Live room.

"This is a prison, and an airtight place like a prison can even be broadcast live throughout the whole process, and this city light won't be the actor you are looking for, right?"

"Has any brother been in prison, does this prison really look like this?"

"City Light will not allow you to harm our good brother, if you let us know where you are hiding, we promise to beat you to death."

"Good brother, you quickly say, which prison are you in, our fans went over to rescue you."

"Captain Zhao won't be you guys who want to play us, how can there be the sound of city lights in such an airtight place in this prison?"

"Did your competitors send you here, and how much money did they pay?" I double out.

At this moment, An Nan was the first to strain, strange sounds came from all directions, there was a harsh sound from the cutting machine outside, and he kept banging on the iron door of the cage, looking at the group outside with anger.

Trap, this must be a trap, it must be that competitors are jealous of themselves, and the Joint Law Enforcement Bureau has set such a big trap waiting for them to obediently drill in.

And they were a little scared at the time and got in unnaturally.

Actors are all actors.

Hearing what this silly girl said, she actually poured dirty water on her master, and Li Lu's anger did not hit a place.

But in order to save them, the master is at this critical moment, and they don't work together to fight against the light of the city, and this silly girl actually began to make up their brains?

"City Light, and you and we don't know anything, we haven't done these things at all, why wronged us, evidence?"

An Nan roared hoarsely again, and at the same time, this strange voice came from all directions again.

What did the person who was judged on a certain day, month, and year.

Where and on a certain day, month, and year, the person who was judged did something shady?

In turn, the two of them repeated the bad things they did.

Hearing these things, the two of them were scared to the ground, how could the information controlled by this person be more accurate than the two of them knew?

At the same time, countless photos were scattered all over the prison from nowhere, and the pictures on the photos were evidence of the bad things they had done before.

I didn't expect that what they did was really caught with evidence, which is something that people can do?

"We are wrong, we repent, please give us a chance, we are willing to accept the punishment of the law."

We admit that we have done these things, and we are willing to accept the punishment of the law? "

I have the same feeling as the two before, recalling the final fate of the first two people who were judged, if they are punished by the law this time, they will be at most decades in prison, but they can save a life.

But if they were judged by this person, the fate of the two of them would be miserable.

Looking at the photos scattered all over the place, several people outside the door also picked up a few for inspection, the front is the photo and the back is the criminal experience, all of which are evidence that the two of them have committed crimes.

The cutter also stopped sounding.

"Old Zhao, where did these photos come from? As if it appeared out of thin air.

"Only now do I think that it is too late to repent, the world is not seen in the coffin and does not shed tears, and the Yellow River does not die."

Think that what you do is seamless, but if you want to do it, you don't know unless you can't do it.

If the evidence is destroyed, you can escape the punishment of the law, but you cannot escape my trial.

But I can give you a chance to live, depending on whether you two need it or not. Hearing

that they could survive, the two nodded one after another, and they needed to be sure.

"In that case, let's play a game with you, but I can also give the two of you a chance to discuss before the game starts."

One can give him the opportunity to be brought to justice, while the other is judged by me.

It's the game of death again, the first two games of death were vividly remembered by the tragic situation of the people who were judged, what the hell is the idea of City Light this time?

"Give the two of you a minute to discuss."

2 choose 1, one death in life, although whether it is the door of life or death, it will be punished, but the sanctions of the law will definitely be able to make you live, if you are judged by the light of the city, the hope of living is a little slim.

"Xiaobin, don't forget that I single-handedly dug you up, and I gave you this achievement today.

At this time, you should not sacrifice yourself to choose to repay my kindness to you?

"Bah, you stinky bitch, if it weren't for you, I would have ended up here?"

If it weren't for the fact that I was not deeply involved in the world and signed a contract with you by mistake, even if I am tepid in the future, at least I will be able to have enough food and clothing.

But it's all because of you that you ended up where you are today.

City Light I'm still young and I don't want to die, please give me this chance in life. "

It's all at stake for life and death, and if you still want to be humble, it's purely a problem with your head."

An Nan's face turned purple instantly, and he didn't expect that the kid who was dressed up by himself would turn his face and not recognize people at this critical moment.

"Dog thing, you should know my means, I will definitely not let you go after I go out."

City Light, you choose me, as long as you let me go, I can give you money after I go out.

I have a lot of money, just hope you will let me go. "

Choose me, choose me, choose me, choose me.

Originally, both of them were grasshoppers on a rope, but at this moment they tore their faces because of the last benefit.

"It seems that the two of you can't solve it through negotiation, so let's play a game and ask for victory or loss."

The legal punishment for winning, the one who loses is judged by me. As

soon as the words fell, everyone only heard the sound of two things falling to the ground, and when they looked down, two dice fell outside the cell.

"Captain Zhao, please also trouble you to arrange for two people to throw dice instead of them.

There were 10 chances in total, and a draw represented a loss for both men.

Those who lose will be punished, don't think about refusing, if you refuse, even if both of them lose.

"City Lights, hello ruthless heart, this game I refuse to participate in.

I, Zhao Gang, swear here that I will be at odds with the light of your city, and I will definitely catch you and bring you to justice. As

he spoke, he saw that the two people in the prison suddenly had a feeling, as if there were two invisible ropes tightly strangled in their throats, unable to breathe.

It was fine before, but then he couldn't breathe, his face turned purple, and there was a painful wail.

"Captain Zhao, don't you want to see the two of them die in front of you, and the game hasn't started yet?"

"Master, this is how Zhao Chuan died in front of us that day."

"Captain Zhao, please, we don't want to die yet, let's start the game quickly."

The two people in the cage began to be tortured inhumanly, feeling that the rope suddenly relaxed when the whole person was about to suffocate, allowing them to lie on the ground and gulp greedily breathing fresh air.

Just before he breathed a few breaths, another rope tightened himself and suffocated himself.

This is to make the two of them want to die but can't die, non-stop torture, survival can not seek death.

"Captain Zhao, please don't hesitate anymore, we want to live, we don't want to die."

"Old Zhao, don't hesitate to start."

Even if he has handled countless cases as a prison director, he has heard that these criminals are more cruel than this method, but when I saw this situation today, I thought that my heart was like a rock, and who knew that my heart was a little moved.

Seeing that he Old Zhao had not given an order, he began to scold him angrily.

"City Light, it seems that you can also hear what we say, if you really think of yourself as a hero, since you have the evidence of the two of them and want to be judged, why do you need to torture the two of them, and give them a pain, isn't it good?"

I have been a prison director for decades and have seen many prisoners of all kinds, but this is the first time I have seen a pervert like you.

Could it be that this time is to satisfy your perverted desires? "

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