Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 83 Perfect development, bamboo shoots explode!

Chapter 83 - Perfect development, bamboo shoots explode!

At seventeen minutes, LGD exchanged Riven who was looking for wild monsters in the jungle at the cost of a tower in the middle lane, and also controlled the newly refreshed dragon.

The top lane tower was also demolished by the big mouth alone.

At nineteen minutes, Rookie and Kakao were about to catch Imp who was leading the line in the top lane, but they were caught by Wei Shen and Taobao Quan. Both of them died. Rookie flashed and replaced the Minotaur before he died.

At twenty-one minutes, the battle for vision in front of the dragon, the two sides fought in a wave, and the result was two for three, and IG made a small profit.

The small-scale team battles that broke out continuously were simply dazzling. Almost a point of fighting would cause the whole situation to become chaotic.

As the top professional players of LPL, ten people on both sides were trying their best to operate.

IG and LGD, the two unique teams in LPL today, really played a tit-for-tat game in the second game of the finals.

But in the battle, LGD's economic disadvantage is getting bigger and bigger.

Although they are still three kills ahead, the team economy is already two thousand behind, and there is even a trend of getting bigger and bigger.

Of course, the players on the field don't know that LGD is taking the initiative and playing very aggressively, while IG is constantly giving up resources and can only shrink under the tower to clean up the soldiers.

"LGD is too much. IG seems to be fighting frequently, but in fact they don't lose much at all. A dry kill costs 300 yuan, and LGD actually loses more."

Miller can see that IG is playing a big game now.

They are setting a trap for LGD.

It's like two people together. If one party keeps teasing the other party, making the other party's blood boil like a mad horse running endlessly, and not letting the other party have a thorough enjoyment, then after a long time, either they will die of exhaustion on the spot, or they will withdraw from the climax and excitement after the joy and enter the absolute sage moment.

When they re-examine the situation at this time, they will find that they have fallen into an absolute disadvantage.

This is what IG is doing now.

The operation style is not to simply avoid fighting and protect resources, but to make the opponent fall into your own rhythm through pulling operations, and then use your rich experience to defeat the opponent.

And IG has a very good grasp of the offensive rhythm.

They only need to imitate what EDG does when dealing with their own attacks.

"I understand what you said, but where does this economic gap come from?"

Wawa was stunned.

The number of heads is similar, and the number of equipment seems to be similar, but the team economy is much worse. How to explain this?

IG has invested too much economy in vision. Everyone must buy a true eye when returning to the city, and Kakao has also made an eye stone.

This makes LGD unable to find an opportunity to fight a big decisive battle, so it seems that the economy is very different, but the equipment of the C position is almost the same.

"Except for one person."

PDD pursed his lips.

Yuan Shen's Riven has not bought a true eye since the beginning of the game.

And the equipment is also extremely luxurious.

Twenty-seven minutes, Black Cleaver, Ravenous Hydra, Bloodthirster, CD Boots, Mercury's Treads, Doran's Blade...

Especially the last hits, 290 last hits, 3-2-2 record.

The record doesn't look too outrageous, but the last hits completely exceeded the timeline, one hit per second is not enough to describe his development.

The second last hits in the game was Imp's Skateboard Shoes, with only 275 last hits.

In contrast, Taobao Quan's Pig Girl, because he gave the economy to his teammates, caused him to have less than 100 last hits now, only 97.

Kakao, who was in the opposite position, already had 154 last hits.

The jungler was suppressed by 70 last hits, the gap between the junglers, click.

Anyone can say this, but Wei Shen can't say it, the number of wild monsters he ate is almost more than Taobao Quan.

"Riven's development is too good..."

Although it's not the first time I've seen it, Wawa is still very surprised.

Yuan Shen's development rhythm is the most comfortable he has ever seen.

The fastest clearing of the line, the fastest brushing of the jungle, and the fastest lane change.

Riven's high mobility was fully utilized to the extreme.

Calculate the time of wild monster refresh, keep an eye on the line and calculate the subsequent movements.

For nearly 30 minutes, Riven was either developing or on the way to develop.

No mana consumption, multiple displacements, climbing over walls and crossing obstacles as if walking on flat ground.

With Bloodthirster and Greedy Hydra, Riven's speed of pushing the line is flying fast, and the damage is also extremely explosive, and it is not hurt at all to refresh the jungle.

Not buying true eyes means no economic burden.

It is normal to get equipment quickly.

