"Look at what you say, but I don't mind if you use this idiom to describe me." In the night cold light smile, and then to Mo Xiaoxie play wall Dong.

Mo Xiaoxie was stunned, she had a kind of feeling of entering the tiger's mouth in an instant!

"By contrast, however, I prefer the idiom" to make a promise by oneself. " Voice just fell, in the night cold on Mo Xiaoxie's ear, deliberately blowing a breath.

Mo Xiaoxie shivered subconsciously, and then quickly pushed aside Yu Yehan. He gave him a bad look and said, "thank you today, but thank you. Thank you. I won't agree with you! Besides, it's getting late. I'm going back! "

Seeing Mo Xiaoxie's resolute attitude, Yu Yehan didn't react. Instead, he looked at Mo Xiaoxie for a while, and then showed a smile that felt Mo Xiaoxie was very interesting.

"What do you think, silly girl? I won't do that kind of thing to destroy the girl's innocence in the night. Can't you see that I'm a good man with integrity? " Said to her, she also made a small circle of self-confidence.

Mo Xiaoxie took a casual glance, and then said a word that caught Yu Yuhan off guard: "the figure is still OK, just can't see the integrity. However, there is a whole body of evil spirit. "

“……” In the night cold immediately fixed in place.

Mo Xiaoxie could not help laughing when he looked so funny.

Yu Yehan is embarrassed by Mo Xiaoxie's smile. As soon as he wants to fight back, Mo Xiaoxie reaches out to block his body to come over.

"If you get closer, you'll lose your integrity!"

Smell speech, in the night cold slightly hook up the corner of the mouth, and then back a step.

Mo Xiaoxie thought that Yu Yehan had let him go, so he was ready to leave the room. Who knows, Mo Xiaoxie has not opened the door, was dragged into the house by the night cold domineering.

In the night cold regardless of Mo Xiaoxie's struggle, directly she is not light or heavy on the bed.

"What are you doing? Didn't you say you were a good man just now? How did you change in an instant?" Mo Xiaoxie glared at Ye Han fiercely and was not satisfied with his behavior just now.

Smell speech, in the night cold heart suddenly rise "evil idea". Although Mo Xiaoxie was covered with blood and dirty, she was pretty. Look at her like a rabbit lying in bed, is a man will think about that. The cold at night is no exception.

He slowly leaned over to Mo Xiaoxie, who had a nervous and ugly face.

"Do you believe me so?" In the night cold slightly pick eyebrows, showing a malicious smile.

Mo Xiaoxie could not help swallowing her saliva. A trace of fear could only be detected by the cold at night.

"You said you were upright, shouldn't you be trustworthy..." At this time, Mo Xiaoxie was so nervous that he didn't know where to put his legs.

At this time, Yu Yehan pressed Mo Xiaoxie's legs.

Mo Xiaoxie was shocked!

What is this guy doing?!

Her brain flashed a bad picture, even she couldn't believe it. She could think of that kind of thing

"If you trust me so much, of course I can't let you down. However, I will take you back in person. Besides, I have to take care of your wound before I can let you go As soon as his voice fell, he gave up in the cold at night and went to get the medicine box.

Mo Xiaoxie was relieved, but is this guy really so good?

They don't know each other at all

At present, Mo Xiaoxie is dirty, bloody and penniless. It's really bad to go back like this.

Thinking of this, Mo Xiaoxie did not make any more noise, but quietly waited for the cold night to come.

Realizing that Mo Xiaoxie has changed, Yu Yehan is stunned for a moment, but he doesn't say anything. He took the medicine box to Mo Xiaoxie's side, and then sat down to help Mo Xiaoxie clean the wound.

Maybe it was in the cold night that my hands were heavy, which made Mo Xiaoxie ache. Seeing this in the night, he subconsciously raised his eyes to Mo Xiaoxie and asked, "what's the matter? Does it hurt? "

Mo Xiaoxie bit his lip, endured the pain, and nodded slightly.

"Well, I'm not careful. I hurt you. I'm sorry. I try to be gentle. However, it will still hurt a little, but at least it is better than no medicine and the wound will rot away. " Yu Yehan apologizes and reminds Mo Xiaoxie to prepare her mentally.

Mo Xiaoxie was also kind-hearted when he saw the night cold, so he did not say anything to blame him, but quietly cooperated with the night cold, enduring the pain and wiping the medicine.

After ye Han wiped the wounds on her arm and knee, both of them were faced with a very important and embarrassing problem. That is, what about Mo Xiaoxie's abdominal wound

After all, two people are not familiar with each other, and they are still a man and a woman. You can't let Yu Yehan lift Mo Xiaoxie's clothes and wipe her medicine

Thinking of this, Mo Xiaoxie felt embarrassed. However, in the night cold this honest man actually also put forward to say: "abdominal injury how to do, I come or you come?"

“……” Mo Xiaoxie blinked his eyes, and his face was flushed.In the night cold see, mouth slightly hook, and then straighten up, said to Mo Xiaoxie: "you come, I will take a bath, will not peek at you."

Finish saying, in the night cold walked into the bathroom.

Mo Xiaoxie's expression is slightly dull. She stares at the bathroom door for fear that it will open suddenly. Yu Yehan will come to eat her tofu!

Thinking of this, Mo Xiaoxie couldn't help swallowing. For her innocence, she had to sneak away and go home to deal with it.

However, Mo Xiaoxie always felt that he had failed to live up to Ye Han's good intentions.

Just when Mo Xiaoxie didn't know what to do, her mobile phone suddenly rang. She subconsciously picked up the mobile phone and looked at it. It was Xi Xi Xi who called.

No doubt, Xi Zhen called at this time to ask where she had gone and why she hadn't come back?

As soon as Mo Xiaoxie was ready to connect, he suddenly thought of how to deal with himself in the big stall. The more she thought about it, the more angry she was, so she hung up the phone.

The seat on the other end of the phone was stunned for a moment. He stuck in his waist and didn't get angry. He yelled: "how dare you hang up my phone openly?"

Xi Xi bit his teeth and was so angry that he wanted to smash his mobile phone! However, instead of giving up, he called again.

Mo Xiaoxie saw this and frowned fiercely, a little impatient. As soon as she was ready to hang up, the sound of the water in the bathroom stopped suddenly. Then, in the cold night, she came out of the bathroom.

He was only surrounded by a bath towel, his whole body was still steaming, and his hair was wet.

"Why don't you answer the phone?" In the night cold one side rubs the hair, at the same time does not understand the question.

See in the night cold around a bath towel of Mo Xiaoxie, a shock, and then a careless press to answer!

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