Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 61 Tank killer, three consecutive strikes with one sword!

Chapter 61 - Tank killer, three swords in a row!

"Still chasing?? No! Kakao has arrived! This wave is going to cross the tower!!"

Miller exclaimed, but it was not because Sword Lady was still mentioning the pursuit, but because the wine barrel had appeared in the triangular grass on the blue square road at some time! !

The big tree was still retreating, and Sword Girl stood on the edge of the defense tower's attack, seemingly hesitant and thinking about something.

AJ looked at Sword Lady wandering back and forth and couldn't help but want to shout.

"Fight but not fight, retreat but never retreat, but why??"

AJ even danced on the spot in order to get Sword Lady to jump over the tower!

The big tree let out a dull laugh, seeming to be mocking Sword Girl's timid behavior.

But the next second, the tree's laughter stopped abruptly.

The last thing he looked at before he died was the exploding oak barrel beneath his feet, with rum sprinkled all over his feet.

"What is he doing?"

"have no idea……"

Faced with Kakao's question, Yuan Shen didn't know what to say.

He was originally planning to flash A.

But when I saw Kakao's position on the mini map, I gave up this idea.

A flash?

AJ deserves it too!

If this game mechanism is not used in advance, it may be hidden for a long time.

Using it on AJ is really overkill.

"IG-Kakao (barrel) killed EDG-AmazingJ (twisted tree spirit)!!!"

A burst of blood!

Although he didn't get 400 yuan, he was very satisfied with the 200 assist money.

"What's going on on the road?"

Ming Kai, who was still playing F4, was dumbfounded.

He opened the field in reverse this game, just to protect the development of the bottom lane from being disturbed.

I originally thought that even in normal laning, the big tree on the road could withstand the pressure.

But how long has it been? ?

Just die? ?

The head was also taken by the wine barrel?


AJ, who originally wanted to quibble, was instantly discouraged when he heard Ming Kai's question.

He originally wanted to say that he didn't expect the wine barrel behind him.

But I didn’t expect this, it was a bit too fake.

EDG never cares about being on the road. This is a fact. This is not his first time playing in EDG.

In the upper half of the jungle, it is common sense to open the jungle and brush downwards. The top laner does not exchange blood, not to mention that the blood is chased under the tower and killed by the wine barrel.

"Be careful, I can't go on the road in this game."

Ming Kai frowned and comforted.

Sword Girl was only two points ahead of Kai Jie. Considering Dashu's ability to withstand pressure, this gap was almost negligible.

However, AJ felt something bad in his heart when he saw Sword Girl teleporting directly to the city after pushing the troops back to the city, with a Dolan Sword on her body.

The equipment of Dolan Sword is undoubtedly cost-effective in the early stage.

But the bad thing is that there is no way to upgrade.

If you don't get much advantage in the early stage, you will lose a net loss of 200 when you change hands.

And Sword Girl's intention is very obvious when she dresses like this.

The ultimate online suppression! !

This is what Sword Princess thinks.

The line of soldiers was pushed back, and watching Sword Girl slowly controlling the line, AJ did not dare to rush up to exchange blood.

He was not afraid of Yuan Shen, but afraid of the wine barrel behind Yuan Shen.

In the entire LPL, the team with the highest intimacy rate in the jungle is IG!

It can even exceed 50%!

This means that Kakao spends half of a game near the top lane.

Simply outrageous.

"It seems a little uncomfortable to hit the road. Dashu no longer dares to use A to last damage, so he can only use QE, but QE is AOE damage, and the line of soldiers can only be pushed through..."

Miss analyzed the situation on the court. Except for the top lane, the other two lanes had little to see.

Lulu herself is a lane dominator and will not be at a disadvantage against Clockwork.

Jack and She Keke on the bottom lane used the strength of their heroes to forcefully make up for the gap in strength, controlling the line of troops in front of the tower and not giving Mingkai too many gank opportunities.

"It's very uncomfortable. Sword Princess is too aggressive. Dashu was pushed out of the experience area several times and couldn't even gain experience."

The doll was a little surprised.

Although Yuan Shen's style of play has never changed, this is the first time he has seen such a situation!

This swordswoman seems to have the potential to become a tank killer after the revision!