On the other hand, Flame's Fiora, after making Tri-phase and Greedy Cloth Shoes, the third equipment was not synthesized for a long time, which is incomparable with Riven.

The two sides have been pulling for a long time in the four-one split push.

Seeing that Fiora is about to lose the trend of defending Riven, LGD can only take the lead in moving the dragon, hoping to hit Riven's teleport.

With Skateboard Shoes and Sejuani, if they really want to fight to the end, it is almost impossible to grab the dragon.

In just a few seconds, the health of the dragon had dropped by nearly half.

At this time, the four IG players arrived at the front.

With the E flash and R of the barrel, the frontal team battle was about to start!

On the river in front of the dragon, various skills were flying, and everyone was trying their best to operate.

The beams of light from Riven and Fiora shot up into the sky, but after several seconds, they still did not land. Instead, the two beams disappeared one after another!

A moment later, a kill notification came.

"IG-Yuan (Exiled Blade) killed LGD-Flame (Unparalleled Fiora)!!!"

In a frontal team battle, the two sides tied 2 to 2 and retreated.

But LGD had to go back to the city to manage Riven who was about to destroy the highland tower, while IG could lead the troops in the middle and upper lanes.

"What's going on? Why was Fiora killed?"

"Where is the director? Replay! Don't want the chicken legs?"

"The princess was killed again?"

The scene of the game suddenly exploded.

Everyone wanted to know why Fiora and Riven did not teleport successfully just now, but instead broke out in the bottom lane.

The director's editing soon appeared.

Facing the line of soldiers that Riven brought into the tower, although Fiora's equipment was not as good as Riven's, she relied on the strength of the defense tower and her own hero, and used the AOE effect of Greedy Hydra to clear the line too fast.

While Fiora was clearing the line of soldiers, Riven rushed forward as usual to exchange blood without injury and leave the tower.

And the princess did not dare to give up W to counter easily.

Without W, Fiora faced Riven with such luxurious equipment, even defending the tower would be in great danger.

Outside the tower, Riven released the second stage of Q skill. At this moment, the frontal team battle had already started, and Riven directly chose to teleport to the front.

Seeing Riven teleporting to the front, the princess did not care that the line of soldiers had not been cleared, and teleported directly to the front battlefield.

The top support, one second late may put teammates under great pressure.

At the same time, he was also observing the situation on the front.

But at this moment, Riven suddenly canceled the teleport.

ER rushed forward and entered the tower brazenly!

The third stage of the broken wing dance was launched directly, knocking Fiora away and interrupting her teleportation.

Riven with full cooldown can easily do double Q quadruple combo!

When Q3 falls, the Q skill has been restored again.

A red light appeared on the screen, and the princess immediately switched back to the main perspective.

But in the short moment of switching the camera, Riven has already dealt a terrifying burst damage!

Q3 starts, AQW Hydra A followed by two-stage R Wind Slash!

Fiora's health is close to two-thirds, and she disappeared!

"Dried Bamboo Shoots Explosion"

The princess reacted and quickly gave up W to save her life.

This W is destined to fail.

Riven still has two stages of Q as displacement.

The princess just made such a reaction in a hurry to buy herself 0.75 seconds of thinking and response time.

W sword energy was dodged by Riven Q2, but more importantly, Riven blocked Fiora's retreat!

The ultimate move locked Riven, Fiora turned back and shot with Q, and the next second she resolutely gave up the flash and pulled back.

Run away!

The 30% acceleration effect of the ultimate skill, as well as the speed-up effect of breaking the flaw, plus the two-stage displacement of Sky Slash and Flash, Fiora can quickly pull away.

After being hit by the first move and losing so much blood, even with the help of the defense tower, without the counterattack of W, Fiora cannot succeed in counter-killing.


Before he entered the acceleration state, the Wushuang Challenge effect on Riven disappeared!

Instead, there was a white light!


Fiora's ultimate skill was solved by Mercury!

(Updated in version 6.9, Zed and Fiora's ultimate skills cannot be solved)

Without the 30% acceleration effect, the Q skill Sky Slash did not break the flaw.

With just this little acceleration and blood recovery, Fiora's escape plan was completely ruined.

The E skill turned on, Riven used EQ to knock Fiora away again. Riven with a super short CD was as flexible and explosive as Fiora. Even with the displacement of Sky Slash, Fiora could not escape.

From the beginning to the end, it was Riven who was unilaterally chasing Fiora.

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