Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 822: 822、I want to help you too. 2

Song Qinghuan blinked and glanced at Yuhan, then spread out the folder in his hand, which contained a thick stack of materials, including printed documents, newspaper clippings and photos.

She turned page by page, and the more she turned, the more surprised she became, and finally she became angry: "So the child was taken away by Shi Guozheng at the time, and it has something to do with her!"

Now she understands Shi Yuhan, why would she say that she is no longer afraid, because she is angry, so she is no longer afraid.

"Yes!" Shi Yuhan replied faintly.

"This...did you know it a long time ago?" Song Qing was furious, closed the file in his hand, and then slammed aside: "Then you didn't tell me, if I knew, I must..."

"Look, you know you will be like this!" Shi Yuhan interrupted her lightly: "When you said Bai Rubing before, I was asked to investigate. When they passed the information to me, I was worried that you would be like this. I won't tell you."

Song Qinghuan bulged her cheeks and said silently, she lowered her face and said, "If you don't tell me, I am not following Bai Rubing anymore, and I was shocked bitterly. If I had known that she had hidden the body of Shi Guozheng at home. , I won't let Si Chen open the door of her house and see that horrible scene."

Shi Yuhan hugged her gently: "It's me who is not good, which has made you frightened."

Song Qinghuan flattened her mouth and looked upset.

Shi Yuhan coaxed her and kissed her gently.

"This..." Song Qing turned the folder to one of the pages again. There was a black-and-white picture on it. It was only because the pixels were too low that it was very unclear to see. It could only be seen that two people were in a similar restaurant. The same place.

But Song Qinghuan didn't point to this, but pointed to the side table: "This... is Bai Rubing!"

Then he pointed at the other two people: "And they, it is Shi Guozheng and the old man having a meal together, so Bai Rubing knows the old man, right?"

Shi Yuhan nodded: "Zhang Jie told you that day that she knew that I was taking advantage of her because of Bai Rubing. The reason why she was injured was the hands of my second uncle and Shi Guozheng. I made them misunderstand them. They came to Zhang Jie, but afterwards they knew that Zhang Jie was just a stunned child, so they used Bai Rubing to let Zhang Jie know everything through Bai Rubing’s mouth. In fact, Zhang Jie still had something to tell you. After that day, she and Bai Rubing have been She kept in touch, including when she kidnapped the child, Bai Rubing helped. Bai Rubing knew where the child was. She always thought that Zhang Jie would make good use of the child to deal with you, but found out that Zhang Jie agreed to let the child go so quickly. Bai Rubing and Shi Guozheng thought it was too cheap for us, so the scene of that day appeared, and Zhang Jie didn't know that Shi Guozheng and Bai Rubing had such a good relationship."

Clenching his fists, Song Qinghuan gritted his teeth and asked: "So that day, Zhang Jie and I appeared on the rooftop because Bai Rubing, Bai Rubing and Shi Guozheng were with Shi Guozheng, and Sizhi was not your second uncle’s person, but the father’s. Man, the old man gave him to your second uncle, just to let you transfer the object of doubt to your second uncle."

"Yeah!" Shi Yuhan nodded.

Song Qinghuan said coldly: "It's really an old fox, who has used so many people to let your family kill each other, and he is taking advantage of the fisherman's profit."

Shi Yuhan said: "The old man used so many people from Shi's family, but Bai Rubing, Shi Guozheng used her, but..."

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