Prison Chief Qian's words resonated with some netizens in the live broadcast room.

Killing does not abuse life, and the way of punishing the wicked by City Light is indeed a bit difficult to eat.

Since they made mistakes and escaped the law, why don't you give them a happy way if you have the evidence and want to be tried?

Some people also expressed support for the practice of the city light, the so-called virtue to repay grievances, why repay virtue?

These mistakes they made should be inflicted on him, so that they can also experience the pain of the victim.

Some people also expressed their opposition to the angry criticism of the light of the city, and as the criticism of the crowd came, the punishment that was put on the two of them directly receded.

The two men lay on the ground and gulped in the fresh air again.

This pain of not being able to survive or die is too torturous.

At this moment, the live portrait of everyone's screen stopped abruptly, and the direction changed to another room.

Three blurry and invisible figures on the screen, but the voice of speaking can be clearly heard.

"Please, please, I'm still a student, please."

"Hahaha, my favorite is your group of students, or Chu Nu, right? Little baby I'm coming. "

Please, please, don't do this.

However, no matter how the two girls begged, they still ushered in the pain of drilling their hearts, and the two girls hugged their heads and cried when the matter was over, and they wanted to call the police.

"Two little sisters, you are still too shallow to join the WTO, what is the use of calling the police, all the evidence has been destroyed by me."

Even if there is no evidence to call the police, what can the police do?

Besides, don't you two like me, what's wrong with obediently handing it over to me? The

camera turned again, because of this incident, the two girls were hit hard, one thought about cutting his wrists to commit suicide, although he was rescued but suffered a mental breakdown, transferred schools, moved incognito.

The other suffered a double mental and physical trauma resulting in schizophrenia and has since been admitted to a psychiatric hospital.

"Daughter, this is my daughter."

Previously, a reporter found the family members of these people who were injured by Wu Bin and gave them to watch the live broadcast of the trial together.

When I saw this scene, a familiar voice came, who is this not my daughter?

When the parents can put themselves in the shoes of their daughters, the plea and pain at that time, they can't wait to tear this beast alive.

After a few videos, the camera turned to the prison again, and this time everyone skillfully closed their mouths.

Why does a person like to stand on the moral high ground to blame others?

Why is the families of these victims not considered and the suffering of the victims over the years?

Someone in the live broadcast room raised his hand and asked in a low voice, will he be beaten to defend Wu Bin at this time?

Someone replied that they would be killed, and pigs and dogs were inferior to things that we actually interceded for such people?

The light of the city must be tortured fiercely, so that they cannot survive and die.

The warden, who had just rebuked Lin Mo with full confidence, also stopped his voice at this moment and remained silent.

There is also a daughter in his own family who has just entered high school, and when he only enters the role of a father in his own life, if his daughter is hurt in this way, even if she has an official position, she will be stripped of this life alive.


He sighed helplessly, then turned around and retreated to the side, and he didn't care about this matter and didn't say much.

Originally, he was a prison guard, so the matter of solving the case should be left to their law enforcement bureau.

Then the painful wails of the two of them came from the prison, and the torment of the city light continued again.

"Captain Zhao, the two people you want to protect are going to die, and if you don't want them to die like this, you can start the game quickly."

Seeing that the two of them were tortured, and seeing the denunciations from everyone in the live broadcast room, he had to arrange for people to start this death game.

A table, two dice, and the two officers who were arranged to pick up their things, this time only felt very stressful.

Usually playing a dice roll is just fun, but now it is not simply playing a dice, their win or loss represents the life and death of the two people inside.

When the two dice fell at the same time, the personnel representing Wu Bin won the victory.

When he saw that he had won, Wu Bin closed his mouth with excitement, and he won the first round of the opener, looking at his proud appearance obviously forgetting the appearance of being tortured just now.

"Hahahaha, I won, I won."

On the other hand, the face of the person who failed became gloomy, and he actually failed in the first round?

Everyone heard another clatter, and a knife appeared out of thin air in the prison.

"The loser gets the punishment, the winner picks up a knife and cuts off one of the opponent's ears."

