Someone suddenly broke in, which startled Wu Bin, and when he saw the woman in front of him, he exhaled deeply.

"What's wrong, Sister Nan was discovered?"

Looking at Sister Nan's panicked expression, Wu Bin also knew very well in her heart that nine times out of ten, someone from the parents of these students came over.

Seeing that the cooked ducks were already about to reach his mouth, he just opened the pot and flew.

I was very unwilling in my heart, but I couldn't ruin my star path because of this little thing.

Put on your clothes, go to the bag next to you and get the antidote to take for the three of them.

Then simply clean up the crime scene, even if their parents really came over, the final result was that they invited three fans over for a big meal, and finally the three fell asleep drunk.

He also intimately arranged a presidential suite for them, and turned themselves into good people.

"I'm not talking about this, it's a letter, read it yourself."

After Sister Nan arranged all the things here, she rested in the next room, and the news from the company was going to another place to hold a press conference tomorrow, and she planned to book tomorrow's ticket.

As a result, as soon as I opened the computer, I saw two envelopes sandwiched between the computers, and the top of the envelopes were written with five large characters of the death invitation.

When I saw these two envelopes, I cursed twice.

I don't know who uses such means to disgust people, as a popular artist, some people like it and some people hate it.

Usually I am very busy and have no time to pay attention to these things happening on the Internet, if I know these two things that happen on the Internet, I will definitely understand what the death invitation means.

It's just that when I opened the death invitation and read the content inside, I was directly shocked into a cold sweat, and I didn't dare to delay and quickly came to the next door, and there was the opening scene.

"I'm not talking about the three of them, it's about the rest of the business."

After receiving the letter handed over by Sister Nan and seeing the content on it, Wu Bin's face became more and more difficult to see.

This list lists the various crimes he has committed since his debut, and even some of the things he committed before have been forgotten without being reminded by him.

"Sister Nan, when did you receive it? How is this possible? "

Let's not say that these things are not in one place when they happen, and these parties are different.

Different places, different parties, how can everything be connected together?

In addition to the shock, there was also a trace of horror.

Looking up at Sister Nan in front of her, could it be that she was writing that she was thinking of using this to threaten herself?

But it's not right, his lifeline has been held by others, and it is unlikely to threaten himself again.

Or is it that everything they did before is controlled by someone?

These things that I have done over the years are very clear in the hearts of the parties, no matter which one is taken out, as long as there is sufficient evidence, it will take 20 years to start.

How many 20 years is there in life?

Who gave this news exactly, and for what purpose? Is it for money?

As popular stars, in addition to the attention of those fans, there are some shady means taken by some paparazzi in order to get all kinds of news.

These fans are born out of genuine love, and these paparazzi are for money.

As long as the matter can be investigated and the person who sent them the letter can be found, everything will be fine.

"Sister Nan, what should we do about this?"

"How many times have I told you, don't panic, wake up these three little girls immediately, and ask someone to send the three of them back."

At the same time, these two letters are as if nothing happened, since this person is only behind our backs, but did not report this matter to the law enforcement bureau, which precisely shows that this kid wants to negotiate with us.

If our guess is correct, there should be their people in this hotel, and it won't be long before they contact us personally. "

I haven't seen any big winds and waves in so many years, and their paparazzi like to follow this group of artists all day long.

The relationship between this group of artists and their group of paparazzi can be described as both love and hate.

Love is because of this group of paparazzi, constantly can be popular for artists, with heat can be known by more people.

The hate is that this group of people is really hateful, they are not like journalists, dare to say anything for money.

"Okay, rest well tonight, get some sleep, tomorrow we will go somewhere else to do propaganda."

"Got it, Sister Nan."

When they saw the content of the letter and heard the conversation between the two of them, netizens who were righteous expressed their disagreement.

After these two incidents, no one questioned that City Light was lying again.

These two pigs and dogs are inferior to things that actually do such a heavenly and angry thing?

You still want to hide this matter, I bah, don't you want to call the police?

Rest assured, we will help you report.

"Hey, it's the Law Enforcement Bureau, we're going to report it."

White City Law Enforcement Bureau.

Because of the two trials in White City, they have listed City Light as a key target for monitoring.

When City Light turned on the live broadcast, the news had already spread, and I saw the protagonist who appeared in the live broadcast room.

"How could it be him?"

Li Lu showed a stunned expression, while Captain Zhao looked puzzled.

"Do you know this person?"

When Li Lu said the identity of this person, there was no accident and was directly criticized by his master, as a law enforcer, he should care more about the affairs of the people, not these star Internet celebrities.

Hearing this, Captain Zhao muttered in a low voice.

"It seems that this city light really has no clue about the trial.

Previously, the two people who came to our White City were sanctioned and tried by him.

Now another trial of a star has begun. "

I just saw these things written on the death invitation, and according to these two cases, the things written on it by City Light should be true.

This group of stars made so much money and was loved by so many people, and finally did such a thing that is inferior to pigs and dogs?

It seems that tonight is another sleepless night, and the brothers from the other city law enforcement bureaus are busy with you tonight.

He opened his mobile phone to search for this star, the popularity on the Internet is still quite high, although he does not chase stars, he also knows that if such a star comes to a place, the local has already been spread.

It seems that this matter is the same as my own guess, whether this city light is a group crime or a cross-regional crime, it should be a large-scale illegal social organization.

It seems that this matter will need to be jointly involved in the investigation of this case with other city law enforcement bureaus.

When he heard his master talking to himself on the side, Li Lu gently poked his master's arm with his hand and whispered.

"Master, this one named Wu Bin is not in the field, but in our White City.

A press conference held today at a five-star hotel in our jurisdiction. "


When Captain Zhao heard this, he stood up immediately.

"You say again that this person is in our jurisdiction, why didn't you say this earlier?"

"Master, didn't you ask."

"So what are you waiting for? In which hotel is this person in, don't hurry up and send someone over?

Call reinforcements, immediately and immediately.

"It's Master."

This time, the entire White City Law Enforcement Bureau dispatched and quickly rushed towards the direction of the hotel.

"My head hurts, why do I feel dizzy?"

The three little girls woke up in turn, looked up at the situation in front of them, and saw their idol and Sister Nan standing quietly in formal clothes.

"You three are awake, Xiaobin, you are also true, obviously knowing that these three girls can't drink and drink so much with the three of them?

We wouldn't hurt these three little girls, but how anxious their parents would be if they knew their daughters would not come home at night. Don't hurry up and arrange for someone to send these three little girls back safely?

"I'm really sorry Sister Nan, I saw three fans and drank a few more glasses as soon as they were happy, little sister, these are three personal life business cards signed by me, you can take them."

"Thank you, Brother Wu Bin."

Seeing the simple appearance of the three little girls, everyone in the entire live broadcast room was completely angry, these three little girls didn't know what happened just now, this person was a wolf in sheep's clothing.


"The law enforcement bureau handles the case, the entire hotel is blocked, everyone does not move, I ask you how many floors the star named Wu Bin lives, take us over."

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