"Who knows if you're with them or not, show me a play..." Mo Xiaoxie's honest doubt said what he thought in his heart.

In the night cold see, suddenly cry and laugh. Then he raised his hand and said to Mo Xiaoxie, "well, I was hurt for you. Is this also a fake?"


"If you don't believe it, you can see if it's fake blood."

Smell speech, Mo Xiaoxie actually has this impulse actually. She took a look, a serious face, not like in the joke of Yu Yehan, and then grabbed his hand, to the wound mercilessly pinched.

In the night, the cold suddenly hurt and gasped, and then said: "beauty, you are too cruel! It's killing me Now you should believe that this is not a fake injury, is it

Mo Xiaoxie did not doubt anything, but he did not relax his vigilance.

With a reluctant look, she said to Ye Han, "I believe you for the time being, but my bag has been robbed. Now I have no money and can't accompany you with medical expenses."

At night, I heard the faint voice of smile. He looked indifferent and looked at money like dirt and said slowly, "it doesn't matter. I can deal with the minor injury. But, beauty, have you forgotten something? "

This word a, Mo Xiaoxie Leng for a moment. Her face puzzled looking at the night cold, Leng is do not know what he has forgotten, and what must be remembered.

In the night cold see, did not directly answer, but walked forward two steps, and then bent over gently to Mo Xiaoxie's ear, said: "thank you, you forgot to say thank you."

Mo Xiaoxie was frightened by the sudden action of the night cold, she was slightly stunned for a moment, and then quickly stepped back.

"I'm sorry, I really forgot I'll make it up now. Thank you for saving me

In the night cold slightly pick eyebrows, and then is a smile. He pulled Mo Xiaoxie into his arms and said, "you're welcome."

Then, not waiting for Mo Xiaoxie to react, Yu Yehan pulls Mo Xiaoxie to the car.

"What are you doing? I'm going home! "

"Go home? I just take you home With the cold in the arms of the car has been holding down the small fun.

"You see, you're all injured. If you fall down again, you'll be half disabled." In the night cold disguised threat Mo Xiaoxie.

Mo Xiaoxie saw this, had to give up the struggle, obediently sat in the car. She wants to see how Yu Yehan will take her home!

In the night cold see Mo Xiaoxie settle down, on the motorcycle, and then take her away from this piece of right and wrong.

"Yu Yehan, is that your name?" Mo Xiaoxie narrowed her eyes slightly, blocked the wind with her hand, and asked Yu Yehan, who was sitting in front of her.

"Well, beauty, what's your name?"

"My name is mo Xiaoxie, the pavilion of Louguan Pavilion."

Smell speech, in the night cold did not say a word, but concentrate on riding the car.

Mo Xiaoxie watched the route with vigilance all the way, and found that she was on the way to her home

Mo Xiaoxie felt flustered. She quickly patted Yu Yehan and asked in a loud voice, "where are you going to take me? How do you know where my house is going? "

In the night cold corner of the mouth slightly hook, performance a face of shock, but behind Mo Xiaoxie can not see.

"I don't know. I just took a random route to take you to the wound."

Wen Yan, Mo Xiaoxie 10000 do not believe. Her heart also followed uneasy up, and then threatened the night cold, said: "you do not let me down, I will jump."

“……” In the night cold silence.

He did not say a word, but in Mo Xiaoxie inadvertently, slowly accelerated the speed.

When Mo Xiaoxie reacts, Yu Yehan has already stopped.

He stopped at the door of a hotel, then turned to Mo Xiaoxie behind him and said, "come down, it's your home."

"Where is my home? Is this a hotel?" Mo Xiaoxie was a little angry and felt that it was too much to cheat her.

Mo Xiaoxie did not know the details of the night cold, so she was cheated to the hotel by him, so she was very uncomfortable in her heart!

In the night cold see Mo Xiaoxie angry, also put up a smile. Then he took Mo Xiaoxie's hand and pulled her to the hotel.

Yu Yehan's strength was so great that Mo Xiaoxie couldn't get rid of it. Along the way, Yu Yehan pulls Mo Xiaoxie, just like holding her hand. The picture is not stiff, but like a pair of loving lovers.

At the door, Mo Xiaoxie's consciousness of resistance became stronger. As soon as she was about to lift her hand and push it away from the night cold, her hand was caught by the night cold.

Yu Ye Han's tone was full of threats, and even his eyes were not negotiable at all. He said, "if you make trouble again, I will take action to make you quiet."

"What?" Mo Xiaoxie asked subconsciously.

In the night cold a listen, bad smile, and then deliberately close to Mo Xiaoxie's lips to scare her.

Seeing this, Mo Xiaoxie immediately jumped away and covered his mouth.In the night cold see success, straight up, and then embrace Mo Xiaoxie, will she into the hotel.

"Yes, you are very obedient. Just cover it like this. Don't talk. If you let go, you'll have to mend your brain. "

Smell speech, Mo Xiaoxie don't know what to do immediately, muddleheaded to the night cold to the room.

As soon as he entered the door, Yu Yehan took off his fur coat, threw it on the sofa, and then walked into the bathroom.

Mo Xiaoxie stood by the door foolishly and didn't know what to do.

She saw the night cold into half a minute did not come out, must be in the toilet!

Thinking of this, Mo Xiaoxie moved the idea of running away.

She turns, faces the door, and gently opens it.

"Click --"

the sound of the door opening sounded in Mo Xiaoxie's ear.

Mo Xiaoxie was startled, afraid that he would be found, so he turned back subconsciously and took a look behind him. Seeing the night cold still didn't come out of the bathroom, Mo Xiaoxie breathed a long sigh of relief.

Then, Mo Xiaoxie turned to run away. Unexpectedly, before she stepped out, she found her back collar had been caught!

No doubt, this person is in the night cold! Because they are the only ones in the room, no one else!

Not waiting for Mo Xiaoxie to react, Yu Yehan pulls Mo Xiaoxie back and closes the door.

"Why, think I don't know?" At the same time, Yu Yehan bandaged the wound and raised his eyebrows at Mo Xiaoxie.

Mo Xiaoxie saw this, subconsciously swallowed saliva. She was so nervous that her eyes didn't know where to look, so she kept wandering around the room.

"Why do you watch the bed when such a handsome man stands in front of you? Are you trying to repay me for saving my life by making a promise? "

Hearing this, Mo Xiaoxie was stunned. She quickly withdrew her eyes and looked at the cold night.

"No! I knew that you and those hooligans are birds of a feather! "

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