After the trial, the live broadcast room page was closed, everyone was forced to quit, and the familiar lines reached everyone's ears, and this time everyone understood the true meaning of this sentence better.

There are gods who hold their heads up, do not do what is good and do not do evil small.

The bad things they are doing may have escaped the trial of the law because there is no evidence, but they cannot escape the trial of the city light.

In an unknown city, a thief ransacked a large household, and he was still proudly watching today's results, watching the live broadcast, having money, and giving some tips to his favorite little sister.

was suddenly brought to the live broadcast room of City Light and saw this strange scene.

I searched again for what was happening on the Internet and scared myself all over.

Don't do what good is small, don't do it with evil, is it possible that this sentence is pointing yourself?

He just steals something, even if he is caught, according to the laws of their country A, he will only squat for a few days in prison.

But just saw this scene in the live broadcast room, this one called City Light did not give anyone face at all, and it was really ga.

Although it happened in the White City, which is 108,000 miles away from their city, the fugitives 30 years ago were dug up, and if 30 years later, they were also judged for petty theft and had no bones left, it would be terrifying to think about it.

"Enforcement Bureau?"

Trembling called the Law Enforcement Bureau.

"I'm going to report someone stealing."

What you see is right in my house, and I'm talking about reporting myself, what I stolen.

In the past few days, the announcement issued by your law enforcement bureau said that the thief is me, come and arrest me, I will turn myself in. "

People in the Law Enforcement Bureau, credit comes from heaven.


The live broadcast room was completely shut down, and all electronic devices returned to their previous situation.

Watching the hospital ambulance that rushed over overnight carry the two of them away, the Law Enforcement Bureau also sent two people to follow them to the hospital to complete the procedures, and the remaining few people stood dumbfounded.

"I said Old Zhao, what kind of existence have you provoked, can this still be done by people?

You say there won't really be ghosts in this world, right? "

Originally, as an atheist, I had access to all kinds of criminals every day, but if I believed that there were really ghosts in the world, I would have collapsed my mentality a long time ago.

But until today, seeing all this happening in front of me, I had to doubt all my previous beliefs, and I had a feeling that I wanted to collapse, and I was finished, wasted, and I actually fell into self-doubt.

"Old Qian, don't say it's you this time, even my own mentality has collapsed a little.

This is still something that humans can do, who is this city light? What kind of existence is it?

And these photographs of evidence, such a strange and cruel way of judgment, is there really a God in the world who really wants to punish these sinful people? The

two looked at each other, and they all showed helpless expressions, and the next thing seemed to be prepared.

The same matter of being judged has appeared three times, and all of them have arisen within the jurisdiction of their own White City, and they have been brought to prison today with their own trust, and they have not escaped the fate of being judged.

This matter will definitely cause an uproar on the Internet, and the person being judged is a popular star, coupled with the means of trial, all the media on the Internet will definitely make a fuss with the help of these traffic.

It is estimated that this incident will definitely alarm the above, and after the incident, someone may be sent to intervene in the investigation.

"Master, I guess, I know who the city light is."

Li Lu stood on the side thinking about what happened today, and suddenly his eyes lit up and said excitedly.

"What do you say, do you know who City Light is?"

Everyone turned their gazes over, and seeing everyone's excited and expectant eyes, Li Lu shook his head.

"Master, I'm just guessing, but these guesses are based on science.

Master, I think the kid who first investigated today is very suspicious. "

I told everything that happened today, and I saw the star in a traffic jam.

Today's stars can't just look at the surface, those people look at the infinite scenery on the surface, but in fact, they secretly don't know how many dirty things there are, and as a result, both of them were judged at night.

Isn't what he said a hint?

Combined with this range, the time this kid came here, everything has some intrinsic connection, it's really hateful, you should have asked him at that time.

Li Lu fell into a daze, and these evidences were only his own guesses, but he always felt that he was close to the truth, but he was still a little bit closer.

Lin Mo never dreamed that he was just a kind reminder this time, but he was suspected again?

"Your guess? It's just. "

I was severely criticized by the master, guessing, doubting, in the absence of evidence, can not be used as the standard of judges, especially us as law enforcers.

If everything is just speculation, isn't the world out of order?

Although the City Light himself did not investigate any information about him, and as an old policeman who had been handling cases for many years, he was very unsupportive of his use of this method to conduct the trial.

But his shortcomings are his shortcomings, and he himself has to admire the way the city light behaves and shines evidence before the trial.

The only thing that may be wrong is that the lynching is somewhat criticized, and the evidence provided by this person is true.

In addition to anger, people have to submit to this person's methods, and with solid evidence, it is also some evil people who are punished.

On the other hand, those good people were not hurt in the slightest.

"Old Zhao wants me to say that this matter should be handed over to the law enforcement bureau above, let them intervene."

I think this matter is a bit bizarre, and we can't solve it alone.

"I don't care who he is or what his identity is, even if these people who are judged by him are really heinous, it is not his abuse of lynching, I will definitely bring him to justice."

Warden Qian waved his hand, this old Zhao's temper is estimated that 10 cows will not be able to pull back, anyway, such a thing is not mixed with himself.

Tonight, without permission, take people to prison privately, if nothing happens to go through the back door, it doesn't matter, but people are all in prison, and they are estimated to be criticized.

Just a glance at his old fellow, his own criticism and his suffering are completely trivial.

Today's things, as they thought, directly rushed to the top of the hot search of all news.

"The appearance of the city light in the White City, lynching people under the guise of justice, is this a fall of morality or a distortion of human nature?" "

Outside the nickname, the person on trial is a star of a music media and his manager.

Wu, as a popular traffic star, actually did this kind of thing, whether it is true or false, and asked a media company to give them an explanation"

The photos scattered all over the place were also screenshots of netizens in the live broadcast room and posted on the Internet in turn.

The family members of the girls who were previously violated by Wu Bin also stood up and identified at this moment.

What happened before is true, his daughter became ill after experiencing that incident, causing schizophrenia, and it was this star who made their daughter suffer such a vain disaster.

In the years they have been parents, they have all washed their faces with tears, and they can't wait to tear their bad lives alive.

At that time, they went to the law enforcement bureau to file a case with the police, and finally did not find any results.

This wave of operations by the victims' families has put the law enforcement bureau that opened the case for investigation seven years ago on the cusp, during this period, did any law enforcement personnel embezzle and accept bribes, obstructing the case, so that this case was not investigated?

People came from heaven sitting in pots at home, and the local law enforcement bureau immediately collected the previous files for official reporting.

All files are transparent and accessible to anyone.

At that time, all the processes were done according to the rules, but unfortunately, the evidence of their crime was destroyed by the abuser.

Although they sympathized with the victims as the law enforcement bureau, they could not be wronged casually because of the situation without evidence.

If you want to blame, blame this abuser for being too cunning and deceiving the people of their law enforcement bureau.

For a while, the direction changed again, and all the waves began to push to Wu Bin and his media company again.

On the same day, the official website of the media company issued a statement that this matter was only done by him Wu Bin and the agent, and had nothing to do with the company.

However, because they belong to their own company, they will apologize and financially compensate the victims' families on behalf of the two people.

At the same time, they must also be prosecuted, because this dirty thing they did has caused a very bad impact on their media company.

Even if one dies, the other has become a mental illness.

There are also some brands that have just signed a cooperation with them all crying in the toilet, originally thinking that they can sign popular stars and make a lot of money when their press conference is held, who knew that such a thing happened?

"I know your horse's and lose money."

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