With just an explanation, Aizen understood Fu Zhan.

Before this, Aizen would have to practice it several times before he could understand it.

But now, after just saying it once, Aizen has completely understood it.

This discovery made Bai Ye a little surprised.

Aizen is learning and comprehending faster now, which means he will become faster and stronger.

This is a good thing, this is a very good thing. Thinking of this, Bai Ye felt very happy, and he directly used Fu Zhan in front of Aizen.

"Aizen, although I don’t understand it very well, when I just explained it to you, I thought I could show it to you a little bit."

As he said that, Aizen pulled out his shallow strike and used all his strength to perform Fu Zhan! In just a moment, Bai Ye completed the Fu Zhan move. Aizen was so strong that when he saw Bai Ye, he just drew his sword. movements, but the details are visible.

Just the moment Bai Ye caressed and slashed, the airflow around Bai Ye experienced abnormal fluctuations, and powerful spiritual pressure surged out with the moment Bai Ye drew his sword.


With a loud noise, several wooden stakes behind Aizen were cut off out of thin air and fell to the ground.

"Alas, I still have to practice more. This is not even one ten thousandth of the strength of Mr. Captain Yamamoto."

Listening to Bai Ye's words, the corner of Aizen's mouth twitched slightly, and the idea of ​​​​wanting to run away from Bai Ye arose in his heart.

This is what I just told him. He hasn't fully mastered the method of caressing and slashing yet?

This move is better than what he just realized. Fu Zhan is stronger when he wakes up. What kind of monster-like existence is this Bai Ye?

Although he has the urge to fight Bai Ye, Aizen just thinks about it and feels that Bai Ye is indeed stronger than him, which gives him another chance. motivation to catch up

"By the way, Aizen, come and try it."

Seeing that Aizen was silent there, Bai Ye pulled Aizen and started practicing.

After carefully teaching Aizen how to use his moves and some details that needed attention, Bai Ye asked Aizen to try to get the first one. Second Fuzhao

"call out!"

Aizen pretended to draw the sword very hard and quickly, but in fact it was clumsy. He could only barely complete the movements of drawing out and retracting the sword.

Of course, such an action cannot cause any harm, Lan Ran The wooden stake in front of Ran has not changed at all, it is still standing there.


Aizen shook his head. Compared to the damage caused by Bai Ye just now, he is completely a clown.

"This is a move taught by Mr. Captain Yamamoto. Aizen, your first move is already very standard. You are indeed gifted."

Baku Ye doesn't think so. He keeps praising Aizen and asking Aizen not to be discouraged. At the same time, he is secretly laughing. If I really believe your nonsense, then I will be the biggest grudge in Soul Society.

【Ding! The bound object is comprehending Fu Zhan, and Fu Zhan is growing a hundredfold!】

【Ding! The binding objects are improving the way Fu Zhan moves, and Fu Zhan is increasing hundreds of times! 】

Listening to the system prompts, Bai Ye was shocked again. He had just drawn his sword once, but he had already begun to improve Fu Zhan's attack method?

Bai Ye was surprised by Aizen's huge change. In order to verify his thoughts, Bai Ye taught Aizen the Fifty-Fourth Chapter of Po Dao: The Abandoned Flame and Abandoned Chant Version.

"Bai Ye, this is a very late move in Kidō, I can't learn it at all."

When Aizen heard this, he waved his hands repeatedly, saying that he couldn't learn it at all, but he was secretly surprised in his heart. Has

Bai Ye already learned all the first sixty moves in the first part of Kidō?

The progress of this training is also very exaggerated. Isn't that right? Doesn't it mean that Byakuya may have been secretly learning the moves in the second part of Kidō?

Sighing at Byakuya's training speed, Aizen suddenly felt a sense of urgency in his heart, and became more curious about Byakuya.

He found that his roommate, every time He thought he had figured him out for the first time, but the first meeting always brought him unexpected surprises.

Byakuya, how many secrets do you have hidden in you?

Aizen thought secretly, but he did not forget to take the initiative to practice.

【Ding! The bound object is practicing spiritual pressure, and the spiritual pressure is increasing hundreds of times!】

【Ding! The bound object is comprehending the Fifty-Fourth Broken Path: Abandoned Flame and Abandoned Chant version, and the ghost path is increasing a hundredfold!】

"Aizen, come on, let’s have a great time practicing tonight!"

Hearing Aizen training crazily, Bai Ye's eyes flashed with excitement. No matter what happens tonight, he has to grab Aizen and practice hard.

"Um, Bai Ye, why are you so excited?"

Seeing Bai Ye's appearance, Aizen was a little confused. He obviously didn't do anything. Why was Bai Ye so excited as if he had been given chicken blood?

"Of course I'm excited. I have good news to tell you, but let's practice first."

Confirmed Aizen's own changes, Bai Ye has also found a solution to the things he has been struggling with, but decided not to tell Aizen so quickly. We will talk about early graduation later, but for now, let's take a hard look at Aizen. The dyed wool was the most important.

So Aizen was forced to practice all night by the excited Byakuya. It was not until the dormitory rest time that the two of them were driven away by the Shinigami on duty at the academy.

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