Looking at the familiar road in front of him and the familiar college buildings, Bai Ye felt that these buildings were so beautiful for the first time.

The third captain's battle to snatch people is still going on. If he hadn't found the opportunity to sneak out, it would be a question whether he would be able to come back intact as he is now.

"Alas, it seems that sometimes being low-key is not a bad thing."

With a little narcissism, Bai Ye walked back to the dormitory leisurely while humming a song.

Graduating early can be regarded as a solution. As for the headache of captain snatching battle, let the three captains have a headache.

Now he , I haven’t thought about which division I want to go to yet, so I have to finalize the matter of early graduation first.

The important matter that has been on my mind during this period has been solved, so Bai Ye is going to buy more food and cook it tonight. Treat yourself to delicious dishes

"Hey, Aizen?"

Not long after entering the college, Bai Ye, who was about to go shopping, saw a familiar figure on the road and couldn't help but shout.

"Bai Ye, are you back?"

Aizen heard someone calling him, turned around and saw that it was Bai Ye, and was a little surprised.

"Yes, my work is done."

Bai Ye nodded, and then walked quickly towards Aizen.

It's strange to say that every time he goes to study or does something important, he is always the first to see Aizen when he comes back. Could it be God? Looking after him?

"How's it going? Did it go well?"

Aizen couldn't help but ask one more question. After all, Bai Ye took a day off for this matter.

"It went quite smoothly."

Bai Ye nodded, watching Aizen hesitate to tell Aizen about his early graduation.

Aizen's qualifications are so strong, he will definitely not stay in the academy for so long like ordinary students and then graduate normally.

I guess. When Aizen finishes learning everything, he feels that there is nothing he can learn in the academy, and he will graduate early like him.

"That's good."

Aizen nodded and didn't ask any more questions, but suddenly felt that something was wrong with Bai Ye's eyes.

"Aizen, let's go train. Captain Yamamoto is here to give me some guidance today."

Meeting Bai Ye's eyes, Aizen heard Bai Ye's extremely familiar words again in his ears.

This was the sentence Bai Ye used to take him away to train together after Bai Ye came back from training.

"Let's go."

Aizen is also used to it, he nodded and let Bai Ye lead the way.

"That's great. Do you know how difficult it is to learn the stunts that Mr. Captain Yamamoto taught me today? I haven't learned it yet."

It's true that Bai Ye didn't fully understand Yamamoto's move after he came back from there, let alone exert its power.

"Is it so difficult? Then I will definitely not be able to learn."

It was the first time I heard that Byakuya still had a unique skill that he hadn't understood yet, which made Aizen even more interested.

If Byakuya finds it difficult, then I don't know how much he can comprehend when I teach him. ?

Maybe, he might surpass Bai Ye?

Thinking of this, Aizen suddenly became excited and walked a lot faster.

Seeing Aizen like this, Bai Ye secretly smiled in his heart.

Sure enough, Aizen was hit again. It's a trick. Although what he just said is difficult to comprehend is true, but considering Aizen's character, he will definitely be extremely curious when he hears him say this.

In this way, Aizen can be willing to spar with him, otherwise he will always It was not good to forcefully drag people over to practice.

The two soon came to an empty training ground.

This time, Bai Ye learned the lesson and found the guards of the academy specifically, asking for a man with many wooden stakes. training at the training ground.

As for whether it would cause damage, Bai Ye also informed him in advance that there was no guarantee. However, the guards repeatedly waved their hands and said it was okay, and just let Bai Ye train with peace of mind.

"Come on, Aizen, no one should interrupt us today."

Bai Ye asked Aizen to take out a light blow, feeling a little excited. It seems that it is absolutely right to have a good relationship with the guards.

With the help of the guards, Bai Ye can be sure that today's training will definitely allow Aizen to learn a lot, and his own strength It will also improve quickly

"Well, you say."

Aizen nodded, looking at the wooden stakes around him that were as tall as adult men, wondering what kind of stunts Bai Ye had shown him.

"That's it. Today, Mr. Captain Yamamoto taught me the movement of drawing a sword...."

Before each practice, Byakuya would tell Aizen what happened today, so that Aizen could better understand what he learned every time.

Aizen's talent is incredible. Just listening to him talk about how Yamamoto used the sword and his feelings today, Byakuya heard a familiar system prompt.

【Ding! The bound object is practicing, and the spiritual pressure is increasing a hundredfold!】

【Ding! The bound object is practicing Fu Zhan, and Fu Zhan is increasing hundreds of times!】

【Ding! The bound object is comprehending Fu Zhan, and Fu Zhan is growing a hundredfold! 】

Three series of prompts came, which shocked Bai Ye. Aizen understood it too quickly. He understood it almost as soon as he learned it.

And he hadn't even let Aizen get started with it yet, so he realized that this stunt wasn't that powerful.

Or is Aizen evolving again?

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