Only this time hearing this cold voice, Zhao Chuan seemed particularly calm.

Sitting on the sofa on the side, he lit a cigarette and smiled disdainfully.

"Why can't money buy life? Everything in this world has its own price.

Besides, 5 of them were dead at that time, and it's been more than 30 years, why do you cling to the previous things?

In fact, I already know your identity, you are definitely not a policeman, if you are a policeman, you will talk to me here?

I would have already led people to surround and arrest the place where I lived.

What you did today is just fifty steps and a hundred steps of what I did before, isn't it that you know my handle and want to take advantage of the opportunity to blackmail?

Well, don't pretend, in fact, we are all the same kind of people.

I don't like to grind, one price is 500,000 yuan per life, 5 lives are 2.5 million, these money is also my last bottom line.

You're just here to make money, and I'm just here to save my life.

Don't push me into a hurry, otherwise I'll report myself and you'll not get a penny then.

After saying this, he cocked Erlang's leg and smoked a cigarette, threw it in the ashtray, picked up his mobile phone, opened the contact, entered the police number and put it aside.

His own meaning is so clear, he must be able to hear it even if he is a smart person.

If you want money, you can give money, you should break the wealth to avoid disaster, but you think that it is not so easy to use this matter to coerce yourself into squeezing yourself dry.

This time the cold voice did not come, Zhao Chuan smiled disdainfully, as long as he was thinking about this matter, there was room for maneuver.

As long as the other party is not the sunrise masses, the gang is not for money is to do good deeds.

Everyone on the Internet began to talk about it again.

"Brothers, the plot has begun to reverse, do you guess whether the anchor collects money or not?"

"Deduction 1 for those who think they receive money, deduction 2 for those who think they do not collect money."


"Lao Wang, wake up quickly, this is not the old Zhao who drank with you today, you see him on his mobile phone."

"On the phone, on the phone?"


The time of 1 minute and 1 second passed, and it was already 11:55 at this moment, and I was not idle during this time period, and I checked all the places in the room where people could be hidden.

I came to the door and re-checked, looked out through the peephole, and checked the window of the balcony.

Still want to pretend to be a ghost, I bah, what?

In 5 minutes, a mature lock picker may not even be able to open this door of his own.

Your own building is more than 20 floors, and you are located in the middle house, do you think Spider-Man can fly off the wall and rush into his house?

It's also unlikely to think about it.

It was just that I was brought up again by people, which really shocked me.

Fortunately, these things can't stand up to their own scrutiny, don't let me know who your kid really is, no matter who you are, what identity you know, my secret, you are dead.

"You still have the last 5 minutes."

It was this cold voice again, and his little temper came up, and he cursed.

"I tell you, you don't give a face, is it possible that you dislike this 2.5 million or less?

I told you that there is no way to bargain with me, believe it or not, I call the police and turn myself in.

At that time, I would rather go in by myself, all this money will be confiscated, and you kid will not get a penny. Just

as he was cursing, he only heard the sound of sirens downstairs.

Looking out through the window, more than a dozen police vehicles had stopped outside, and a team of police officers rushed down from the car and quickly rushed towards their building.

"Mad, you turtle grandson really doesn't talk about martial virtue, Laozi said to give you money, you actually called the police?"

Live room.

"Brothers, you guys see that this actor's acting skills are really pompous, just like the real thing."

"I guess it won't take a minute for the streamer and his team to come forward and explain to the big guy that it's just a script."

"The upstairs said wrong, now it's too late to explain that this is the script, wait for the police uncles to go upstairs and personally check the water meter."

Looking down again from the balcony, the police had surrounded the building, and more than 10 heavily armed police officers rushed into the house.

The leader is Captain Zhao of this jurisdiction, who is looking at the residence in front of him at the moment, and is opening his mobile phone to watch the video provided by enthusiastic netizens.

After big data comparison, this person is more than 90% similar to the criminal who escaped.

Today, a solitary trafficker was arrested who killed two anti-independence policemen 30 years ago, snatched their guns and fled.

I just didn't think that the mastermind of the sensational murder case thirty years ago had lived for so many years under the noses of their two cities.

This person is a very fierce criminal, and the opposite building has also set up a sniper rifle, waiting for orders at any time.

In the event of a fierce battle, the criminals can be killed on the spot.

According to the information provided by enthusiastic netizens, this person lives on the middle floor, was also livestreamed, and now he has not gone anywhere in the house.

"I know your uncle, you really don't talk about martial virtue, this is what you forced me."

Quickly came to his bedroom, opened a dark cabinet in the closet, and took out the box that had been sealed for many years.

Enter the password, and the whole network is stunned the moment you open the box.

Two pistols appeared in front of everyone, loaded and loaded in one go, and it didn't look like they were loaded at all.

Live room.

"Brothers, I'm a little confused now, is this true or fake?"

"If this is a script, how do you feel that the anchors are a little out of the routine?"

"If this is not the script, is he really a monopoly on the run 30 years ago?"

"But have you ever wondered if he is really a solo offender, then who filmed his every move?

Could it be that a hidden camera was installed in the house, or could it be that it was just a coincidence?

The police came to handle other cases, and it just so happened that they filmed such a script, in order to increase the heat, thinking of continuing to hype? "

Shameful hype, this group of unscrupulous anchors."

Zhao Chuan quickly came to the door and glanced outside again through the cat's eyes.

Because of the provision of enthusiastic netizens, the approximate floor can be determined, and a team of people and horses will conduct an inventory on the 1st floor.

The other team went directly to several identified floors to investigate.

With a knock on the door downstairs.

"Who? This does not let people sleep in the middle of the night, is it to check the water meter? "

We are from the White City Law Enforcement Bureau and we have received reports to go door-to-door.

Please cooperate in your work. "

Uncle policeman, no, read it wrong, you are a police sister, I was wrong, I was just lonely at night, I just found a small card to float once, no murder or arson, you don't point a gun at me I'm afraid."

"If I don't arrest you tonight, I'll go to the Law Enforcement Bureau tomorrow to explain it myself."

The sound downstairs dissipated, and as the elevator door on his floor was opened, a team of police officers armed with bulletproof shields began to check the door on one side through Cat's Eye.

The two residents next door opened the door and checked in turn, and then a group rushed towards their side.

The leading officer knocked on the door, knock.

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