Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 79: Dance of Broken Wings, the Biggest Crisis!

Chapter 79 - The Dance of Broken Wings, the Biggest Crisis!

One-on-one, head-on confrontation!

There is no restraint on the hero, as long as a single kill can make a huge profit, snowballing in the top lane!

Once the fight fails, then go to jail under the tower, waiting for teammates to rescue or the opponent to make a mistake.

High risk, high reward.

The first time the two people met, neither of them admitted defeat.

Yuan Shen's expression became more and more serious.

The strength of the princess is higher than he expected.

He had played Rank with opponents such as Smeb, MaRin, and Sunday Ssumday in the Korean server before, and he probably had an estimate of them in his heart.

Among the three of them, Sunday's personal strength is the strongest, which can probably reach 93.94 in the system score.

MaRin's personal strength is slightly weaker, but his single-lane awareness and team battle ability are top-notch, and his development ability is also very strong.

And Smeb has been in a stage of rapid growth throughout the S5 period, and it was not until S6 that he reached his peak.

Smeb is not weak in laning and solo laning, but he is inferior to Sunday and MaRin. He is a combination of the two.

Flame's strength is comparable to Smeb.

And now, with the blessing of Riven's A-level proficiency, his operation level is only about 91.

With the blessing of the two characteristics of Top Light and Top Overlord, he can reach the level of 95.

He can barely hold the first line, but it is not absolute.

Everything is possible.

It is impossible for Fiora to be timid unilaterally against Riven.

The advantaged side will be extremely aggressive in suppressing the body position, experience, and last hits. There is no saying that being timid will delay the late game.

Compared with the princess, Yuan Shen is more aggressive.

While Fiora was last hitting, he directly pressed the Q skill.

The first part of the broken wing dance moves forward, and the general attack is seamlessly connected.

Because Fiora is holding W, Yuan Shen did not use the Q1WAQ non-injury blood exchange combo, but waited for a while after the general attack.

Fiora chased after Riven with a Sky Slash, and EA attacked. When he saw Riven raise her broken sword, he used her W skill.

The sword tip was used as a shield, and the waist bow was charged!

Laurent's Heart Eye Knife!

However, the expected Soul Shocking Roar did not appear. Instead, Riven used the small displacement of Q2 to dodge Fiora's W.

Riven has a lot of small displacements, so it is relatively easy to dodge Fiora's W.

Yuan Shen breathed a sigh of relief. Now that Fiora's W was used, it would be much easier to fight.

Now Fiora plays Riven without thinking.

W does not even need to block control. As long as it hits Riven, reducing the attack speed and movement speed, Riven's combo sequence and connecting general attacks will be extremely uncomfortable.

When Fiora's W ended, Yuan Shen turned around and A followed by Q3.

Riven jumped left and right in front of Fiora, spiral QA.

AQAWA followed by Ignite, hitting the highest possible burst damage in a very short time, is very familiar to Riven players.

The Soul Shocking Roar control time ended, and Flame did not hesitate and directly gave up Flash.

Riven had already used Ignite, and if she didn't leave, she would probably die here.

There was no fancy moves, and this wave of blood exchange was a pure loss.

Fiora's W is a magical skill.

But once it fails, this is the end.

The cooldown time of Fiora's level 1 W is a full 24 seconds!

Without Flash, Riven naturally has to control the line. After pushing the line into the tower, Riven took the lead in retreating and preparing to return to the city.

"Ignite is very effective! Originally, Riven would suffer a little in the hero matchup, but relying on Ignite just makes up for it."

"That's right, now Riven returns to the city first, so she can save a teleport, and it will take longer for Fiora to flash."

"I think the most critical point is that Riven used a fake move to trick Fiora's W, otherwise if she was stunned, Fiora would not be so disadvantaged."

Wawa Miller and PDD both explained their views on the situation from their own perspectives. On the big screen, the junglers of both sides had already swiped to the lower half of the area and started the second stage of the anti-camping and gank offensive and defensive battle.

The LPL summer finals is more exciting than any other game in the entire summer season.

When the junglers on both sides were exposed in the bottom lane vision, Yuan Shen raised his eyebrows.

The opportunity has come!

The CD of Ignite is faster than Flash, but he can't wait.

Once Ignite is ready, Fiora will be alert and play more steadily.

It is when there are no key skills that the opponent will relax a little.

The reaction will also be slower.

Now that Kakao is showing up in the bottom lane, Fiora will be more relaxed.

In the top lane matchup, in addition to hero operation and awareness, psychological warfare is also very important.

"As soon as the jungler shows vision, the top lane will start a fight."

PDD rarely said anything frivolous, but explained the game from the perspective of a veteran top laner.

Sure enough, the moment he saw the jungler, Riven in the bush directly interrupted the return to the city.

The current line of soldiers needs to be pushed back.

Yuan Shen is betting that the princess will not be willing to lose a teleport, so she will push the line. Although she cannot push the line of soldiers to the tower before Riven arrives, he can pull the line and gather the red side's soldiers in advance, forming a situation where the soldiers of both sides are roughly equal, avoiding the enemy's soldiers from being focused.

Sure enough, after clearing the line of soldiers under the tower, the princess did not plan to return to the city, but directly crossed the line of soldiers, trying to use her body to pull the red side's soldiers and force a horizontal line.

The princess thought very simply, it didn't matter if she used the teleport, but at least she had to force Riven's teleport out.

Otherwise, if Riven held the teleport, she would have to be cautious about doing anything in the middle and lower levels, and it would be easy to lose many opportunities.

Seeing that there were no flaws on him, Yuan Shen also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fiora has a trinket eye on her body.

He also has one.

But there were no flaws on him, which meant that he was not exposed to Fiora's vision.

This is a little trick.

However, the princess's awareness was also in place.

The trinket eye was directly clicked in the first bush.

Almost at the same time, Riven's Q1 closed the distance, and the W skill Soul Shock Roar was directly used!

Every wave of confrontation has different combos. This is the basic idea of ​​changing moves, otherwise it is too easy to be predicted and countered by the opponent.

QWA, after a set of damage, when Fiora used EA in return, Riven used her E skill to distance herself.

The flaw was behind her, and Fiora could not hit her at the first time.

But Yuan Shen still did not intend to give Fiora this opportunity.

The slowing effect of Fiora's E caused Riven's movement speed to drop sharply. Even with the displacement of the E skill, she could not pull too far away.

However, this was enough!

The two walked and attacked at the same time, and Riven's health dropped faster.

"Riven's health is even lower, and Fiora is still holding W. Riven is going to die??"

"Yuan is going to be killed alone!!"

Miller and Wawa shouted.

Off the court, Fumanduo and Zzitai also clenched their fists and stood up.

In just a few seconds, the advantages and disadvantages of the first wave of confrontation between the two top laners will be determined, and thus the situation in the upper half of the next few minutes or even ten minutes will be determined!

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