At the same time, all the netizens in the live broadcast room boiled again.

Their night god is online again and begins to judge, and someone is going to be quacked again.

It's just that this time it was the popular star Wu Bin who was gagged.

What makes everyone angry is that this person, as a popular star, has so many fan bases that should spread positive energy, but he didn't expect that he was doing these shady things in secret.

Such people deserve to be judged by the night gods.

Some reporters smelled the news again and investigated overnight according to the address recorded on the death invitation.

It only took less than half an hour to find the girl Wu Bin hurt 7 years ago in a psychiatric hospital in a city.

The parents of the person concerned were contacted to find out what happened that year.

When they heard that someone was going to seek justice for their daughter, the parents knelt on the ground with excitement and began to tell what had happened.

In addition to some netizens denouncing that they wanted to severely punish Wu Bin and the two, a group of Wu Bin's fans also began to rush to the direction of the hotel and the law enforcement bureau to prepare for support.

How could their good brother do such a thing, it must be that other people were jealous of the talent of others, so they took this slander to spread rumors and make trouble.

Good brother, don't be afraid, our group of fans is here to help you.

Even if these things are true, it is those female fans who seduce their good brother first, so that the good brother makes a mistake.

If the good brother is sentenced, they rob the prison to rescue the brother.

A group of people blocked the door of the hotel and began to denounce and demand that the police release him.

"Captain Zhao, what should we do?"

This time, even if he was hard-mouthed, he was a little convinced of what was happening in front of him, if it was really like Captain Zhao and they said, the end of the first two receiving death invitations would be so miserable.

So this time the two of them received an invitation to die, will this end be the same as the previous two, afraid that their hearts are a little weak.

An Nan said tremblingly.

"Captain Zhao, didn't the second person you said to be tried also reached the Law Enforcement Bureau?

Then why was it also judged in the end? Is the Enforcement Bureau also unsafe? "

Being questioned like this is a bit like hitting yourself in the face.

Captain Zhao coughed lightly.

"As you just said, the City Light must have been arranged in advance, so that the two people on trial were judged.

Don't worry this time, I won't take the two of you to the lounge, and we'll go to a place where City Light won't know about it, and keep you both safe. An

Nan, Wu Bin and the two exhaled deeply, as long as they can save their lives, they can go anywhere.

"Captain Zhao, don't waste your efforts, no matter where you go, those who receive the death invitation will be judged as they deserve.

An Nan, Wu Bin, let me ask you again, have you ever repented for what you have done before?

"Don't listen to what he says, you two come with me."

After saying that, under the protection of the police, the two quickly left the place, got into the police car through the side door and left quickly.

Seeing this group of crazy fans, all the puzzles were dumped on the manager of the hotel.

The moment he left the hotel, he immediately contacted his brother from prison and prepared to pick him up.

At the same time, the entire room in the live broadcast room was empty, and even so, no one chose to leave.

Everyone is waiting, waiting for the light of the city to judge these two wicked people.

In the police car, seeing that the live broadcast room was empty, only their room was left, and the two exhaled deeply.

The feeling of being targeted is horrible.

"Captain Zhao, where are we going?"

"Ms. An, the place we are going to this time is safe."

White City Prison.

When their group quickly arrived here, they were shocked again by the sight of the prison in front of them.

They wouldn't want to skip the trial and just lock them up, right?

When I entered a cell, I could still smell a stench in the cell.

"Ms. An, Mr. Wu's cell was previously holding other prisoners, and it was specially prepared for the two of you tonight.

We are here to ensure the safety of both of you.

The two smiled awkwardly.

Captain Zhao, we believe in the ability of the Law Enforcement Bureau, but this copper wall and iron wall, is it that they are a little too overestimating the ability of this called City Light?

"One more layer of insurance is a recipe for trouble."

Opening the iron door, the two walked in, picked up the mobile phone again, and saw that the screen of the live broadcast room was still the room of the hotel just now, it seems that the light of the city is just pretending to be a ghost, and this wave scared the two of them.

Captain Zhao smiled, as long as tonight's events passed, all the rumors were also dispelled, and the next step was to slowly investigate who this city light was, and arrest him and bring him to justice.

Live room.

"Brothers in the live broadcast room, I just came today, is this trial called City Light over? I see that people have been picked up by the police, is there any follow-up plot? "


Other enthusiastic netizens commented on him.

"What the hell is waiting?"

"Do not panic, wait quietly, the midnight bell has not yet struck, and the judgment of the night god has not ended."

Seeing what everyone said in the live broadcast room, Captain Zhao also picked up his watch and looked at the time.

"Master is now at 11:06, and there are still 54 minutes to arrive at the midnight trial time slot that City Light said.

It seems that as long as we survive the last 54 minutes, we have won. The

screen in the live broadcast room still did not move, and another 4 minutes passed, and the time came to 11:10.

Just when everyone thought that the matter was really over here, I saw a cold voice from the live broadcast room.

"You don't think that if you take someone to prison, I won't be able to have a trial, will you?

I said that the moment the person on trial receives an invitation to die, he will be sanctioned wherever he goes. Immediately

after that, there was a rustling sound on the screen, and the camera turned to the prison, and the two people shown on the screen were An Nan and Wu Bin, who were hiding in the cell.

Another cold voice came.

"An Nan, Wu Bin, have you two ever had a trace of remorse for what you have committed before?"

"There really are traitors."

The transfer of the two of them to Baicheng Prison was their own temporary intention, and the only people who knew about this incident were the accompanying people, as well as the prison director of Baicheng.

The accompanying people had already confiscated all their mobile phones before leaving, could it be the warden of White City?

"I said Old Zhao, don't look at me with such eyes, I can't leak the secret at all.

It can't be that there are other people in our prison, and we are not allowed to carry mobile phones while we work. Not

to mention other people, even himself, as the warden, was shocked.

This prison is airtight, how can it appear on the mobile phone, how did this person do it?

Or is this man not a man, is he a god?

"It's not good, City Light is going to judge the two of them in prison, open the lock quickly."

I took the key and wanted to open the door, but the lock was like a failure, and the key could not be opened.

"It's such a waste, go get someone for a hydraulic cutter and cut the door open."

"An Nan, Wu Bin, I gave you three opportunities to repent, but you don't cherish it, it seems that we can enter the trial link."

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