Under the guidance of the service staff, take the exclusive key to the presidential suite, take the exclusive elevator, and lead a large team of police to the top floor.

Squeaking, came the sound of the door being unlocked.

Then a large group of police rushed in and surrounded several people in the entire house.

Seeing the police who suddenly broke in, the five people in the house were startled.

Especially Wu Bin was even more weak in his heart, nervous to the point of his throat.

I didn't receive a notice downstairs, who knew that this good police suddenly came to check the room, and also found this room of his own?

However, after the heart was weak, I also felt very lucky.

If it weren't for this death invitation, I am afraid that I was deeply communicating with their three little sisters about life events at this moment.

If this is to be arrested by the police, will everything be exposed?

Just now, he had denied the possibility that the person who handed them this letter would call the police.

If that person has evidence and wants to call the police, there is no need to hand this thing over and put it in front of him.

If the paparazzi want to be famous, they can completely break the news in their own name, not only to make themselves famous, but also to get the police to bring them to justice.

"You are Wu Bin?"

Captain Zhao stepped forward and looked carefully.

While holding his mobile phone and watching the video presented in the live broadcast room, his group was broadcast live by City Light again.

I glanced at the three female students sitting on the edge of the bed again, saw that the faces of several people in the live broadcast room were mosaiced, and exhaled deeply.

Although City Light abused lynching to conduct its own trial, this time it did a very good job of protecting the privacy of these female students.

"We, are we breaking the law?"

"We just came to meet our idols and didn't do anything?"

Where had the three little girls seen such a battle, their faces were red with shame, and they couldn't wait to get into the cracks in the ground at this moment.

They've also seen the news on TV, and today it's like being caught in bed.

But the conscience of heaven and earth, the three of them really did nothing.

"I don't know what happened to you, I'm Wu Bin's agent An Nan."

Seeing all the policemen's eyes on the three little girls sitting on the edge of the bed.

"Don't get me wrong, these girls are a few fans we randomly selected, and this is the interactive part of our fans and idols to eat together in every place.

You should also know that as a traffic star, it is very necessary to interact with fans and glue each other.

We didn't do anything illegal or criminal, after eating and interacting, I was going to send someone to send the three of them home in person, if you don't believe it, you can ask these three little girls. The

three little girls nodded again and again when they heard this, and these words were true.

Li Lu stepped forward and glanced at Wu Bin, if it weren't for the fact that the live broadcast on this side was still hanging, all the things that happened before had been watched in the live broadcast room, and he would really believe what this human-faced beast said.

He is a popular star and himself is one of his fans, although not as fanatical as others, but he also likes this idol very much.

Such an idol actually did such a heavenly angry thing, and his anger instantly burst out.

Stepping forward and snapping, a crisp slap hit him hard in the face.

At this moment, he has clearly abandoned his identity as no longer a police officer, but as a fan, and this idol has disappointed himself so much, which is really abominable.

Suddenly this crisp slap hit Wu Bin's face hard, no one thought that the police would beat people in front of everyone?

Other identities aside, if two people have any relationship between men and women, hit when they see their husbands doing bad things.

Obviously, they don't know the policewoman in front of them, and this time the police law enforcement found their room, and the policewoman in front of them couldn't help but beat people, and this nature changed.

Inside the live broadcast room.

"Police flower sister yyds, if you beat this scum hard for me, I should slap him a few more times."

"Sister Police Flower don't fight this kind of scum anymore, you have a public position and hit people casually, it is easy to cause bad influence, and it is not worth hurting yourself in the end for this kind of scum."

"Whose children are these three little girls, and don't you hurry up to stand up as parents?"

"You hit me?"

Wu Bin touched his face, it seemed that except for the agent Sister Nan who beat herself like this a few years ago, no one had ever hit herself like this since then.

"Oh, I said that you, as law enforcement officers, actually know the law and beat ordinary people?

Even if we did not commit a crime, even if we committed a crime, there is a legal sanction, and not a reason for your group of police to beat people casually?

As Wu Bin's agent, I hope that your law enforcement bureau can give a reasonable explanation for what happened tonight.

Otherwise, our team of lawyers would not be vegetarian. "

What happened tonight is really a bit confusing, making me more and more incomprehensible, and these people came to this room of theirs to find out what they were doing.

Is it to catch drifting? Or is it some other reason?

"Wow, idol idol, brother Wu Bin, brother, I'm going to give you a monkey."

Those fanatical fans of the other presidential suites on one floor heard the movement outside and walked out of the house, and saw a large number of police officers here, thinking of coming over and making it lively.

Looking inside, it turned out to be their idol, and it happened that their idol was slapped by the policewoman and was also seen by them.

His idol brother was beaten, and the fans couldn't sit still at all, and began to denounce the law enforcement bureau and his group.

Hearing the sound from outside, Captain Zhao frowned.

"What's going on, why didn't there be other people outside to clear the scene, drive them all out and don't let anyone near the scene of the case."

An Nan sneered and came to the front.

"What do you mean when I say guys?

If something is okay, we will also call the police and contact our legal team. As

he spoke, he opened the mobile phone he carried with him and prepared to dial the number to call over.

Another event that can stir up some heat, don't use it in vain.

"You two don't have to work in vain, you also saw the two death invitations just now, right?

You were afraid that this matter would be known by others, and you tore up the two invitations and rushed them directly into the toilet. "


Hearing the words of the policewoman in front of them, the faces of the two changed suddenly, and then quickly recovered.

Could it be that the paparazzi did not talk about martial virtue, and after handing them this invitation, they didn't actually think of blackmailing, and then called the police in the hope of sending them in?

So today the police rushed over, to arrest them and take them to the law enforcement bureau for interrogation?

If you want to destroy the evidence in this hotel, you can burn it directly, eat it in your stomach, or tear it up and flush it into the toilet.

The more you get to this time, the more you can't panic.

Even if the paparazzi sent a death invitation with detailed records of these things, these things were done seamlessly, and even if he knew, he was betting that there was no definite evidence of that person.

"Death invitation, what you are talking about, we don't know at all."

Play the ability to pretend to be stupid, as long as they don't admit it, without definite evidence, the law can't do anything to them.

Seeing that the two of them were still acting, Li Lu's angry cheeks bulged.

"Pretend, pretend, are you two acting quite well?

Especially you Wu Bin, you just came out in the bathroom after taking a bath and wearing a bathrobe, and what you want to do to the three little girls has been seen by everyone.

"And you little girls, do you know what it means to be sinister?"

If it weren't for the death invitation sent by City Light tonight, the two of them were informed by us, so they quickly rushed over.

The lives of you three little girls are going to be ruined by this beast.

Contact your parents immediately to bring you back. Especially

when I heard that I was angrily denouncing this beast, the three female students were still defending this beast, and they couldn't get angry.

"Don't talk nonsense, or I'll sue you for slander."

"It seems that the two of you still don't know the seriousness of the matter, in fact, what you just did has been recorded live broadcast."

Captain Zhao turned the mobile phone to show them, and saw that the picture on the mobile phone turned out to be their presidential suite.

The clear scene is simply in a VR environment, and even the facial expressions of each of them can be captured.

"You, you policemen are actually monitoring and snooping into other people's privacy in our room, I want to call the police, I want to use the lawyer team to sue you, remember, no one will be good this time."

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