"Hey, let me tell you, this old Yao is really a talent!"

"How about it, Brother Li, did our Jiang'an Hall find a treasure?"

In the back seat of the speeding limousine, the tycoon shook the tablet in his hand and said proudly.

Li Hua pushed up his glasses.

"It's indeed good, Brother He, but I'm more interested in the person who solved the puzzle..."

"Of course, now is not the time to think about it - after the mystery is solved, the top priority is to figure out what 'fluoxetine' wants to do."

Li Hua said seriously.

The tycoon waved his hand: "I can't figure out what that crazy woman is thinking. Rather...it feels pointless to try to speculate on the purpose of her actions..."

"But the 'Psychological Association' is not a 'free association'. They will not do anything meaningless, even with fluoxetine."

"These guys are difficult to understand just because their goals and values ​​are different from ordinary people, but every step they take is by no means done casually."

Li Hua said calmly.

"And...I can sense that she is definitely planning something famous."

"Throughout the entire previous dungeon, every step she took seemed to be chaotic and random, but there was a strong sense of purpose hidden in it!"

The tycoon nodded and pondered after listening to Li Hua's words.

"Okay, Brother Li, I admit that what you said makes sense..."

"But it is admittedly difficult to speculate on her purpose."

Li Hua raised his head with bright eyes: "That's why I want to ask...'Jiangcheng Administrator's opinion."

This kind of luxury business sedan has a soundproof panel between the front row and the back row.

Now that the soundproof panels are down, the front-seat driver and Tycoon Li Hua are almost in different spaces.

In the back seat of the car, only Tycoon and Li Hua were sitting.

But Li Hua still spoke firmly.

"So... Dear Mr. Hacker, what is your opinion?"

He seemed to be talking to the air.

But something horrifying happened...

The next second, a voice actually appeared out of thin air and responded to Li Hua.

"What's the purpose of 'fluoxetine'? Hmm... I really don't have any opinions this time!"

The cold mechanical synthesized sound sounded and echoed in the car.

Neither Tycoon nor Li Hua seemed very surprised, and quickly identified the source of the sound.

Car audio in the rear of the vehicle.

"Don't you have a clue?"

Li Hua said with some surprise.

Although he is also an administrator, his manner of speaking is obviously much more respectful.

But this "respect" is not so much a sign of having to lower one's attitude between "superiors and subordinates", but more like the etiquette of the younger generation towards the elders.

"It wouldn't be wrong to say that I have no clue at all, but it's just some unfounded conjectures."

"According to what I think...perhaps this invitation has two purposes."

"One is to introduce a specific person—someone outside the six invitees in your copy."

The mechanical voice continued.

"A specific person outside of us?"

Li Hua was thoughtful.

Then, as if his thoughts were inspired, he murmured in disbelief: "So that's the case, so a 'puzzle' is needed...because in order to find the solution, we must tell other people about the riddle."

"Not only that, because we are concerned about other people, we will also call in members of our own organization..."

"Among them is the person Fluoxetine wants to see!"

The mechanical voice made a stiff, somewhat uncomfortable synthetic laugh: "Hahaha, yes, it's like ABC Murders - the best place to hide a tree is a forest."

When the tycoon heard this, his expression changed slightly.

"It's bad. The location is in Jiangcheng. In order to attract a specific person...it takes so much effort."

“I feel like the ‘Psychological Society’ is coming for me!”

His expression was solemn as never before.

"Hmph, it seems that I, a fourth-level master who ranks twenty-seventh, works closely with 'Order', and is the 'only profession', have finally been targeted!"

The tycoon's speculation makes sense.

However, Li Hua and the mysterious "Jiangcheng Administrator" obviously did not approve.

"One hundred percent it's not you."

The mechanical voice said.

Li Hua's answer was more direct: "Brother He, you have been staying at the ruins of your old restaurant for almost 24 hours. Is it necessary to go through so much trouble to find you?"

"I'm more inclined to think that she is targeting some mysterious guy..."

Li Hua said, and there was something in his words.

The tycoon also heard the implication.

"A zebra, it's really possible." He also looked at the car stereo and got closer, "Hacker, please be careful!"

The Jiangcheng administrator's voice sounded.

"It won't be me either."

"In short, it is difficult to guess who this person will be."

When Li Hua heard this, he pushed up his glasses again.

"Then let's put this aside for now... Did you just say that the other party has two purposes?"

"Chaos, this is also the consistent style of the Psychological Society," the mechanical voice replied coldly, "They want to take this opportunity to create chaos."

“Within this organization, whether radicals, conservatives or centrists, there is a consensus – chaos can ‘accelerate growth’.”

"Now all forces are gathered in Jiangcheng, with the viaduct as the center... I'm afraid that the 'chaos' that the 'Psychological Society' would like to see the most will happen!"

"If it is not handled properly, there is a more than 70% chance that its scale will exceed the 'Snow Mountain Riot' a year ago!"

Li Hua and Daheng's faces changed slightly.

"Is this your speculation?"

Daheng changed his casual behavior just now and sat up straight.

"That's my conclusion."

"So...you two."

"Come on."

The mechanical sound stopped abruptly.

Daheng and Li Hua looked heavy.

After a long time, Daheng cursed.

"Zebra, you might as well come at me!"


At the same time, in the south of the city.

There is an inconspicuous noodle restaurant downstairs in a residential area near the suburbs and about to leave the city.

"Big Bird", the 'social animal' of Lin Yu's team, recommended this noodle restaurant.

So a group of six people are eating authentic Jiangcheng dry noodles here.

"It's delicious, although I still like braised noodles."

The sturdy Gao Shan ate a large portion of noodles and praised it.

The group was all young and middle-aged men. They woke up early in the morning and were hungry until now. They came across a noodle shop with quite good taste. Naturally, they all ate noodles in silence.

Only Lin Yu still maintained a certain elegance because of the character of "May May".

Of course, there is another reason...

Although this noodle shop is delicious, it is not amazing for Lin Yu, an old Jiangcheng native.

Especially since his sister runs a restaurant, Lin Yu has almost eaten this taste since he was a child.

However, just when Lin Yu was about to agree with a few words "This noodle is really good".

A voice behind him made Lin Yu jump up with a start.

"Let me tell you, this shop is authentic according to my dad."

"Don't look at it as small, in fact, I don't treat ordinary people to eat this!"

A somewhat immature, immature and playful female voice floated in from the door of the store.

And this female voice...

There is no doubt that it belongs to Li Nian.

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