The reincarnation over and over again continues, Su Shanshan is tortured to no end, but the real self cannot wake up, and can only be bound to the bed by the police, so that she cannot do anything to hurt herself.

Seeing something like a short video in front of him, Li Xiaolin was puzzled.

"This is what you said she was dreaming, the scene in the dream?"

The policewoman on the side spoke.

That's right, this is her Susanshan's dream, in which she suffers like this over and over again.

You also saw the episodes that appeared in the dream, and suffered the same punishment outside the dream, and kept saying forgive me and forgive me.

"Oh, so it is."


"Husband, your phone, look at the tip above is from the White City Law Enforcement Bureau."

The woman who spoke handed the phone to her husband, who was working.

Took the phone handed over by his wife and saw the prompt above.

Baicheng is 108,000 miles away from the place where he works, and he has not broken the law, what is he calling himself in the middle of the night for?

Put down the work in your hand to connect the phone, and when you hear the police officer on the other end of the phone finish talking about things, a dusty memory comes out.

It was as if he had come to that helpless night again, and he should not be called unhappy every day.

Although the news was finally false, his business that had just improved was hit hard and could only go bankrupt.

Frustrated, he closed his shop and headed south, and went to a place where no one knew him and started working.

After fighting for several years, the painful memory has gradually become dusty, and I finally want to open it, open a shop to continue doing business, and now I marry a wife and have children, a car and a house, and the family is quite perfect.

"What happened to my husband, what's wrong?"

"Do you remember what happened in my hometown after I met you before?

The woman named Susanshan is now being judged by a man named City Light. When

he finished telling his wife what the White City Law Enforcement Bureau said.

The wife in front of her opened her mouth wide, and her face was full of surprise.

"City Light Justice Trial, husband, then how should you answer, forgive or not forgive"

The man in front of him thought for a moment and looked at his wife with love on his face.

"If I hadn't forgiven her before, I can't wait to tear her alive."

But after all these years, my business has improved, and I have such a gentle and virtuous wife, a bright and clever son.

Look at other people, if others choose to forgive, I will forgive with it, and if others do not choose to forgive this kind of woman, she should also be punished.

An hour later, the White City Law Enforcement Bureau contacted most of the victims' families, and when they learned of the incident, most of them said that they would severely punish this evil man.

The remaining small part is not particularly serious because the matter has passed for a long time, indicating the same wait-and-see attitude.

However, everyone thinks the same, and those who like to use slander to maliciously do things must be severely punished.

If you don't teach her a lesson, maybe someone else will suffer the same harm.

Everyone connected to the video and watched quietly.

Another half an hour passed, a phone call entered the White City Law Enforcement Bureau, and I saw the pleading voices of an old woman from the opposite side.

After some conversation, it was learned that the two of them were Su Shanshan's rural parents, and the reporter dug it out and told them the news.

The second elder of them is an authentic rural person, and they don't know what happened, what kind of city light criminal judgment, these things have not even heard of.

Or through the explanation of the next-door neighbor, I learned all this happened at the White City Law Enforcement Bureau.

His daughter was judged and may die, and when he heard the news, the second elder was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

I remember watching my daughter on TV some time ago, she is the only daughter in the family, and she is also the hope of their second elder.

After graduating, he stayed in the big city to work hard, and some time ago he called to take the two of them to his side to take care of them, but their second elder refused.

But I don't want to cause trouble for my daughter, I can just grow a few acres of land in the countryside to eat and drink.

This illegal and criminal thing has nothing to do with his daughter, how can such a thing happen so well?

When the police here dragged out all these things that happened to their daughter, and after a neighbor's explanation, the second elder only felt a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

How can her own daughter do such a thing, slander other people, and let other people's families be broken and their wives and wives separated.

Since she was a child, she has taught her daughter to be an honest and trustworthy person, why did she end up taking a crooked path again?

When the old couple learned that the person called City Light could forgive his daughter and spare his daughter's life as long as he could get the forgiveness of those victims, the old couple, with the help of neighbors, connected to the video and plopped down in front of everyone.

Tanned by the wind and sun, simple eyes, wrinkled hands, kneeling on the ground and begging incessantly, hoping to be forgiven by everyone.

The so-called failure to teach parents, these mistakes committed by their daughters should be borne by the old two of them, even if it is two lives for one.

Looking at their daughter lying in pain on the bed, the tears of the old couple swirled in their eyes, and they fell to the ground with a click, constantly kneeling in front of the screen to pray for the victim's forgiveness.

Seeing that there were only the last 20 minutes left, Captain Zhao stepped forward and said.

"Listen to me, and I know I shouldn't have said it here.

Since it was her Susanshan who was at fault first, she was duly punished, and the crime deserved it.

Even so, her crimes should be brought to justice, not the trial of this one called City Light.

I hope that you can give Su Shanshan a chance to hand over the legal sanctions, and I hope that you can let go of the past, things have happened and we cannot change.

To let go of the past is also to let go of the shackles on oneself. "

People are emotional animals, and most people are kind-hearted, even if they have been hurt, they can't see others hurt as well.

When I saw the pleading parents, I saw Su Sanshan, who was in bed at the moment and had a nightmare of reincarnation.

At this moment, even the most ruthless people are a little soft-hearted.

"Captain Zhao, I forgive her, I only hope that he can be punished by the law after this incident.

If she breaks the news again, she hopes to be realistic, rather than achieve her goals through slander. "

Someone took the lead in standing up and choosing to forgive, and with the first person to start, the second person, and the third person all chose to forgive, after all, it has been so many years that there is no need to hold on to the past.

There are also some people who are entangled on the side, why are they victims who are so seriously injured, and they have to forgive this woman who slandered them?

Is the final punishment of the law still critical education?

So what's the use of making such a big noise?

One is sanctioned and the other is a moral judgment of conscience, and after thinking for a moment, I chose to forgive, anyway, the past things have already passed.

After the first round of voting, most people chose to forgive, and only a small number of his wives and families were broken up by him.

"Xiao Lin, I know that you are suffering in your heart, you can rest assured, I will do what I say."

"Captain Zhao, have you ever died your father, when your mother saw her husband die in front of her, she also drank medicine to commit suicide, and lost two parents in one day, have you ever experienced the feeling of losing two parents?

Do you know what it's like to have your wife leave her home and die?

He has his own parents, don't I have them? Tell you, even if everyone forgives, I won't forgive!!

Li Xiaolin roared with all his strength, the trial was over, and most people chose to forgive it, it seems that the light of this city intends to let this person go.

His eyes became rosy, and after using all his strength, he sat on the side like a deflated leather ball and muttered to himself.

Seeing the emotionally unstable Li Xiaolin, Captain Zhao sent several people to take him aside to rest and stabilize his mood.

Then he looked around and asked.

"City Light, the game is over, the vast majority of people have chosen to forgive, you should also fulfill your promise, right?"

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