Knock knock, knock knock.

This knock on the door also made his heartbeat accelerate sharply.

Ding-dong, ding-dong, midnight bells strike at this moment.

"We are from the Law Enforcement Bureau, so we have trouble the residents inside to open the door and accept our inspection."

At this moment, Zhao Chuan's heartbeat accelerated sharply, and here he suddenly had an inexplicable tremor in his heart.

That mysterious voice was going to judge himself at midnight, and he felt even more uneasy than the police officers outside.

If he opens the door and is arrested by the police and finally tried, the whole process of the first trial, the second instance and the third trial are completed, even if he is really sentenced to death, it will take at least two or three years.

If he were judged by this mysterious voice, he might really die tonight.

Live room.

"I said that the anchor, your team is playing with fire and self-immolation, and it's all this time to put the acting on hold, and don't you hurry up and open the door to be questioned by the Law Enforcement Bureau?"

"The anchor and their team observed a minute of silence, and I advised him to say a word, no die!"

"Zhao Chuan, the clock has struck midnight, and I will launch a just trial against you."

"You kneel for me."

With this voice, the whole person was stunned and really plopped down on the ground.

"Name Zhao Chuan, age 55, 30 years ago, traffickered alone, killed two anti-independence policemen in the process of evading arrest, and three innocent passers-by fled to this day, can I be convinced?"

"I don't convince, I don't convince, I didn't kill."

As soon as the words fell, countless photos scattered above his head fell in front of him, and the photo in front of him was the scene where he committed murder 30 years ago.

I was completely panicked when I saw the photo in front of me.

"How is this possible, how can anyone have a picture of their own murder?"

"I said that justice may be late, but my trial will never be absent.

I will not wronged a good person, and at the same time I will not let a bad person go, kowtow to the 5 people you have hurt and repent.

"I don't repent, I'm right, it's them all deserve to die."

At the same time, there was a knock on the door again outside.

Outside, I obviously heard the sound of someone talking inside, but a few minutes had passed before the door opened.

If the guess is correct, it seems that this criminal is in this room, if he does not open the door again, he can only use tough means to break down the door.

"Are you a human or a ghost?

What the hell has been done to me?

"I am the Light of the City, the judge of justice, your crimes have been announced, but you refuse to repent, and I sentence you to hang."

When the trial was issued, Zhao Chuan could feel that his neck was like being put on a rope, and it was constantly tightening.

And he wanted to break free with his hands, but there was nothing in his neck.

It gradually becomes difficult to breathe yourself.

"Help, help, I can't breathe, spare my life, spare my life."

At this moment, he was completely panicked, obviously there was no one in the four, but his neck was as painful as if he was being strangled, and he felt that he was about to break.

"I'll give you one last chance, are you going to repent or not?"

"I repent, I repent, it's all my wrong person and I killed it, please give me a chance."

"Okay, then I'll give you a chance to atone for your sins, and we'll play a game.

If you win the game, I will release you and put you on trial by the police outside.

If you fail the game, I will personally punish you.

Zhao Chuan tightened his body in fright, raised his head and looked around.

"You mean I have to die whether I win or lose? No, this game I don't do I don't do I don't want to die.

"You don't have the power to choose, the name of the game is rock-paper-scissors, and you face yourself in the mirror."

There are 20 rounds in total, and if you lose or draw, the rope around your neck will tighten by one point until the end of the 20 rounds, and if you quit in between, you will die. "

Live room.

Everyone talked about it again, the image in the mirror is himself, no matter what he Zhao Chuan came from, the self in the mirror must be the same as his own, and the draw counts him as a failure, which is to kill him.

"Don't, don't."

"If you escape from this room, you will be strangled on the spot"

He didn't believe in evil and wanted to flee quickly, and the invisible rope around his neck tightened a little, instantly making himself breathless.

Trembling came to the mirror in the living room, and saw himself in the mirror suddenly showing a smile like himself.


He got up and stretched out his hand, and the sound of rock-paper-scissors came from the room.


Both of them were stoned, and the draw counted as their own loss, and the rope around their necks suddenly tightened.


This time he made his own cloth, and he came out of the mirror with a stone, and won the second game.

Live room.

"This is also unscientific, this mirror clearly reflects itself, why is the character inside different from the person outside the mirror?"

Game 3 Game 4... Game 10... Game 15.

According to the 1/3 probability of winning yourself, the chance of winning is too small, as you fail again and again, the invisible rope around your neck strangles your face red, and you can only enter by a small amount of breath, this painful feeling is too uncomfortable.

The police outside saw that no one opened the door in the house, and immediately chose to break down the door.

When the door was opened, the policemen with live ammunition rushed in and surrounded Zhao Chuan.

Look at the pistol that fell to the ground on the side.

"Zhao Chuan is really you, you were arrested, confess leniently, resist strictly."

"Help, help, someone is going to kill me, please save me I don't want to die yet."

Seeing Zhao Chuan standing in front of the mirror with a red face, he looked like their group with a pleading look.

"Don't play any tricks, come and arrest him."

