Chapter 78 - Extreme Fight, Top Strategy

"If you guys weren't so good, I really wanted to pick Draven and fight them."

Jack was a little annoyed.

When LGD went first, they didn't leave the Counter position for Yuan Shen.

When Imp picked Skateboard Shoes, he wanted to play Draven, but was severely stopped by Fu Manduo.

"No way, just develop in the bottom lane. The key to this game is in the top lane. Let's fight quickly!"

Yuan Shen smiled and looked at the Fiora on the loading screen in front of him with a cold look.

In fact, his current Fiora proficiency is only S.

Without famous scenes and champion skins, the upper limit has been locked.

And his Riven proficiency is even lower, only A.

But it's enough.

He doesn't believe that the eldest princess knows Fiora better than him.

Even if he closes his eyes, he can know what the next wave of Fiora's operations will be.

Now he hopes that the eldest princess's Fiora proficiency can be higher, otherwise he will fail to predict, which will be a mistake.

The game officially started. Amid the cheers of the audience, both sides chose to stand in a long snake formation.

The matchup between Fiora and Riven was destined not to change lanes.

Fiora needs to develop more than Riven. It is impossible to suppress Riven without levels and sufficient economy.

Moreover, their laning is also destined to be impossible to develop peacefully.

Both sides' equipment is Doran's Blade and one red.

It's just that Yuan Shen chose to teleport and ignite, while Fiora teleported and flashed.

Yuan Shen was also helpless about this.

Riven, a hero, has much weaker teamfight ability without flash. It's no exaggeration to say that she is a toy.

But Fiora has just been revised and is at its peak. It's no exaggeration to say that she is a double monster of numerical mechanism.

Moreover, Fiora's strongest is also single-lane, and her teamfight ability is only slightly higher than Riven with ignite.

In order to make up for the hero's disadvantage, he can only choose to bring ignite and give up flash.

Otherwise, it would be too difficult to rely on Yasuo to defend Fiora's advancement in the later stage.

Yasuo and Gragas can only play their greatest advantages in the front.

Fortunately, after the cooldown reduction is stacked, Riven's flexibility is not bad, but her ability to enter the field is weak, and she is easy to be shown off.

"Riven didn't bring flash, so in this case, both sides should play a 4-1 split push. It is difficult to start a team fight when there is defense on the front. In this case, the advantages and disadvantages of Fiora and Riven in the laning are very important."

PDD analyzed.

Riven's advantage is that she can choose to single-push or team fight.

There is another hero who is more than one level stronger than Fiora in team fight ability, that is, Master of Weapons Jax.

Of course, the best choice is actually Ekko.

Giving up flash and choosing ignite is equivalent to weakening Riven's ability to join the team, and raising her single-push ability to the same level as Fiora.

This is the power of the version, and even Yuan Shen cannot violate it.

One minute and thirty seconds, the soldiers are online.

Riven's Q skill CD is stuck, and Fiora can also use air break to break the flaw.

Riven will earn some blood in the first level exchange, but it is also extremely limited.

The first flaw was brushed on the front.

However, sometimes this is not a bad thing.

If the flaw is behind, Fiora may not come up to exchange blood.

The desire of the princess to attack is still very strong.

At the moment of breaking the air slash, after breaking the flaw, she directly uses the speed to pull away, but the target is behind Riven!

After Yuan Shen used Fiora in the semi-finals, many people knew the refresh rule of Fiora's flaw.

This is the ability of top professional players.

Sometimes they are not unable to do it, but they just can't think of it.

Once someone can use it, they will imitate and replicate it in the shortest time.

Almost at the same time as Fiora's Q, Yuan Shen responded.

The first two QA were shot quickly, and then the distance was pulled in the opposite direction, approaching the position of his own soldiers.

He still has three Qs in his hand. If Fiora wants to chase, it will be a loss.

Whether he can hit the second flaw is not certain, but it is inevitable to eat Riven's Q3A.

The princess also understands it very well and directly chooses to retreat.

"Both sides should stop fighting. They really can't fight any further. Riven's Q is about to enter CD. Fiora's Q has a shorter cooldown. If there is a flaw, Fiora can keep exchanging blood."

PDD did not hide his admiration for the two players on the field.

Especially Yuan Shen.

For the hero Riven, Q3 is very important. It has a wider range and a great knock-up effect if used well.

"Now that both sides are in the skill gap, if Riven avoids the battle, the two sides should not be able to fight."

Wawa swallowed his saliva as he looked at the position of the top lane.

So exciting!

They were so fierce at level 1. They didn't need to look at the other two lanes in the early stage, they only needed to look at the top lane.

Riven brought ignite, and Fiora didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

In just over two minutes, the junglers of both sides received the red buff and came to the top lane to counter-camp.

Since they are the core of the top lane, they should do everything to the extreme.

It is crucial to protect the top lane from being disturbed in the early stage.

If the summoner skill is used by the second-level gank, the top lane will be snowballed.

Gragas and Sejuani are both facing each other in the shadow of the opponent's vision in the top lane.

Although there was no vision of the other side, both sides were very restrained.

At this point in the game, it was difficult to achieve things with conventional thinking.

Only by going against the norm could gank succeed.

And what they had to do was to predict your prediction.

"Both sides were counter-camping. Now it depends on who can keep calm and who is more patient."

"Yes, a single buff was caught. Both sides guessed it and had a tacit understanding. It is important to protect the top laner who picked such a hero." Miller explained.

Pig Girl and Gragas were very patient. It was not until Fiora and Riven reached level 3 that they helped each other to prepare the anti-gank eye position and then went back to brush the jungle.

Although they did not see each other from beginning to end and sacrificed a lot, neither Taobao Quan nor Kakao complained.

At level 3, both Fiora and Riven had a qualitative improvement in anti-gank ability and flexibility, so they did not have to stand guard all the time.

The top lane entered a calm period before the storm.

But everyone knew that such calm was just an illusion.

It won't be long before a fight breaks out in the top lane.

Just one Ignite is far from enough to make Fiora afraid to fight.

This is the peak version of Fiora!

In the top lane, not long after the junglers of both sides left, the blood exchange between the two gradually became fierce.

At first, they were just testing each other, but as their blood volume continued to decrease and their levels increased, both of them wanted to kill.

Of course, the anti-gank eyes left by the jungler also gave them confidence to fight!

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