When this cold voice appeared in his ears.

Zhao Chuan, who was still sitting on the sofa just now, stood up abruptly, took the dagger on the side and looked around at the voice of speaking.

This wave of operations has attracted a lot of discussion among netizens.

"I know that the family must have hidden the tape recorder in a certain direction in advance, and someone controlled it.

When this time arrived, it could be played remotely and shocked our protagonist into a cold sweat.

With the light bulb just now, the faucet flows a meaning.

"If I hadn't known in advance that this plot was all acting, even I would have brought it into the perspective of the protagonist."

Everyone was watching with pleasure to see what the protagonist would do next.

It's just that the party Zhao Chuan doesn't know that everything that is happening now is being broadcast live throughout the whole process, and he doesn't know what these netizens watching are thinking at the moment.

The cold voice, I couldn't tell which corner it came from, and it directly entered my ears.

"Who's pretending to be a ghost on the side, hurry up and get out of here."

I tell you, Lao Tzu was not frightened.

"Zhao Chuan, you are a monopoly trafficker, and you took 5 lives in the process of escaping and arresting, those people were killed by you, but you yourself escaped the punishment of the law, do you have a trace of repentance in the past 30 years?"

Once again, the cold voice reached his ears, and Zhao Chuan in front of him was completely irritable.

I looked around for the source of the sound, but I didn't find out where it came from.

"Okay, give you a face, huh, you wait."

He picked up the dagger in his hand and began to search the room.

Pulled open the wardrobe on the side, directly to the clothes inside began to stab, and shouted in his mouth.

"Call you pretending to be a ghost, and I'll kill you."

I searched all the places I thought I was suspicious, but I found no trace.

"Don't bother anymore, you can't find me, but I can see you.

The law has allowed you to escape for 30 years without timely punishment, and today I will judge you.

When the cold voice came from all directions again, Zhao Chuan at this moment completely broke his defense, because his eyes had turned red because of anger, and he shouted hoarsely over and over again.

"Who the hell are you? Why do you pretend to be a ghost behind your back and have the courage to stand up and fight Lao Tzu.

"Who am I, I have given myself an elegant name, City Light, and of course you can also call me the judge of justice."

"Bah, the light of the city, the judge of justice, I don't believe it."

I see that you are just a shrunken villain, just because you still want to sanction me?

I tell you, since you already know, what can you do, do you have proof?

Even the law can't punish me, and you don't think about it. The

hideous face, the irritable expression, especially the conversation between the two of them, made the audience in the live broadcast room have a suspicion for a while, what happened in this live broadcast room will not be real, right?

Could it be that this person is really a monopoly with 5 murders?

Someone picked up a mobile phone on the side and began to search for the murder that occurred in Qingcheng 30 years ago.

I saw that the situation was clearly recorded on the mobile phone, and two anti-independence policemen died in the pursuit of a trafficker, who robbed and brutally killed three passers-by in the process of escaping.

At that time, the case caused a sensation in the entire Qingcheng, and the monopoly dealer Zhao Chuan was also listed as an A-class wanted person.

As time went by, various other things happened in the past 30 years, and this murder was forgotten by more and more people.

However, the personnel of the Qingcheng Law Enforcement Bureau have not stopped arresting Zhao Chuan, because of the age, coupled with the limited conditions before, this gangster has been allowed to go unpunished, and even arrogantly hid in the surrounding cities without even changing his name.

"I didn't expect that 30 years ago in Qingcheng, there really was such a tragedy?"

"This matter is true, I am from Qingcheng, I just asked my father, he had just married at that time, and the whole Qingcheng was making a lot of noise at that time."

"This group of hateful monopolists really deserves death."

Everyone did not expect that in the midst of their discussion, a murder case 30 years ago was re-mentioned.

"I said brothers, you just heard what the anchor said.

It seems that this person in the live broadcast room is the murderer of 30 years ago. "

In the live broadcast room, a person with the same name and surname, who is still about the same age, appears, making people have to doubt that all this is true.

Regardless of whether he is real or fake, since he dares to act, let's help him report to the Law Enforcement Bureau, let the police come and investigate, won't everything be clear?

If it is false, this anchor dares to rub this heat must make the people of the law enforcement bureau severely punished.

If it's true, it's really a big job.

"I don't care who you are or what your identity is, you are not qualified to judge me, and I have never killed anyone."

"Hmph, whether you admit it or not, tonight when the clock strikes midnight, I will judge you."

The cold voice came again, and everyone hurriedly checked the time, and there was still an hour to reach midnight.

"You say that the anchor really wants to be judged, but how should he be judged?"

"He's from the Bureau of Law Enforcement? Say that the trial is the trial?

"Hey Law Enforcement? I want to report the Qingcheng murder 30 years ago.

"Who the hell are you, who the hell are you when you speak."

Looking up at the clock above his head, it was already 11:01 p.m., and if what this person said was true, it meant that there were 59 minutes to go.

Could it be that there really are judges in this world who will punish their own sins?

Back then, he was young and vigorous, dared to do anything, and even thought that it was not a life, but he was still a good man 18 years later.

But this person has lived for a long time, and he has a little money, but he does not have such naïve ideas as before, and he has become more desperate.

Looking up at the clock again, another minute passed.

The sound of the second ticking was like a spell that told him that his life was about to enter the countdown.

Could it be that after 12 midnight, he will really die?

At the same time, the law enforcement bureau in Qingcheng received several calls from enthusiastic people, all about the murder that occurred in Qingcheng 30 years ago.

Some of the people in the law enforcement bureau that were in charge of the matter at that time had reached the age of retirement, but every new police officer did not slack off on the matter.

Hearing that the criminals of the murder 30 years ago appeared in White City, everyone did not dare to delay and immediately rushed to investigate.

After the scene that the enthusiastic crowd saw outside the protagonist's window in the live broadcast room, a certain community in Baicheng was quickly locked, and the local police in Baicheng rushed to it.

Time passed minute by minute, and in the blink of an eye, most of the time passed, and only the last 15 minutes were left, and the agreed midnight hour was reached.

As the time approached, Zhao Chuan only felt that the temperature of this house was gradually dropping, and he didn't know whether it was his true thoughts or psychological effects.

At this moment, I was really a little afraid.

Named the names of the two people who had dinner together tonight, and then cursed angrily.

"Is all this a ghost of the two of you tonight, Lao Tzu confessed, what conditions do you say?" Isn't it just asking for money, let's say, how much? Lao Tzu to you. In

fact, he was very angry in his heart, and when he saw them, he killed them.

"Have the brothers written down the names of the two people just now, maybe these two people are new clues."

After Zhao Chuan finished speaking, another cold voice came.

"I was going to give you a chance to repent, but it seems that the wicked need more vicious means to punish.

Do you think that money can buy everything, and money can buy 5 innocent lives that you hurt?

It seems that even if you die, you will not realize your mistake.

You still have the last 15 minutes to take a good look at the final world before the trial. "

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