At the same time, netizens in the live broadcast room once again began to talk about it.

This sensational act divided the people in the live broadcast room into three factions.

Some people remain neutral, do not support or object, just watch from the sidelines, some people feel that it is enough to stop, and seeing their white-haired parents makes many of them think of their parents, pity the hearts of parents in the world.

This time, forgive this little girl, even if she is put to trial, she will not die.

I hope that the light of the city will forgive Susanshan's poor parents this time.

Netizens from the other group questioned the matter.

Making a mistake is making a mistake, some mistakes can be forgiven after they are made, and why should some mistakes be forgiven after they are made?

This victim, named Li Xiaolin, is only held hostage on the street on impulse today, can he also use impulse as an excuse to escape the punishment of the law?

I can't see it.

Netizens in the live broadcast room talked a lot, not knowing what City Light would do next.

"City Light, you are still there, if you are, please fulfill the bet you just made."

After Captain Zhao asked, an icy voice came.

"Your law enforcement bureau is quite fast, and it has already contacted the vast majority of people in less than two hours?

Although this disgusting drama makes people feel disgusted, it is playing the emotional card, and it is moral kidnapping that makes the vast majority of people choose to forgive.

But this game is not over yet, and they forgive it because the vast majority of the people of our country A are kind from the heart.

They are all good people, but that doesn't mean I'm a good person. "


Everyone looked shocked, could it be that the light of the city would continue to judge?

Captain Zhao's brows furrowed when he heard this, he didn't dare to say that he had read countless people, but he was also well-informed.

People like City Light are either crazy or self-righteous perfectionists, and while this kind of person does feel annoying, it has to be admitted that people like this type of personality generally take their credibility very seriously.

Could it be that this kid doesn't play cards according to the routine and wants to backtrack?

"Think I'm backtracked, and the most important thing for my City Light is the word reputation, but this game is divided into the first half and the second half.

The name of the first half I named him the redemption of others, and since the vast majority of victims chose to forgive, I will definitely keep my promise to spare her death.

The second half of the game is called Self Redemption, which is a game for the judged, and as long as she passes the game, I can let her go and let her accept the punishment of the law.

I'm going to erase all her memories and let her start a cycle again to see her final choice. "

What does it mean to erase memories and reincarnate again?

The camera turns on again, only this time the scene is no longer ancient, but a modern rural area.

The group outside the house waited anxiously, and with a cry, the midwife came out inside and congratulated one after another.

"Born and born, gave birth to a daughter."

Hearing that it was a girl, the father's face smiled, regardless of whether the boy or the girl, it was a piece of meat in his heart.

When the scene appeared, Sushan's parents seemed to fall into a burst of memories.

How is everything in front of them so exactly like the birth of their daughter in the small courtyard 30 years ago, and the child is named Su Sanshan.

There are great wisdom who understand what the phrase city light means, and re-experience life in a dream.

Immediately after the picture turned, the child cried, babbled to walk, and began to enter elementary school.

Just as Su's father and mother said, his daughter has been his pride since she was a child, ranked at the top, excelled in her studies, and was admitted to a good university.

The life he experienced in his dream was only a ten-minute live broadcast portrait for everyone.

Until I graduated from college, I looked for a lot of jobs, and finally found this media company, but I worked for a long time without any improvement.

Rent, student loans, and her mother's sudden illness, all of which followed, and all the burden fell on the little girl.

That day, she cried and cried very sadly, and with this meager salary, it is estimated that there is no place to struggle for a lifetime.

Until one day I heard that someone ordered takeout and ate something inside, the merchant not only returned the money but also lost money, and an evil thought broke out in his mind.

After eating one day, he sent his hair in, took pictures, made claims, and transferred all the 2,000 yuan claimed to relatives, asking him to help transfer it to his parents on his behalf, to see his mother, and said that it was this month's bonus.

When he saw all this in front of him, the parents couldn't hold back anymore, and the second elder knew about this matter, and thought that the child had earned money to his mother by filial piety, but it turned out to be obtained through such means.

"My daughter is all mother's fault, we dragged you down, she is a good boy."

Such things have appeared many times, using such small means to blackmail many businesses, but they have not had any performance during this period of time, and they are always at risk of being fired.

Until one day I came to Baicheng to collect some information, and saw the old and young bun shop of the Li family.

"It's our family's bun shop, our family's bun shop."

Seeing his parents in the store, and himself who was helping on the side, Li Xiaolin looked excited again, and he remembered that day, and a woman dressed up particularly beautifully came to their shop for breakfast.

It was that Su Shanshan who originally thought that he should be a good girl dressed so beautifully, but she was a demon.

At this moment, a voice came from the head of the head.

"Susansan, are you sure you are doing this? If you do this, you can gain fame, but you can destroy them. When

this voice came, Su Shanshan looked up for 4 weeks, and did not see anyone, but just whispered in her heart, could it be that she was hallucinating?

A few days later, a news broke the news, completely detonating the entire White City.

The buns in the old Li family's shop were shoddy, and some things that were harmful to people's bodies were put in the filling.

When this news came out, some netizens who did not understand the truth began to angrily denounce.

The Food Safety Bureau intervened, and a careful inspection found that this was a misunderstanding, and although the shop was small, it was clean and hygienic.

The second elder originally thought that this was a misunderstanding and regretted that since he was lifted, he could return to normal life, but netizens did not seem to buy it and began to attack them online.

Not only that, what was originally a small business was to buy and sell surrounding acquaintances, being pointed at by familiar customers, distrusted by everyone, and the bun shop that had been operating hard for decades was destroyed in an instant.

The whistleblower Su Shanshan turned into a hero and made herself a lot of money.

Instead, the shop that the old Li couple had worked hard to run for decades was destroyed, Li's father hanged himself in order to prove his innocence, and his mother did not withstand the blow and followed her husband.

The scene reappeared again, Li Xiaolin squatted on the side and cried with a headache.

Because of this revelation, let their big son break their family overnight.

On the other side, the whistleblower Su Shanshan used the money to cure her mother, rent a better house, buy a dress, and celebrate well.

It's just that after that, it got out of control and got a lot of traffic with the same means.

The video brings back deep memories of those he hurt.

Let everyone feel angry, how can this person be like this, for the sake of fire, he does not even want the principle of being a man?

She should not have been forgiven if she had known, and such a person did not deserve sympathy at all.

It wasn't until the clock went on that today's interview was completely over.

What he experienced was compressed into a half-hour video, so that everyone could immediately turn it around after watching the wind commentary.

It's so abominable, City Light Our first can choose not to accept forgiveness?

Yes, it's so unforgivable like this.

Just when Su Shanshan in the dream was still immersed in the event that was about to break the news of a particularly big news, a cold voice came.

"Susansan, have you ever repented?"

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