"Zhao Chuan, since the game has not ended yet, do you want to opt out?"

"Save me, save me."

Although I usually see the police, although I am shocked, I can't wait to hide far away, but this time I have an indescribable joy to see them.

Being caught by the police for a process can last at least a few years, but the self-proclaimed judge can really kill himself tonight.

"Zhao Chuan, are you sure you want to quit the game?"

A cold voice came, still without any emotion.

"That's right, I'd rather be caught by the police than be tried by you."

"Since you choose to quit the game, the mission fails and dies."

When the command of death was given, his neck just felt tighter and tighter, and he couldn't even breathe.

"Save me, save me I don't want to die yet."

Seeing Zhao Chuan's excited look.

"Who are you talking to, why can't I see anything?

I don't care who you are, no matter what status you are, what judge adjudicator, I now order you as a police officer to stop harming the suspect, and we will take him to the law enforcement bureau for a fair and just trial. The

policewoman in front of her had just finished speaking, only to hear a click from Zhao Chuan's neck on the side, and the whole person's neck was broken and fell to the ground with a bang.

"Captain, this person has lost his breath."

"What, people are dead? How did he die? "

I was strangled by someone."

"Fool around, we didn't see anyone at all, how could someone strangle us?

It seems that you should be afraid of committing suicide, you should search the whole house, do not miss any clues, especially the hidden cameras. The

leading captain looked at the scattered photos, told all the people to pack up and send them to the bureau, and he began to look around the house with people.

"What, people are dead? We didn't hear the sound of fighting, nor did we hear the sound of shots, how did this man die?

"You may not believe the master, but when the door was opened, it was fine and the person died in less than a few seconds, and the forensic doctor preliminarily determined that he was strangled by someone."

If I want to say die, die, and living a scourge like this is also a waste of air.

"It's just, how can you, as an enforcer, say such a thing?

Even if this person is a wanted criminal, but when he is not put on the final trial by the law, his identity is only a criminal suspect.

And the inexplicable death of the suspect, from the enthusiastic people to the time we went to the police, it took less than an hour.

Could it really be that someone is leading the development of this matter?

Be sure to check carefully and don't miss any corner.

"Got it, master, don't worry."

The leading policewoman hung up the walkie-talkie, glanced at the whole room again, and began to search it carefully.

In the live broadcast room, it fell into calm for a while.

No one was speaking, just watching quietly.

At this moment, someone took the lead in typing a row of words and sent it.

"I said brothers, this just now should not be acting, right?"

"Could it be that this group of police officers also came to make a movie?"

"You are stupid upstairs, this is really dead, this person in front of you was quacked by the anchor, and this policewoman in front of you is from our White City Bureau."

"Does anyone know if the anchor will be sentenced if he gives a wanted criminal to Ga?"

"I think I should be looking forward to it."

"I seem to have discovered a bug, this live broadcast can be seen by the people watching it, and the people on trial can also see it, why are those police officers already on the scene, but they can't hear or see anything?"

As soon as the picture turned, the scene in the room disappeared, replaced by a rustling sound.

"Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, not if they are not reported.

I advise the world not to do what is good and not to do evil for less. After

the last words, all the screens returned to their previous state, some were watching TV series, some were playing games, and points were deducted because they hung up for too long.

There are also some who are watching the commotion, mothers, guys, hot dance.

It's just that all this is not so important, but what just happened is impossible for everyone to forget.

"This anchor is really a ruthless person, say quack and quack?"

"What's the anchor's name, City Light."

Those who know this name have picked up their mobile phones and searched for the nickname of City Light on the short video platform.

There are many people who call this nickname, but when I look at their biographies, I find that they are not the same person.

"Could it be that the anchor is a hacker who can hack into all systems, and this incident is forcibly inserted?"

"I didn't even have a video of such a wonderful video, brothers who have just asked for a copy of the video, I want to watch it again."

"10 yuan a piece of Tong Suo is not deceived, and people in country A do not cheat people in country A."

Zhao Chuan's residence.

"Master, you are here, I have ordered people to search all the places, but I have not seen any monitoring equipment."

After the policewoman finished speaking, she sighed deeply.

According to the information provided by netizens, what just happened was a live broadcast, how did I search for a long time and did not see any monitoring equipment.

Why can there be a clearly visible sound in the live broadcast room, but they don't hear anything after they go in?

How strange, could that voice only be aimed at criminals?

"I have asked someone to make a copy of the live video and bring it to the bureau for good research.

I have asked someone to bring the body back for forensic evaluation, and I believe that it will not be long before the results are available.

By the way, you send someone to bring the two people Zhao Chuan said to the bureau to personally investigate and see if you can find any clues.

I'll take care of the matter here.

"Master, if we really find this person who killed Zhao Chuan in the end, what should we do with this person?"

Captain Zhao in front of him thought for a moment.

"In my personal sense, this man is a hero who found this criminal to avenge my two brothers.

But if the law of our country A is concerned, even the most vicious person, no one can be lynched, he must be judged by the law.

Although we are policemen, we are also flesh and blood.

"Knowing the master, I will go to investigate."

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