Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 896: 896、It's not that good.

Wen's father stared at him with a cold face: "A man has gold under his knees. You know, you actually kneel for a woman. I think you are a sensationalist, and there is no way to make Zhao Zhao happy."

Shi Annuo pursed her lips: "Your words are very reasonable. Men have gold under their knees. But in my heart, Zhao Zhao is not gold. She is the most precious treasure in the world and cannot be bought with gold. "

"I understand, how could Zhaozhao be slicked by you liar!" Dad Wen said sarcastically.

Shi Annuo said with an excellent attitude: "I know you are very angry now, but I will stick to it and wait until you are not angry."

As he said, he nodded slightly, and then stood up: "It was presumptuous to come today, and I was in a hurry. Please forgive me, then I won't disturb you, and I will visit again tomorrow."

As he said, he looked at Wen Zhaozhao again, and Wen Zhaozhao immediately lowered his eyes when he looked at him.

Shi Annuo pursed his lips slightly, trying to say something, but after all, he didn't say anything, and turned and left.

As soon as the door was closed, Wen's father yelled: "This stinky boy, is he still stubborn? He still has to come, and he has to make an official visit. When will I agree to let him make an official visit."

Wen's mother said lightly: "Bull temper, like you."

Hearing that Dad was choked for a while, he didn't know how to respond for a while, so he gave a cold snort.

Immediately, he looked at Wen Zhaozhao: "Wen Zhaozhao, you are talking together. I didn't ask you just now how you got home and what the injury he said was about. You still want to hide from me, right?"

Wen Zhaozhao raised his eyes to look at him, yet he could not speak.

Dad Wen completely lowered his voice and said coldly: "Wen Zhaozhao, I can tell you, come to think that you don't tell me, I just don't know anything, let me find out, you never want to see that stinky boy again."

Wen Zhaozhao pursed his lips and murmured in a low voice, "In fact, there is nothing, just before, his former girlfriend wants to reconcile with him..."

Then, she told her father and mother all the things that happened between her and Han Qianqian recently at Shi Yuhan's house.

It is very strange that Mom Wen was very angry after listening.

She felt that Shi Annuo was too sloppy and not decisive about feelings at all. That Han Qianqian shouldn't be confused with her anymore, regardless of his childhood sweetheart or a bamboo horse.

But Wen's father has a completely different view from Wen's mother.

His face was a little dark, and suddenly, he admired Shi Annuo a little bit, even if he was obviously angry at Shi Annuo just now.

He told Wen Zhaozhao: "If a man can be unsympathetic to his ex in an instant, and ignore her for another person to hurt her, then this man will either be cold-hearted or have a character problem. Nuo doesn’t look like a cold-hearted person, so he really wants to share with the girl, and then only suppresses the girl without moving, then the character of this kind of person is unreliable. If this kind of man doesn’t want it that day You will be extremely ruthless to you. The woman’s affairs can bother him because he knows that the feelings are not there, the affection is there, so he handles it like this, and it can’t be called a muddlehead, it can only be said that he is a good man. , A responsible man."

As he said, his tone became very solemn: "Zhao Zhao, a man who often tells you that his previous woman is bad, or a man who dislikes his previous woman, never trust him, he is not worthy of your trust. Life, understand?"

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