Mo Xiaoxie was stunned for a moment, and his mobile phone shook.

Let her go, is not to expose under the live broadcast

Will the audience blow when they see her?

She hesitated, and finally Xi Zhen personally pulled her over.

"Don't be afraid. Ask him." Xi Xi comforted Mo Xiaoxie and made her a shield behind her.

Mo Xiaoxie glanced at the camera, then lowered his head and covered his face with his hair.

Spray will inevitably be sprayed, but it is not a way to hide.

She took a few deep breaths, calmed down her mood, and then went to Huang long.

At this time, Huang Long has been thrown on the ground by Xi Xi.

She looked down at him and asked, "Huanglong, why did you put that kind of video online?"

"What video, I don't know!" Huang Long perfunctorily answered as if he had not.

Worried about live broadcast, Mo Xiaoxie didn't get angry on the spot.

She forbear and glared at Huanglong fiercely.

"Huanglong, if you remember correctly, you kidnapped me that night? Do you have to force me to go through the legal process and call the police? "

As soon as he said this, Huang Long's fat body shook.

If you do too many bad things, you will not be afraid of the police.

However, how can the threat from Mo Xiaoxie's mouth be so lethal?

Is it because of the man behind him?

Huang Long is not stupid. The video of Mo Xiaoxie and Xi Zhen is to clarify her.

If she is clarified, Huang Long will be reviled.

A fool will!

As long as he refused to admit it, Mo Xiaoxie had no way to deal with him.

This black pot, she must carry on her back!

"What kidnapping, what police? It's clearly you who contacted me and took the initiative to throw myself into my arms? How can I be called a villain now

"If you take my money and don't sleep with me, of course I'll pop up the video and let the audience complain for me!"

Mo Xiaoxie couldn't bear it. She roared, "you just said you didn't know what video, you liar!"

"Who is the liar? Pay me back Huanglong began to blackmail Mo Xiaoxie.

In the end, Mo Xiaoxie was vilified and his image was not good, so everyone believed what Huang Long said.

On the contrary, no one wants to believe what the victim Mo Xiaoxie said.

Even if Mo Xiaoxie said more, it was an excuse for sophistry!

"I didn't take your money!" Mo Xiaoxie was so anxious that she almost cried.

See, Xi Xi Xi will Mo Xiaoxie pull to the arms, tightly embrace her.

"Huanglong, I heard that you are competing for a piece of land recently. The family is running out of money, there is no money. However, this land must compete. If it fails, you will go bankrupt. Is it? "

"You How do you know? " Huang Long's eyes widened with surprise.

"Because I'm your biggest competitor."

"You! President Xi?! Is it really you? " Huang Long couldn't believe it. Although he had guessed before, he couldn't be sure.

If it's Xi Xi, he really has ten heads, and he doesn't dare to shout like this!

I scolded him just now. I don't know if he will hold a grudge

"Yes, it's me. Why, afraid?" Xi Xi taunted.

"I didn't expect Didn't think you were really husband and wife? "

How can a little local tyrant like Huanglong be qualified to know who Xi's wife is?

Before the net burst is mo Xiaoxie, he still does not believe, think this is only hype means.

Now it's true.

Mo Xiaoxie also wanted to thank Huang Long for what he said, because it clarified that she was really Xi Xi's wife.

"If you are sensible, bring me the complete video. I can consider giving you a break." Xi Xi is too lazy to talk nonsense.

"Even if you are Xi Yu, you can't frame me up! The video is just a little bit, I didn't shoot it completely! I only shot that little! "

Hearing the speech, Xi Xi Xi laughed.

"Huanglong, Huanglong, I suspect you only have junior high school education. You're not doing it yourself? "

Mo Xiaoxie seemed to see the hope, and the whole person was excited.

She is still thinking, Huanglong has not admitted what to do. Now, he was defeated by his own stupidity.

In the end, I was still guilty, so I explained it so carefully.

But he didn't expect, explained, and told the truth.

"No, no, no, I didn't mean that. I was wrong!" Huanglong realized that he had been stupid, so he quickly shook his head and denied it.

However, the live audience has stopped buying Huanglong's account. Some people began to be neutral, some people began to incline to Mo Xiaoxie.

"Are you mo Xiaoxie?" The woman who had been there suddenly said.

Mo Xiaoxie subconsciously saw that the woman was blocking her face. It seemed that she didn't want to be broadcast."Thank you for helping me. Now I want to repay you." A woman's face is sincere.

She doesn't look big. She's in her early twenties.

"How can you help me?" Mo Xiaoxie asked earnestly.

The woman also seriously replied, "I accidentally saw the complete video, which was the surveillance video inside the car. I know you were kidnapped, not willingly. "

Smell speech, Mo Xiaoxie excited, she quickly ran over, anxiously asked: "do you know where the video is?"

"This I don't know, but he should have it in his computer. "

"Computer You can try it! Xi Xi, find out his computer Mo Xiaoxie turned back and said to Xi.

Xi Xi immediately understood and ordered several bodyguards to search for computers.

The live broadcast is over here.

No one knows what happened next, only waiting for Mo Xiaoxie to announce.

Some fans who initially supported Mo Xiaoxie also began to change their minds.

Now that the live broadcast is over, Mo Xiaoxie is more open.

She stares at Huang Long blatantly and wishes to go up and give him a few punches.

However, she is still a bit rational. It's not good to beat people up.

Mo Xiaoxie took the woman's clothes to her and asked, "are you cheated by him?"

On hearing this, the woman stopped.

As she dressed, she bowed her head and said, "I volunteered I was short of money to spend, so

"Oh That's it Mo Xiaoxie was embarrassed.

"Do you despise me

"No Mo Xiaoxie told a white lie.

Thank you. My name is Yunmei. If you don't like it, get to know it. "

Yunmei put on her clothes and held out her hand.

Mo Xiaoxie shook hands with her.

She always thinks that Yunmei and Huanglong are not birds of a feather.

It's about something else

After a while, the bodyguards searched for five or six notebooks.

"There are still three desktop ones that can't be moved."

"That's OK. I'll try these first." Yunmei is proud and brave.

Mo Xiaoxie wondered, Yunmei is good at computers?

But it's always good to try. Multiple helpers, multiple powers.

She nodded at the table, indicating that she could.

Xi Xi, understanding, told the bodyguard to put the computer on the table.

Yunmei opens two channels and looks for the full video at the same time.

The hand was too fast to see clearly. Mo Xiaoxie didn't know what she was operating at all.

A few minutes later, Yunmei abandoned the two computers.

Then we started the third and fourth channel.

Seeing this, Mo Xiaoxie rushed over and opened the two sets just now.

"What were you doing just now?"

"Find the video." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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