Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 84 Winning the championship! A historic breakthrough!

Chapter 84 -Win the championship! A historic breakthrough!

This extremely bloody and cruel scene made the audience widen their eyes.

"Can mercury unlock Sword Girl's ultimate move??"

"What the hell, I only know that Mercury's ultimate move can solve the catastrophe, but Sword Queen's can also solve it?"

"What the hell, four-and-one point putts, how can you play when you get blown up??"

The barrages in the live broadcast room filled the screen like crazy.

When the replay ended, the audience became even more excited.

The second tower in the bottom lane has been demolished by Riven, and the three lanes of troops are very unfriendly to LGD.

After returning to the city to recuperate, the four IG players went straight to the dragon.

more importantly……

"Who will guard this Riven?"

Wei Shen was silent.

His Bright Moon's development is much worse than Riven's. He wandered too much in the early stage and couldn't make up for it even if he ate monsters.

Now if you want to guard Riven, at least two people must come together.

But once there are few people on the front, IG can directly attack the baron.

"How about catching Riven to death first?"

Hirano Aya was also helpless and suggested a solution that was not a solution.

"If you can't catch him to death, the other side has made a lot of protective eyes for Riven. Riven is too flexible."

The eldest princess directly rejected the proposal.

To catch Riven, it is better to go directly to the front and open the baron.

But in that case, the Highland Tower cannot be defended.

LGD, which has never lacked recklessness, was forced into a dilemma by IG's extremely simple 4-1 point push operation.

"LGD is having a hard time right now. Sword Girl can't defend Riven alone, and there cannot be less people on the frontal battlefield..."

PDD is like watching fire.

Just now, Riven jumped over the tower to kill Sword Girl, completely breaking the balance on the field.

LGD fell completely into a passive defensive situation.

Every time Riven brings troops over, Bright Moon and Sword Princess have to defend.

Alone, Riven has the ability to jump towers.

And using this time, IG continued to search for wild area resources, dragons, soldier lines, defense towers...

Thirty-two minutes later, the economic gap between the two sides officially exceeded 10,000.

The Baron team battle broke out, and IG directly crushed the battlefield. Rookie's Yasuo scored three kills and combined with the wine barrel to completely destroy LGD's back row.

At thirty-four minutes, LGD's base exploded again.

IG, two to zero!

"Congratulations to IG, leading 2-0!!"

"LGD has tried its best, Brother A and Princess, LGD has exposed all their hidden cards for a year, but they still can't beat IG."

"There is no way. The gap in top lane is really the gap in top lane. From BP to laning, Yuan puts too much pressure on LGD!"

At this point, Wawa and Miller had nothing to explain for LGD.

For two consecutive games, almost all of them were played by top laner Carry!

A game of Captain and a game of Riven directly tore apart LGD's defense from the front.

"Actually, what matters most to me is Yuan's overall view. He actually sacrificed himself in the mid-term, creating a lot of room for development for the mid-range and lower-level players."

PDD also expressed his appreciation for Yuan Shen without hesitation. In his opinion, a strong player can sacrifice a little of his own development to help his teammates, ensuring that weak teammates do not collapse and become a breakthrough for the opponent.

League of Legends is a team game, and no one can stand alone. Anyone who has this illusion shows that he is just a loser and cannot see the contribution of his teammates.

Just like just now, no matter how great Riven's single-line advantage is, if LGD4V4 can't win in a head-on battle, and LGD4V4 creates a crushing situation, Jiaoyue can return to the city to help defend, and the other three or two people can attack the baron.

As long as the skateboard shoes are not dead, no matter it is a bull head or a pig girl, they can successfully resist the output of Baron.

"IG, maybe we really are going to win the championship!"

"Are we really going to win the championship..."

IG lounge, posture and Rookie were all silent.

Fortunately for Rookie, it has only been a year since he last won the championship, and he has not yet experienced the painful dean period.

Now, what he longs for more is the stage of the World Championship, which is a big stage where he can show himself better.

And the posture wants more.

As early as the S2 era, the only teams that could win in the LPL were WE and IG. And because WE won an IPL5 world championship, the vast majority of domestic LOL players were fans of WE, so IG was WE’s biggest competition. The opponents are naturally regarded as enemies by some of the brainless fans of WE.

IG defeated WE and won the SWL championship, and even got thrown mineral water bottles...

And now, IG is going to win the championship!

Still the LPL league champion!

Although...their old IG people have retired, and they are substitutes.

Today, there are five completely new people representing IG!

Yuan Shen and Jack completely took his and the child's place.

The two of them were substitutes, but IG won the championship.

Could it be that it was the two of them who were holding back IG in the past? ?

The third game starts soon.

However, to the disappointment of the audience, LGD seemed to have lost the will to resist, and everyone felt out of shape.

In just twenty-seven minutes, IG successfully pushed away LGD's base.

Three to zero, IG won the championship.

The camera of the director did not focus on the IG people who were embracing and celebrating.

Instead, Imp's first-person replay was released.

Even though the front tower exploded and he was the only one left in LGD, Imp still did not give up and kept clicking the mouse and keyboard.

This was the second time he fell on the stage of the LPL finals.

If this continues, how can he beat other Samsung players?

How can he justify himself and how can he get revenge?

However, his unwillingness was shattered when facing the explosively developed Jayce and Leblanc.

The crystal exploded, and Imp covered his face and cried bitterly.

"Let us congratulate IG for successfully winning the first LPL league championship trophy in their team history!!"

"Third in the regular season, first in the playoffs! ! The version has really changed! IG successfully won the championship of the summer season and handed in a satisfactory answer!"

"Moreover, IG will set foot on the Pullman venue in Paris, France as the No. 1 seed of our LPL division! This is also our first LPL team to confirm a place in the world championship. Let us cheer for them!!"

The game scene was instantly immersed in a sea of ​​cheers.

Jack and Rookie, who were still hugging each other, cried with joy.

Shekeke and Kakao smiled at each other.

They had been looking forward to this day for a long time!

After defeating EDG 3-0, they seemed to have defeated their inner demons and completely confirmed a fact.

They are really strong!

They have everything!

The version answer given by the Riot designer is completely based on their configuration.

Yuan Shen's existence allowed them to completely complete the transformation and establish their own tactical system.

For Jack, this is even more true.

Meiko, who debuted for half a year, won the LPL championship and the MSI championship, and people have called him the peak of his debut.

And what is he?

It has not even been three months since his debut!

The first league championship came too fast, so fast that it was a little unbelievable for him.

There are too many masters in LPL, whether it is Imp or Deft, he can't beat them.

But in this situation, he successfully won the championship!

Please read!

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