QA damage and break a flaw.

However, it was impossible for Yuan Shen to find a flaw as the big tree still appeared.

If she flashed and forced to switch, Sword Princess would also be killed by the defense tower, and her army would still suffer a huge loss!

The next moment, the flaw is refreshed!

AJ's eyes lit up, he was originally planning to flash.

But once the flaw reaches the back, he doesn't have to run.

Sword Queen Q comes up and flashes behind her to break open?

Everyone can react!

Don’t think that Shi Weihao is too old to carry a knife. In fact, he is only nineteen years old!

However, what Sword Lady did in the next second made everyone’s eyes widen!

If I have a chance to post Sanjiang next week, I will update it six times a day, and it will be published in tens of thousands every day. I will start saving articles today~

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