Yunmei's answer is very casual and confident.

Mo Xiaoxie couldn't help frowning. There were so many files. How about finding a video for a few minutes?

How could it be?!

If it was her, it would take a long time.

This Yunmei's hand speed and operation habits are professional.

Since there are such good conditions, why do you want to do that with Huanglong

Mo Xiaoxie was a little puzzled, but he didn't ask much.

A few minutes later, Yunmei abandoned the third and fourth.

This time, she put the three stations together.

Not only Mo Xiaoxie, but all the people present were stunned!

They can't see Yunmei's hand. They can't even believe it's a hand!

"Found it!" Yunmei exclaimed confidently.

Hearing the speech, Mo Xiaoxie rushed to see it.

We saw Yunmei play the video.

From Mo Xiaoxie was dragged hard to get on the bus, and plucked up the courage to jump out of the car, the plot is not a bit.

Mo Xiaoxie was excited. Although she was facing her own miserable appearance, she didn't care.

She seemed to see the innocence in front of her waving to her!

"Yunmei, thank you, thank you really!"

See, Huanglong is not calm.

He wiped the blood on the corner of his mouth, and suddenly rushed forward and took the computer when they were not aware of it!

"I won't let you wash white!" Huang Long is going to crash the computer.

However, Yunmei just looked for the video and forgot to backup it.

Therefore, this computer, must not fall!

Mo Xiaoxie and her subconscious to grab, but was killed with one stone, hit back.

If you want to take the computer, you can take it away.

He is much taller than Huang Long, so it is difficult for Huang Long to lift his height.

"Give it to me!" Xi's subconscious command way.

However, Huanglong didn't listen.

He has been dodging, from clumsy fat man to flexible fat man.

Xi Xi is not calm. He glares at Huang Long and tries his best to seize the computer.

Finally, after his perseverance, he recaptured the computer!

At this time, Huanglong takes advantage of its unprepared, takes out the knife in his waist, and stabs at Xi Xi!


A sharp pain came.

Xi Wu covered his abdomen in pain, and his whole body suddenly became weak. But still tightly hold the computer in my arms!

He was paralyzed and fell heavily to the ground.

"Xi Zhen!" Mo Xiaoxie subconsciously called, the tone is full of worry.

She rushed up, forgetting that there was a yellow dragon with a knife behind her!

So, at this time, she is very dangerous!

"Xi, Xi, Xi Cheer up. Don't get dizzy. Get up Mo Xiaoxie hugged Xi Xi Xi and wanted him to sit up.

But her strength was limited, she could not move the mat, she could only hold his head.

Looking at the blood gushing from his abdomen, Mo Xiaoxie's heart was broken.

She reached out quickly, trying to stop the wound from bleeding

"Bitch, fight me? I tell you, I played with a knife when I was a teenager! " Words fall, Huanglong will be merciless blade, stab Mo Xiaoxie.

Seeing this, Xi Xi Xi opened his eyes wide and used his last strength to hold Mo Xiaoxie tightly, pressing her under his body to resist the knife for her!


The shrill sound of the knives colliding into each other's ears.

I saw, in the night cold suddenly appeared, with a small butterfly knife, blocking Huanglong's knife.

He slowly raised his eyes, cruel eyes, as if to stare through the Yellow Dragon!

"Are you sure you want to compete with me?" Yu Yehan is very confident and looks down on the fat man in front of him.

I don't know whether it's because of the strong murderous spirit in the night. When Huanglong saw him, he immediately became a soft egg.

Bodyguards are also very cooperative, have come forward, caught Huanglong.

"Hold on!" Mo Xiaoxie suddenly exclaimed.

Everyone was surprised and looked at her curiously.

"I want to..." Mo Xiaoxie stopped and did not finish speaking.

She gently will Xi Xi Xi up, stuffed into the arms of the cold night.

Then with a body of anger, he went to the captured Huanglong.

She used the skills of night cold education, grabbed Huanglong's elbow and gave him a severe over shoulder fall!

Suddenly, the floor was shaken!

Huanglong fell and couldn't get up. He howled bitterly on the ground.

Seeing this scene, everyone opened their mouths wide.

Is this Mo Xiaoxie? Make sure it's not a mistake!

She fell a fat man like Huanglong!

The least unexpected person is the cold at night.

He knew that Mo Xiaoxie had found the right fulcrum.His mouth was slightly crooked, and he did not speak, but held the seat well.

Let xi lie in the arms of the cold night, he refused.

However, he doesn't have the strength now, so it's hard to talk. It can only be like this

When the night cold came, he called the police.

Huanglong and liuhouer have been taken to the police station.

Xi also was sent to the hospital.

Before leaving, Mo Xiaoxie took Yunmei with him.

She wanted to come, and Mo Xiaoxie also wanted to thank her.

While waiting outside the operating room, Yunmei, at the request of Mo Xiaoxie, logged in to her microblog and released the full video.

"By the way, comment." Mo Xiaoxie said out of his mind.

Hearing the speech, Yunmei nodded and opened the comments on Weibo.

In the night cold at one side, quietly staring at this scene.

His body is still stained with the blood of Xi Xi, and he has not been washed.

Mo Xiaoxie's hands are also blood. Originally, the white hands have been dyed with bright red, which looks strange.

But she doesn't care about these. If Xi Wu doesn't come out, she will always worry about that she has no mind to take care of other things.

"That Someone commented. Do you want to see it? " Yunmei asked tentatively.

Mo Xiaoxie heard it, but there was no response.

Her heart was sour and her eyes were full of tears. I'm afraid if I speak, I'll fall down.

Her innocence was bought by Xi Zhen with blood.

Her image was also seized by Xi Xi Xi from Huanglong.

Think of the previous noise, Mo Xiaoxie really feel self willed.

Knowing that Xi Zhen is a knife mouth and a bean curd heart, why should she be so stubborn?

"He Is he going to be ok? " Mo Xiaoxie's voice was shaking.

"No, don't worry. He'll be OK." Yunmei comforts Mo Xiaoxie.

Mo Xiaoxie didn't say anything more. He tried to swallow back the tears and nodded sadly.

Yu Yehan is silent all the time. Without saying a word, he just sits quietly and listens

After a while, the nurse came out of the operating room.

She was very serious, and very serious: "the blood bank is out of blood, among your families, who is type o?"

Smell speech, Mo Xiaoxie is flustered instantly.

"I'm type A, what to do, Yunmei, what's your blood type?"

"I'm a, too. I'm sorry I can't help."

Mo Xiaoxie despaired, she thought of Yu Yehan.

Her eyes fell on the night cold body, rushed to him in front of.

Just opened his mouth, did not ask, in the night cold first opened his mouth.

"I have the same blood type as him."

Mo Xiaoxie was stunned for a moment, then he was very excited!

She tightly grasped Yu's arm and said in a quick tone: "really, really?! Please, help... "

Mo Xiaoxie also knew that their relationship was not harmonious, so he did not directly ask for the night cold, but pleaded.

"Do you think I can help?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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