"Don't don't, don't don't."

Hearing the way of punishment scared both of them, don't look at how to do those bad things before, but they didn't feel anything.

But when I really got to the point where I was about to do it, I began to become stubborn, lying softly.

"Do you both want to die?"

Don't, don't .

Seeing the knife in front of him, as the victorious side, Wu Bin took the lead in standing up and stepped forward to approach An Nan step by step.

"What are you going to do?"

Didn't the city lights say everything? This is the punishment for failure, Sister Nan, don't think about resisting. The

hand rose and fell, one ear was cut off, and An Nan fell to the ground and rolled around, staring at Wu Bin viciously with his eyes. Don't let yourself win, or you'll definitely die or you'll die.

Live room.

"Is this really fake, or is it a special effect?"

Of course it's true."

"It's cruel to watch."

"I hope upstairs, if your daughter is violated by them, you can also say this."

The dice rolls continued, and Annan won the second round.

He picked up the knife himself and was also ready to cut off his ear.

"Stop, treat him in a different way, since you like to violate students in this way, your punishment method will recycle your crime tools."

This is the meaning of castration of him, and when I heard this Wu Bin's pleading, don't do it.

How can a man say that he can't?

"Xiaobin, don't worry, I will definitely start lightly."

Two knives down, it's over, the baby is wasted.

This wail spread throughout the prison, and the prisoners in the other cells also felt a sense of tremor when they heard this scene.

Could it be that these prison guards are giving ideological education to new arrivals or criminals who do not submit to discipline?

At the same time, the sound is so loud, but also to be able to deter the rest of them?

The criminals in the other cells in the prison lie obediently on the side and dare not move, this prison is not a place where people live, and it can cure all disbelief.

"You stinky bitch, I'm going to kill you."

Wu Bin wanted to raise the knife to kill people, but he felt that his neck was not breathing well, as if he was being tightly strangled by a rope.

"The game is not over, want to kill, this is the punishment, continue ."

When the two dice fell again, everyone understood that this was not two dice, but two tools to kill.

Listening to the victory on his side, there was a mad excitement in the prison, while the other showed a heartfelt tremor of fear.

In the following competition, both sides won or lost each other, ears were cut off, tongues were cut off, and fingers were basically chopped off.

Three draws, half of each of the 6 rounds, and the final game decides life or death.

When the deadly dice fell again, everyone held their breath, and losing in a draw was the best outcome.

The moment a representative of his two points appeared, Wu Bin was completely crazy, is this God also going to let himself die?

According to the size of the probability they are basically bound to lose, but the moment the other dice lift the lid 1 o'clock appears.

If you win, you don't have to die.

At this moment, Wu Bin's excited expression was indescribable, and he plopped down on the ground.

"Why? Why? Why?

Why did I lose in the end, I was so rich, why not give me a chance?

"The trial is over, Wu Bin congratulated you on winning, raised the knife and killed this woman, the trial is over."

After this round of games, he had already become crazy, picked up the knife and walked towards An Nan step by step.

"Wu Bin, don't do something stupid, you won't live if you kill her."

Outside, Captain Zhao and his group began to dissuade, and the hydraulic cutting machine outside the door continued, but today's cell door is really strange, and it can't be broken.

"This woman ruined my life, I will kill her, I will take revenge."

One by one, he stabbed the woman he particularly hated, and the blood stained the ground and stained his body.

It's really painful, it's so painful, this mean woman was finally killed by herself, and she won.

He let out a long laugh, and then squatted aside and began to cry.

At the same time, the door was finally broken, and everyone walked in to save people.

Unfortunately, the injured died on the spot because of his injuries, and Wu Bin was taken to the hospital for treatment.

After a night of emergency rescue, some injuries can be healed, but the double blow of the body and spirit just now, and also made his schizophrenia into psychosis.

In just one day, the popular star ended up with such an end, which also made everyone sigh.

But more often it reminds everyone of the words said by the city light, good and evil will eventually be rewarded, not not reported, but the time has not come.

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