Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 69 Internal strife and contradiction

Chapter 69 - Internal strife, contradictions

"What is the approximate strength level of this Flame?"

Yuan Shen had a headache. He really hadn't considered the eldest princess.

However, the impression is still there. The Princess did not choose to retire from DWG until DWG won the championship in the S10 season. Perhaps DWG also had a share of his contribution behind the championship.

There was no pressure when playing against Acorn before. It was just a little harder to kill than the top laners of other teams, but it was probably still within the scope of the LPL standard top laner.

First line: Anti-stress development and other teammates.

Second line: Start a team to fight injuries and win the game.

Horizontal batch: blue-collar top order ceiling.

"It's not clear now. I asked some teams that have played training matches with LGD, and their managers are unwilling to talk more about this. You only need to know that these two were the top top laners in the LCK when they were in S4, no worse than Looper. That’s fine. Although Flame has always been a substitute top laner in LGD, that doesn’t mean he’s not strong.”

Listening to Fu Manduo's words, Yuan Shen was thoughtful.

"In terms of laning alone, Flame cannot be underestimated. Before coming to LGD, he was in the CJ.Blzae team. In the fiercely competitive S3 and S4 seasons, this team has always been the top team in the OGN League. It has also won the Passed the WCG world championship.”

"Moreover, they are a team with Flame as the core. Therefore, no matter what others are like, Flame is very familiar with the core top laner's style of play."

Yuan Shen nodded to express his understanding. He is also such a player.

Since he arrived at IG, he has been the core of the team most of the time.

As for why the eldest princess has been on the bench for a long time, Yuan Shen thinks it is still a matter of play style and version.

The LGD team is no different from other LPL teams. In essence, it prefers the traditional double C play style in the middle and lower levels.

There was even a Wei Shen who went crazy with wild monsters, forcing Taobao Quan to control the dragon, and was named "Quan Controls the Dragon".

With Wei Shen and Imp here, this style of play is also very suitable for LGD. Coupled with limited resources, the top laner can only become a blue-collar worker and act as a tool front row.

Stable, controllable, and resistant to pressure, these are the labels of LPL top orders.

And Acorn is undoubtedly the most appropriate candidate for this style of play.

If there is anything special, it is that LGD is a team that has the unique hard work of the LPL and dares to give it a try.

In the entire seven days, IG actually only had five days to study its opponents.

In the remaining two days, we still have to shoot promotional videos and makeup photos.

At the same time, the LCK playoffs are also in full swing.

On August 19, KOO played against CJE.

Yuan Shen's focus is on Smeb and Shy's two singles.

One is the core of the Tigers, and the other is a veteran top laner who can shoot three PDDs in one shot. Their personal abilities are both above the standard.

However, the experience of watching the game is not very good.

Yuan Shen originally thought that they would have some sparks, but it turned out that Nar Dashu Rambo still had the same lineup.

On August 21, KOO played against KT, but there was still nothing worth paying attention to.

Neither the Sword Lady nor the captain took out any of them.

Except for Sunday when Ssumdy used Riven to kill Smeb's Rambo in the third game, and then won a Ban position in the fourth game, the top laner still maintained the same old lineup.

In the fifth blind audition, the two people chose Lulu without hesitation. Yuan Shen almost dozed off.

"Isn't their version faster than ours? Why are they all these things? They don't have the soul of the top laner at all."

Yuan Shen was very angry. He originally wanted to see what the level of the LCK's Sword Lady and Captain was, but after watching two BO5s, he didn't find any valuable information.

"It's very simple. I haven't practiced it yet. The captain is okay. He usually appears in the middle lane. The top laner Sword Girl has not been online for a long time even in the LCK. If you are not proficient in it, the coach will not let you pick it."

Fumando explained.

In the LCK, the coaching staff has much greater authority than in the LPL, and you have to play whatever you are told.

Why are you so emotional and so showy? You have to bring a chair to the couple and carry them down in a matter of minutes.

"It is also possible that they are hiding something, because if SKT beats KT in the finals, KOO can directly appear as the second seed with the second place in points for the whole year, without having to play the bubble game."

Fumando explained.

The rules of each division are different, and the methods for selecting teams for the World Championship are also different.

For example, in the LPL format, there will inevitably be a team playing a BO3 on the first day and two BO5s on the second day.

It is also possible that the runner-up will advance to the World Championship, and the champion will have to play in the bubble game instead.

In the LCK, it is possible that the runner-up will go to the bubble game and the top four will directly advance to the world championship.

"Then they just assume that KT can't beat SKT. Is SKT that strong?"

Having never played against SKT, KID was a little unconvinced.

Although he was suppressed by Deft, he might still be able to fight against Bang.

"I don't know, but looking at their performance in the summer split, it seems that they are getting along much better than in the spring split. Kkoma's ability to train the team is indeed very strong."

Facing his former coach, even Fumanduo had to praise him.

At the beginning of the year, LCK was almost cut off by LPL, but SKT still put together a team and slowly worked together to the current level. The spring and summer double crowns are almost certain.

Even Faker has gradually become more stable from the stubborn boy who loved to argue, and chooses more team-oriented late-stage heroes.

"Don't worry, MaRin is old and is already a remnant of the old era. How can he compare with Yuan'er's youth and strength."

She Keke smiled.

MaRin was born on February 12, 1991, one year older than Mingkai. He played professionally after serving in the military. He is a veteran on the battlefield.

"It's okay. The older the top laner is, the better. Although the concentration will decrease with age, the rich experience and ability to withstand pressure will make them more comfortable and more able to find their position in the team."

Yuan Shen shrugged. He didn't care much about the age issue.

"It's just that if you want to show off like me with a hero like Fiora and Riven, it's probably impossible."

"Brothers!!! Something big has happened!!"

While the IG people were still chatting, Jack ran over excitedly with his phone in hand.

"Something happened to LGD."

Looking at Jack's excited face, the IG people looked at each other in bewilderment.

"What happened? Was Disney exposed during the live broadcast? Or did they have a conflict by scolding their teammates in the chat?"

KID and Zzitai came over directly, squeezing Jack on the left and right, almost making him breathless.

"That's not the case. It was their coach who posted on Weibo."

Jack finally squeezed out and said after taking a breath.

"Chris only knows how to close the door, when did he also post on Weibo?"

Zzitai was very curious.

Chris played in CCM, the predecessor of IG. The captain was Lu Benwei, the top laner was Sun Yalong, and the bottom laner was Tabe + Chris. Later, it was acquired by the principal and renamed IG.

Speaking of it, he still has some connection with them.

But it's not necessary to backstab LGD in order to repay the principal's kindness at this time, right?

It’s time to sprint to Sanjiang, brothers. From today on, there will be three updates every day. Don’t waste time reading!

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