Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 823: 823、I want to help you too. 3

Song Qinghuan answered: "It's just that Bai Rubing really fell in love with him. He was crazy for him, and he was mad for him. He died and hid him in his home.

There was some confusion in her heart, Song Qinghuan sighed in her heart. At first, Bai Rubing was obsessed with Shi Yuhan, and he really loved Shi Guozheng, but Shi Guozheng used her, but she didn't know it, and she thought she was dead to death. He Shi Guozheng is true love.

"Shi Guozheng should know that it is not you who killed your father, but the old man." Song Qinghuan said in a low voice.

"The reason that Shi Guozheng came to Bai Rubing wanted to get Bai Rubing to worsen you and Zhang Jie, and cause us trouble, because Shi Guozheng always believed that I killed his father. He didn't believe me. He was a member of the family. A group of people." Shi Yuhan replied.

"The other faction?" When Song Qinghuan said softly, he immediately thought of what Si Chen and her had said, and instantly understood: "Is it the people who believe that you framed the old man for the sake of everything in the Shi family?"

Shi Yuhan lowered his eyes: "Yes, Shi Guozheng knew that Zhang Jie wanted to return the child to you. He felt that this did not achieve his goal at all, so he wanted to get the child away, but you just happened to run into him. I accidentally shot him to save you and the child."

Song Qinghuan took the following words: "So Bai Rubing will go on to me again, and not let Shi Guozheng into the land for peace, do you want to avenge Shi Guozheng?"

Shi Yuhan: "There is such a possibility."

After a pause, he continued: "The father's matter has not been resolved. We don't know where he is, and we don't know if there is any connection between him and Bai Rubing, let alone what idea Bai Rubing is making now, but I I don’t want to deal with her now. I want to investigate the whereabouts of the old man through her, so this matter is very dangerous, so I won’t tell you anything. I don’t want you to have any accidents when you get along with her. Just hand it in. Give it to me and I will take care of it."

He said softly, but what he said was overbearing and decisive.

Song Qinghuan bit her lip and stared at him and asked, "If Bai Rubing figured out what I did, then if I approach her, can I know more quickly if she is in contact with Master Shi, or if the plan is passed through her, knowing Where is the old man?"

Shi Yuhan's eyes calmed down leisurely: "You are using yourself as bait."

Then he coldly denied: "No!"

Song Qinghuan hugged his arm, whispered softly, but with a kind of persuasion: "Shi Yuhan, I know this is dangerous, but I really don't want to worry about it every day. I want to resolve this matter quickly, and then We can have a family of three and go there wherever we want, instead of worrying about something like we are now."

There was no room for negotiation. Shi Yuhan was expressionless and his voice was as cold as ice: "Don't tell me anything about this dangerous thing. I won't agree to it."

"Shi Yuhan." Song Qinghuan groaned, calling his name.

Regarding this aspect, no matter how coquettish it is, it is useless. For Shi Yuhan, there is no room for negotiation.

He said coldly: "Song Qinghuan, there is no discussion about this matter. If you are not afraid, you can take a good rest."

Song Qinghuan looked at her quietly, and then sighed slightly: "I want to help you too, Shi Yuhan."

Shi Yuhan said indifferently, "I can solve everything, and I don't need your help, Song Qinghuan."

(PS: Let's change three chapters first, eat a meal and then change it. Today is the 1st, everyone remember to vote for a monthly pass. Everyone who voted for a monthly pass will send a kiss.

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