Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 62: Two-line attack and defense, EDG's counterattack!

Chapter 62 - Two-line attack and defense, EDG's counterattack!

"It's not even level 6 yet, but the tree has died twice??"

"Damn, he must have used his feet to hit me!"

"AJ is Zhen Ji picking vegetables, why not let Tong Yang come up?"

"It's a palace fight, LPL likes to do this!!"


The barrage atmosphere in the live broadcast room exploded instantly!

It's not even level 6 yet!!

The top lane has become like this, is it so difficult to face the line head-on? ?

One is the evergreen tree who has been active in the arena for nearly two and a half years and has occupied the T0 position of the version for many years.

The other is the sword princess who has just been revised and has not even figured out the order of skill combos.

Can the gap be so big?

"Yuan's sword princess is too smooth! ! This proficiency doesn't seem like he is playing a new hero at all."

"It's mainly this flaw. His refresh is too coincidental. He refreshed on the sword princess' face three times in a row. I don't think this is luck anymore."

Miller hit the nail on the head and said the key to the problem.

The problem of proficiency is secondary. You can master the connection between general attack and skills by practicing more.

But the refresh of flaws is a mechanism problem!

This shows that in the short preparation time for the playoffs, IG has devoted a lot of effort to the hero Fiora, just to be able to bring it out in the playoffs!

"Top lane..."

Jack is still steadily last-hitting. He wanted to trade blood several times, but he was worried that Shekeke could not keep up, so he had to give up.

The apparent effect is that he has become much more stable.

"It's okay once you get used to it. You know Yuan'er's Fiora."

Rookie was not surprised at all. Zzitai had practiced with him as Captain, but facing Yuan Shen's Fiora, he could only use four words to describe it.


Whether it's the top or the mid lane.

"Next time you meet Fiora, remember not to be hit by the flaw. The flaw refreshes only 1.5 seconds, but the acceleration time to break the flaw is 1.75 seconds. You will be chased to death by the acceleration."

Yuan Shen pushed the line of soldiers into the tower again. The level has reached level 6, and he even has the leisure to teach.

If AJ knew this, I wonder if he would feel desperate.

The pressure on the line is too great!

Back on the line, open the tab and see that AJ is almost desperate.

Level 6 Fiora, leading by 30 last hits, one kill and one assist.

The equipment has formed a crushing trend!

"We need people in the top lane!"

Meiko shouted directly.

They did not blame AJ. It was useless to say anything at this point.

What they need to do now is to try not to let the situation in the top lane deteriorate as much as possible, and talk about it after the game.

"Wait for me, I'll be there soon."

Mingkai killed four birds with a Thunder Break, and then rushed to the top lane.

He also roughly saw AJ's situation. If the snowball rolled down, he would not even get any experience.

"It's okay, just push the line forward."

AJ was overjoyed and finally felt the care of his old father!

However, before Mingkai's Lee Sin was in place, Kakao's Gragas had already arrived on the line.

With a blasting barrel, the tree was blown back directly, and E flash Q smoothly connected control and damage.

Although Fiora didn't have a big move, with the output of the barrel, killing the tree was not a difficult task.

Seven seconds later, the news of the death of the top lane came again.

Mingkai chose to retreat as soon as the barrel appeared, and at this time he had returned to the position of F4 again.

"Play by yourself in the top lane, I'll go to the bottom to gank people."

It's not that he didn't want to go, but he really couldn't do anything.

The frequency of the barrel appearing in the upper half is too high.

Even if he gave up the little dragon for this, he wouldn't have a chance to gank.

"That's fine, if the big mouth develops, we will be invincible in a team fight with four protecting one." Meiko had to change his strategy.

The movements of the jungler in the professional arena are still relatively predictable.

In the early stage, only two lanes can be protected, and it is impossible to protect the upper and lower lanes that are the farthest away.

"Corkscrew and Annie are still pushing the line. We have a chance. Just give them a kick."

"Lulu can't push the line anymore. I can support first."

In the EDG voice chat, Chinese, Korean and English are connected continuously, and the communication does not feel chaotic.

Lulu is okay against assassins like Leblanc. She is very comfortable with the sheep.

But against traditional mage brushes like Clockwork, it is a bit weak after the level rises.

It's okay in the early stage, but in the middle stage, both the damage and the ability to push the line are more than one level lower.

"Clockwork is also leaning down. Jack and Sheke feel it, but they can't get away!!"

"Aotaur flashed and rushed directly up. This..."

"Corkscrew may be able to leave, but Annie will die if she is attacked first!"

The three commentators observed the situation on the field and kept explaining.

Facing Lulu, Pawn directly chose three big movement speed essences.

Although he is a little weak in the early stage, he has miraculous effects in development, brushing the jungle, returning to the line, and supporting, etc.!

Once W is hung, Clockwork moves very fast.

In the bottom lane, Alistar used flash WQ to trigger Annie's flash, but Clockwork and Lee Sin had already arrived at the battlefield.

Flash QW slowed down Annie, Lee Sin W Clockwork Q Annie in one go.

Jack had no choice but to use W to escape, and the kill was taken by Deft.

With a kill ratio of one to two, EDG's advantage in the bottom lane has been established.

But the game is like this. There is no loss in the early stage, and there is no gain.

After Lulu pushed the line, she disappeared directly from the field of vision. In addition, the barrel never showed up. AJ didn't even dare to return to the line. He could only observe the situation in the autistic bush in front of the second tower.

But as a price, he missed another wave of experience and economy of soldiers, and the health of the first tower in the top lane was already low.

The operation of a professional team will never let you take the advantage for nothing. Since you choose to move the bottom lane, you will have to pay the price anyway.

EDG got two little dragons, but the gap in the top lane was widened again.

Mingkai has completely given up the top lane.

His personality determines that he will not do risky things.

He doesn't know much about the mechanism and damage of Fiora, but he can judge it just by looking at the equipment.

Without a big move, he can't do anything except push the line with the tree. Forcing ganks may even cost him his life!

"AJ, be steady. As long as you don't die, we will try to force Fiora to the front and give you room to develop."

Although he is not very old, Meiko already has absolute command of EDG.

"I understand. Sorry."

AJ sighed.

It's not that he is looking for death, but the pressure is too great. It has reached the point where he is suffocating and shaking.

However, looking at the tree that he is most familiar with, he calmed down a little.

This hero is useful in team battles as long as he has basic equipment!

Four protect one, as long as the development of "one" is good enough, other heroes can play their functions.

Weak teams often use the four protect one tactic to achieve amazing results when defeating strong teams.

Nine minutes into the game, EDG attacked again.

Big Mouth flashed E to slow down and keep people, and Annie, who did not flash, died again.

Deft got another head.

But almost at the same time when Lee Sin appeared in the bottom lane, Kakao's Gragas blasted back Clockwork with his ultimate, and together with Rookie, they chased and killed Clockwork without flash under the first tower.

In the top lane, Fiora, who had already made Tiamat and Vampire Scepter, also started the attack.

Please update as soon as possible, I am also very uncomfortable with this slow pace, brothers, keep reading, next week when you are in the queue of Sanjiang, you can play 6,000 until the release date

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