In fact, there is no need to explain. Every time the director cuts the scene to the road, all he sees is the scene of a big tree being beaten.

AJ has never felt so bad.

When he got the big tree in the past, he was not under so much pressure. He could beat anyone in the lane. Even if he was at a disadvantage, he would not collapse. He could still perform brilliantly in the mid-term.

The hero Dashu has no natural enemies. As long as he doesn't seek death and keeps growing steadily, it will be difficult for him to make mistakes.

Not only in competitions, but also in Rank, there are many people who choose heroes like Dashu, who can replenish their swords for 20 minutes, follow the team with no-brained equipment, and have no brains to resist damage after losing skills. The victory or defeat depends entirely on teammates, and they can also gain points.

There are only two important points, experience and last hit.

As long as these two don't fall behind, the top laner can survive.

But now, it's different.

Sword Lady's offensive nature is too strong, and her early damage is even more exaggerated than AD Murloc's.

The maximum percentage of true damage can be achieved in seconds when attacking crispy skin, and it won't be much slower when attacking tanks.


AJ wanted to say that he couldn't make it anymore, but he swallowed the words before he could even get them out of his mouth.

What can he do if he can't make it anymore?

Mingkai couldn't fly up from the bottom half to save him!

"The difference in last-hitting in the top lane is getting bigger and bigger..."

Miller sighed. In less than six minutes, Fiora had suppressed Tree by nearly twenty hits, leading by one level.

On the field, Tree could only use two skills, Q and E, to last-hit slowly.

But just when Tree threw E and moved slightly forward, Fiora suddenly moved!

The two of them moved forward and backward, and the distance between them was extremely dangerous.

Breaking the air!

Although it didn't break the flaw, it had already reached Tree's face.

The fatal stab was launched, and the first stage of E caused a deceleration effect. Fiora moved forward and went around to the left side of Tree, and the second stage of E was launched brazenly.

The 100% critical damage plus the true damage of breaking the flaw, the blood volume above Tree's head dropped a lot!

The acceleration effect was triggered, and the tree could only retreat without looking back.

The E skill was okay for last-hitting, and the two control skills QW were life-saving weapons at ordinary times, but they were life-threatening when facing Fiora.

The pre-swing of these two skills was too obvious!

When facing Fiora, once the W block counterattacked, the tree was finished.

Counting the time quietly, Yuan Shen continued to follow up.

Fiora's passive skill takes about 1.5 seconds to reset and refresh.

However, the refresh of flaws is not disordered, but has an internal rule.

Roughly following the rule of lower left-upper right, as long as you stand in advance, you can break the flaws in the first time.

Flat attack!

Break the flaw, and the speed bonus effect will continue to take effect.

Yuan Shen was not in a hurry to attack, but just used the speed to come to the left side of the tree again.

After 1.5 seconds, the third flaw was broken again!

One sword three times in a row, the health of the tree has reached a very dangerous level.


Two golden lights rang out almost at the same time, and Fiora and Tree advanced hundreds of yards toward the blue team's top lane tower.

Seeing that Fiora had already entered the tower, AJ was completely panicked.

He looked back at the right opportunity and used W and Q at the same time.

But almost at the same time, Fiora used W.

The waist is a bow, and the blade is a shield!

Laurent's Heart Eye Knife!

"Try again!"

Fiora's contemptuous and arrogant voice sounded, and Tree was directly countered and stunned on the spot.

1.5 seconds of control, comparable to Crocodile's Red Fury W!

Move, attack with a flat attack.

The flaw was shattered, and Tree's health was at the bottom.

"IG-Yuan (Unparalleled Fiora) killed EDG-AmazingJ (Twisted Tree Spirit)!!!"

Single kill!

AJ's eyes were a little red, and on the gray screen, Fiora had used the acceleration effect to walk out of the attack range of the defense tower.

Dangerous Game's recovery took effect, and Fiora's health was even two-thirds...

Crazy hint! Follow the monthly recommendation ticket~ The fourth round of recommendations will be on Friday this week. The editor said that there is a chance to be on Sanjiang. If it can be on the first day, 20 chapters will be updated! ! ! If not, 10 chapters will be fine!

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