Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 68 LGD's trump card, the princess

Chapter 68 -LGD trump card, the princess

"Okay, I understand."

Principal Wang is also a smart man. Although he did not get a satisfactory answer, he saw something more important in Yuan Shen.

Confidence, and ambition.

The former is a necessary quality for a professional player, and the latter is what he values.

I am not afraid of your ambition, but I am afraid of your lack of ambition.

People without ambition often value what you cannot give them.

If Yuan Shen can maintain such strength and state, it is 100% certain that he will stand out in the world arena and become famous.

At that time, Yuan Shen's value will also rise.

But no matter what, he will decide!

There are really few people in LPL who can compare with him in terms of money.

"Go ahead and play, no matter how much bonus you get, it will be yours, and the club will not take a penny."

The principal waved his hand, indicating that Su Xiaoluo should send this message to the IG group.

"I have only one request, that is, to play well in the world game. Even if you die, you have to die standing up. Don't let me see how frustrated you are."

"Of course, losing the game is also very frustrating, you know."

After the principal finished speaking, Yuan Shen also smiled.

"I don't want to lose either. At least in this regard, our ideas are the same. I just want to win, no matter who the opponent is."

"Then it's settled. You are responsible for the game, and leave the rest to me. Just let go and play. We are all young people, there is nothing to be afraid of."

Principal Wang waved his hand and made a promise directly.

"As long as you can play well, I have plenty of money. I will make a big move after this year's world game. At that time, as long as you can keep up, whatever you earn will be yours."

After speaking, Principal Wang looked at Yuan Shen again, as if he wanted Yuan Shen to say something.

However, to his disappointment, Yuan Shen just nodded and stood up.

"There is still a week before the summer finals. If possible, I want Manager Su to come forward and organize a special training. After getting the world championship quota, the special training will continue. We want to get results, but we still lack a lot of things."

"Just do it with confidence. I just want results."

Principal Wang waved his hand.

Esports is a money-burning and loss-making business for others, but it is just a hobby for him.

He never cares whether it is profitable or not.


"Yuan'er, you are really famous!"

Before dawn, Zizi lay on the head of Yuan Shen's bed. The light of the mobile phone screen shone on his face and he looked like a ghost.

"Fuck, don't scare me! What the hell!"

Yuan Shen was frightened as soon as he opened his eyes, and he lost all his sleepiness immediately.

"Yesterday's game was uploaded to the Internet. Your Sword Princess is completely famous. Everyone says you are the number one Sword Princess."

Zizi sat at the head of the bed and kept sliding the screen and reading various comments.

"Look at this, it makes me laugh to death, he asked when Fiora changed her profession to become a lumberjack."

"And this, he asked if you have a girlfriend?"

Looking at Zzitai's excited face, Yuan Shen was speechless.

This is just the beginning?

What's the point?

"You haven't slept anyway, Elbow, come into the house with me, we will continue to practice."

Hearing Yuan Shen's words, Zzitai was dumbfounded.

"Really?? Still practicing?? I... You can't just beat someone up, Yuan'er, I'm not your punching bag!!"

Zzitai was about to cry.

When he practiced Gangplank before, he thought he was very proficient, but after two minutes of laning with Yuan Shen's Fiora, he was dumbfounded.

There was no barrel, all of them were killed by A.

The whole person could only show off the orange under the tower and wait for death.

Even if Yuan Shen played Gangplank to fight his Fiora, it was the same.

He didn't even know when Yuan Shen practiced these two heroes, it was so outrageous!

After practicing for four hours, the other IG members woke up.

There is nearly a week of rest and adjustment time between the semi-finals and the finals.

The game will end on August 16, and the finals will not start until August 23.

The seven days in between are the time for IG and LGD to adjust.

As for teams like EDG, Snake Team, and QG, they can also prepare for the bubble game.

"Why did you get up so early? Turn on so many computers?"

Looking at the ten computers in the lounge all kept running, Rookie rubbed his eyes while holding the cat, wondering.

"There is no way, Yuan'er wants to practice A flash, who can bear flashing once every five minutes."

Zizi was numb.

For four hours, he was a human sandbag.

He was almost vomiting blood because of Yuan Shen's beating.

"Uh, I thought you would use it last time."

Rookie said, and threw the cat directly to Jack.

After just a short while, he was already covered with cat hair.

"No need, the success rate of this thing is not high."

Yuan Shen shook his head.

The principle of Fiora's A flash is the same as Lee Sin's R flash. In fact, many skill attacks with reading bars or animation effects can release A flash at the moment of use.

It's just that the A flash technique is meaningless for other heroes to use. Only Fiora uses this technique to deal with enemies who are stuck in the wall and have flaws.

Moreover, the conditions for A flash are more stringent. The faster the attack speed, the easier it is to fail. It is impossible to achieve 100% success against a motionless hero, let alone apply it in actual combat.

The success rate is too low. Once it fails, it is a bronze operation, the kind that can be laughed at by the audience for a long time.

Moreover, the principle of Sword Princess's A flash is easy to be figured out, and it must be used at a more critical moment.

"You are already familiar with the LGD team, but there is one person you should pay attention to, that is their top laner Flame."

"Big Princess? She shouldn't be on the field, Brother A has been playing for so long."

Kid scratched his head, he was still very familiar with Flame.

"We can't ignore this person's existence. LGD has actually not let him play for a long time, including in the semi-finals. Even in the final game, it was always Acorn who played, but this makes me more afraid."

Fu Manduo blew the wolfberry water in the thermos cup, picked up a cat hair from the bottle mouth with his fingernail, and continued: "You may not know that in S2, Flame was also a very aggressive top laner on the line. Even at that time, people named the 100-knife suppression on the line Flame Boom because he often achieved such achievements...

"At the beginning of this year, Flame and Acorn came to LGD together, and they also had the idea of ​​playing two systems.

Acorn plays steadily, while Flame plays aggressively, which complements each other perfectly. However, the trend of version changes is too slow. I don’t know whether LGD has trained the style centered on Flame, but in this version, they must seek some changes anyway. "

Fu Manduo smiled, his tone very firm.

"After all, we are the team that swept EDG 3-0, so LGD will definitely be wary of us."

It is scheduled to be released next Friday (May 17th). If it is ranked in Sanjiang, it will be delayed. After it is released, it will be guaranteed to have 10,000 words per day! Please support us!

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