Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 63: Five cuts in one second, Lumberjack No. 1!

Chapter 63 - Five swords in one second, the first lumberjack!

In the professional arena, one move affects the whole body.

As soon as Lee Sin appeared, the three lanes started fighting almost at the same time!

The first small item was Tiamat, and Yuan Shen didn't want to control the line at all.

Looking at his own soldiers who were constantly dying because of AOE damage, AJ was not happy but shocked.

At this point, he would not simply think that there was a problem with Fiora's equipment selection.

Every time Fiora used Q, he would shudder, as if the air-breaking slash had passed through the boundary of time and space and hit him.

"Push the line into the tower... He wants to kill me!!"

AJ was shocked.

The junglers of both sides were not in the top lane, Gragas had just appeared in the middle lane, and Lee Sin was thousands of miles away.

Rely on him to defend the tower?

Too difficult! !

He is only level 5 now, and Fiora is already level 7.

The flash of the two people is synchronized, and Fiora is one ultimate ahead.

The health of the top lane tower was not high, and Fiora could completely destroy the tower and then attack.

"Let it go..."

AJ made a decisive decision.

This wave, there was no way to defend.

However, after seeing the line of soldiers being brought into the tower, Fiora immediately placed a ward in the triangle bush, and made sure that she did not block the vision through the wall to gain experience, Fiora directly crossed the tower and started blocking the line.

AJ almost vomited blood.

The top lane was cut off from the line of soldiers, and no economy or experience could be gained, and it completely collapsed!

"The top lane collapsed."

Even if he wanted to explain for EDG, Wawa had to admit this fact.

AJ was completely unplayable.

EDG was playing well in the bottom lane, but the disadvantage of the top lane was even greater!

Twelve minutes later, under AJ's eager eyes, the top lane tower was finally pushed down by the soldiers.

After Fiora brought the line of soldiers into the defensive tower and returned to the city, AJ dared to come out to eat the line.

However, in the upper jungle area of ​​the blue side, a whirlwind rose to the sky!

After synthesizing the Greedy Hydra, Yuan Shen added Radiance!

Breaking the Sky Slash over the wall and hitting the minions, the mouse locked on the tree, and the ultimate skill was instantly attached.

Unparalleled Challenge!

Flaws appeared everywhere, and when Fiora moves towards the target of her ultimate skill, there will be an additional 30% movement speed bonus.

It is equivalent to an extra sprint!

Attack with a basic attack, and press E to reset the basic attack.

The deceleration effect is triggered, move and attack again to break a flaw.

Breaking the Sky Slash again, the third flaw shattered.

Block with W to counter the stun, and the fourth flaw exploded!

The blood recovery array appeared, and Fiora continued to chase.

The last QA followed by the Hydra shock, and the tree's health was instantly emptied.

"IG-Yuan (Unparalleled Fiora) killed EDG-AmazingJ (Twisted Tree Spirit)!!!"

The system's high-pitched and excited female voice sounded, indicating the situation on the road.

"This... teleporting back to the line and then killing the tree alone, this operation is so smooth!!"

"Yuan knows very well that his damage is enough, and his equipment and level are stronger than the tree. But there is still the same problem..."

"It has only been a short time since Fiora was reworked, how can he be so skilled!!"

The mentality of the three people in the commentary booth was a little broken.

The key to the problem is not how Fiora operated this wave, but that Yuan Shen knows very well what level his damage has reached.

A pressure-resistant player like AJ is best at avoiding battles and stealing development. If you want to kill him, you must cross the tower.

"Kakao, prepare the vision, I will carry the team alone. In this game, you should be careful not to be forced to open the front. Mingkai dare not R flash, just be careful of Minotaur."

Yuan Shen led the minions to grind the health of the second tower in the top lane, while also observing the situation.

He has his own considerations for the equipment.

Normally, Fiora will switch to Triforce after Tiamat. All the attributes and effects of Triforce are very suitable for Fiora, and the cost-effectiveness of the scattered parts before synthesis is also high. The movement speed and health bonus also make Fiora more tolerant.

If you have Greed, Fiora is very fragile and has a low tolerance for error.

But with high risk, the reward is often frighteningly high.

12% life steal for a single target is not too outrageous.

But the damage caused by the AOE effect will also be accompanied by 50% of the total life steal.

This is outrageous.

This means that Fiora's endurance will become very exaggerated!

The blue buff was eaten by Fiora under the protection of Gragas, and the top lane directly turned into a perpetual motion princess!

The life of the soldiers will grow slowly over time.

With the blessing of Greed, a wave of soldiers will be cleared. Judging from the current health of the soldiers, Fiora can at least recover 300 health!

What is the concept?

"How about changing lanes? If you don't come, I'm going to the high ground!"

AJ couldn't help it.

Fiora went over the tower to hit him with an AE and then directly Q out of the tower, and the half-wave soldier line was restored to full state.

Who the hell can stand this? ?

This is the situation when he is under the defense tower. If he dares to move forward a little to last hit, Fiora will keep consuming him during the interval between the defense tower's attacks.

The defense tower just keeps making noises, but doesn't attack.


Fiora can still run away after using W to stun.

Even if the counterattack is successful occasionally, it won't take long before she can suck up the blood.

"This Fiora is so shameless!"

"This endurance... let you be the sucking ghost??"

"If the minions are not enough, you have to suck the toad. This wild monster blood recovery mechanism is combined with the blue buff of Greedy Fiora, this is an automatically recharged blood bank!"

"Demon Swamp Frog: Why don't you give me a treat? Three waves of soldiers have not arrived, and my whole body's health has been changed twice."

The audience in the live broadcast room and on-site were talking a lot. The mindless consumption behavior of jumping over towers on the road has exceeded their cognitive limits.

Although Yuan Shen was fierce in the past, he had never achieved this level!

Why is Big Tree an anti-pressure hero and an evergreen tree in the top lane?

In addition to the cost-effectiveness of tank equipment, it is also because it has high life recovery, many controls, strong battery life, and high health and smoothness.

However, the current Sword Lady is not afraid of control, has a longer battery life, and the output is all damage as a percentage of the maximum health value and real damage...

Torture pill?

"In this hero matchup on the top lane, it seems like Big Tree is completely restrained!!"

"Not only the big tree, I feel that Sword Princess's mechanism will be a dimensionality-reducing blow to all tank heroes."

Miller and Miss also saw some clues.

The tank hero exchanged his weak output in the later stage for good tankiness and various controls.

But facing Sword Princess, they had almost no way.

"I can't go..."

Ming Kai took a look at the situation on the road and turned his head directly downward.

The disadvantage was too great. To catch this swordswoman without Clockwork's help would be to risk death.

At this point, all I can do is put my money on Deft.

Frequent use of EDG will also have an impact on one's own development and rhythm.

But they can't control that much now. They must ensure that the development of the big mouth is not affected.

However, when Sword Lady had a teleport in her hand, they did not dare to jump over the tower at will.

The economy of simple defense towers and creeps and monsters cannot keep up with the development of Sword Queen!

On the way, the half-healthy tree was knocked unconscious by the wine barrel, and the Sword Girl used her ultimate move again.

AQAEA takes over from Hydra, and it’s unique to the new version of Sword Queen’s five swords per second!

Even faster than the old version of Sword Girl’s five swords per second!

However, after one operation, only two flaws were broken.

It's not Yuan Shen Taicai, but the big tree is dead.

With the recovery of the blood recovery array, even if the damage of the defense tower is endured, the health of the wine barrel will not decrease but increase.

The competition scene was instantly in an uproar!

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