Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 895: 895、I don't know what to do

Shi Annuo was a 180-degree big Ju Gong, and then respectfully shouted: "Dad! I'm sorry~"

"Who is your dad, don't bark! I am not so lucky to have a son like you!" Wen's father waved his hand without giving face, his face was very bad.

Originally, he was very dissatisfied with him who suddenly married her daughter, but now he rushes in again, his face becomes more ugly, his tone will naturally be bad: "Where did you come from, forcibly rushing in? My family, believe it or not, I will kill you!"

As he said, his eyes scurrying around, as if looking for something that could hit people.

"I'm sorry, Dad, I'm not good..." Shi Anno looked at him and sincerely apologized: "Dad, I'm sorry, I broke in like this without your permission, but can you listen to me? Dad? ..."

Wen Dad was so angry that he was blowing his beard and staring at the words Dad on the left and Dad on the right. He grunted heavily from the depths of his nostrils, and said with a cold face, "If you call Dad again, you will get out of here."

Shi Annuo pursed her lips and looked at him: "...I'm sorry, I got married to Zhao Zhao without your consent, and I'm sorry that I made Zhao Zhao sad and sad this time... It's my fault. , But the damage has already been done, and it won’t help me to do anything to make up for it. I don’t have any opinion on how you scold me and beat me, but I only hope you..."

When Dad Wen listened, he felt something was wrong.

Shi Annuo didn't see it either, Wen Zhaozhao gave him a wink quietly.

"Wait, what did you say, Zhao Zhao is sad and sad now... and it has caused harm, so you married my daughter, and you hurt my daughter again," Wen's father interrupted Shi Annuo. .

This was terrible, and my father was so angry that he couldn't breathe smoothly.

The people who heard the family were angry before, and only treated them as outgoing girls, and asked someone to get married without the consent of the family.

As a result, it is still revealed that the daughter came home this time because the stinky boy who married her daughter privately failed to treat her daughter properly and also hurt her daughter.

Hearing his father's breath was short of breath, his voice was like a fire: "Buddy, you divorce me and Zhao Zhao now, immediately, and immediately, and you will never come to Zhao Zhao again in the future."

Wen Zhaozhao has not said anything since Shi Annuo came in.

Although she also mentioned divorce, when she heard that her father wanted to divorce Shi Annuo, she was shocked and subconsciously said: "Dad!"

I couldn't help but slipped while holding the cup in my hand, and then fell on the carpet, splashing water on the ground near my feet.

Mother Wen was also shocked: "Old man, what are you talking about?"

She is a traditional woman and absolutely does not support divorce.

Shi Annuo also knew that he was at fault. First he got married without consent, and then he was saddened by Han Qianqian's affairs.

With a face of confession, he knelt down to Wen's father: "Dad, I owe you an explanation and a confession. At the beginning, I always impulsively proposed marriage, but although it was an impulsive decision, I never I regret it, and I still feel that the happiest thing I have done in my life is to marry Zhao Zhao. I once said that I would treat her well and make her happy for a lifetime, but I still make her sad. But I want to you Promise, I will never make her sad again in the future, please believe me, I will definitely give Zhao Zhao happiness."

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