Seeing the inquiring classmates, Zhou Guowei waved his hand.

"Dear old students, I am mainly responsible for investment and financial management in the financial industry.

But I don't recommend everyone to do this thing, although the profit is high, but the risk is high, the slightest mistake may be a full loss. "

Hearing this makes everyone prohibitive.

They are just ordinary people, it is not easy to earn some money, if they lose all of them, they will work hard for several years, and in the end they will become a poor egg.

Therefore, you must be cautious in investing in this matter, and such a high output and high return also means that he is more risky.

If you really want to play, I can recommend you to play others.

The interest rate is 2~3 times higher than the highest interest rate of the bank, but there is no risk.

Connect with all banks and grab as you go, you can refer to it. "

2~3 times the interest rate does not have any risk, this is a good financial product."

This money is also put in the bank anyway, if you buy such a wealth management product can earn quite good interest every day, it is a good choice.

"Since the squad leader has such a financial product, then take us with him?"

High we definitely dare not play, this low risk-free financial management, we also want to enter a share.

"Squad leader, if you want to do it, make a big one, come to a high-risk and high-profit one."

"If the squad leader personally operates, what is the approximate chance of making money?"

Zhou Guowei thought for a moment.

"At most, 70% certainty."

"Seventy percent confidence is also quite high, with the squad leader personally on the side, we believe that it will definitely make money."

Some people proposed on the side, and some people responded on the side, which made the hearts of the other students who participated in the party also flood their hearts. Bikes become motorcycles, motorcycles into cars.

It was originally a simple class reunion, but in the end, it turned into a live exchange meeting for investment and financial management.

Even their head teacher took out their mobile phones to download the software, and even took some money to manage their finances.

Seeing the software in front of him, Li Lu opened his mouth to dissuade.

"Teacher, students should not believe in high investment and high returns, the risk of higher interest than the bank is quite large, be careful of running out of money."

As a police officer, although this is a class reunion, my class president recommends something.

But his work ethic reminds himself that he should stand up and tell everyone.

It's just that his kind reminder seems to have caused public anger, and some people directly export sarcasm.

"I said Li Lu, among our classmates, your family lineage is the best, you are not short of money, and you don't need to block our financial path, right?"

"Even some people don't know what to think, because they have a good family background, and they don't have back pain when they stand and talk.

If you don't want to do it, you can not do it, and you don't need to denigrate the squad leader like this.

Everyone is an adult, can you not see whether this deception or not?

Besides, the squad leader has already said it so clearly, our self-responsibility has nothing to do with you. "

There is no other reason, just that I can't get used to her privileged family and a high-minded face.

When she was in school, because of her different status, she knew that everyone in her family was from the Law Enforcement Bureau background, and everyone was afraid of her.

But now that they have all graduated and have their own jobs are law-abiding citizens, what about the law enforcement bureau?

As long as you don't break the law, even if you break the sky, it doesn't matter to you!

Looking at the eyes of all the classmates looking at him, even his two girlfriends had a strange taste in their eyes.

Everyone has already graduated, and after working for so many years, it is still possible to distinguish which is true and which is false.

"I'm really sorry guys, you should also know that my team leader is a police officer, this professional disease criminal, I hope you can take more care."

Lin Mo sneered after speaking, there is a good saying, good words are difficult to persuade the damn ghost.

When I was shopping today, I didn't open the Eye of Death to investigate, until just now everyone was seated and investigated by myself, and the system sent a prompt that a person with a crime value of up to 70 appeared in front of him.

Coincidentally, this person is their squad leader Zhou Guowei, who is introducing financial management to everyone on the seat.

[Name: Zhou Guowei

Age: 30

Sin Value: 90

Introduction: Graduated from the University of Finance, left 3 years ago to establish a financial company and was in bankruptcy and debt.

Two years ago, a wealth management company was formed to commit fraud through financial wealth management products.

During the period, through the fraud of wealth management products, several families were separated from their wives, and more debt-laden people committed suicide by jumping off buildings. Until

today's reunion, the organizer is this person, and Sima Zhao's heart is well known.

As a law enforcer, Li Lu reminded everyone that he was conscientious, but good words are often ugly, so that they can know who is good and who is bad once they are defrauded.

Click on the death invitation to send it, and the trial is scheduled for tomorrow night.

Li Lu looked at Lin Mo with incredible eyes, in his eyes, this kid should be right, could it be that he was also blinded and did not see the clues in this?

"Guys, in fact, I think our team leader is right, there are many scammers in this year, especially those close to them.

What you fancy is the interest of others, but what others fancy is your principal.

"Which green onion is yours boy?" Everywhere do you chime in? "

It is."

The other old classmates all showed unkind eyes.

"Lin Mo, I don't think it's okay not to participate in such a class reunion, let's go."

Li Lu got up and left with Lin Mo, everyone in the hall was silent, even his own teacher sighed helplessly.

It seems that time can change anyone.

Outside the hotel.

"Lin Mo, I'm really sorry, I didn't expect today's gathering to become like this."

"Officer Li, I don't blame you for this matter, after all, I entered the society and changed everyone, this society is a big dye vat, some people can maintain their original intention, and some people have changed their appearance."

"Ah, you also think that his financial management is also fake."

"It's not fake, it's just a scam, a fund plate."

With what Lin Mo said, Li Lu's eyes became firm.

"No, I can't watch my old classmates being deceived."

He was just about to rush in and was grabbed by Lin Mo's hand.

Good words are difficult to persuade the damned ghosts, they have justice in their hearts, but it does not mean that they do not have temper, and they persuade them over and over again, and in the end they win the indifference and ridicule of everyone, even if they are deceived, they deserve it.

"No, I'll go to the Law Enforcement Bureau and send someone to directly arrest Zhou Guowei for investigation."

Lin Mo sneered.

"Do you have proof? Do you have no evidence to arrest people indiscriminately?

Even if he is taken to the law enforcement bureau, at most the interrogation is over, and the person is released.

By the time you have the evidence, people will already be gone.

"Damn, is he going to deceive everyone again?"

Seeing this little policewoman's fierce appearance, the fierce chest moved with the pull, and she was a fierce and brainless person.

Lin Mo smiled slightly.

"It's okay, although you don't have the evidence to bring him to justice at the moment, isn't there still a city light?

I believe that City Light will not spare a bad person.

If he is really a fraudster, City Light will definitely bring this evil person to justice. "


Li Lu's eyes lit up, and she squinted her little eyes at Lin Mo.

"Lin Mo, you are about to open the divine prophecy again, are you saying that the light of the city will attack him tonight?"

Seeing her excited and expectant eyes, is this waiting for her confirmation and thinking of bringing herself to justice?

Lin Mo smiled wickedly.

"I think it shouldn't be tonight, the city light is so busy and has to rest, it should be tomorrow night, right?"

Why are you so attached to the light of the city, and today you have nothing to offer, do you suspect that I have something to do with the light of the city? Seeing

Lin Mo's doubtful eyes, Li Lu quickly denied it.

"I just think the two of us are quite temperamental, but I don't mean anything else."

I hope that if he is really a fraudster, he deserves to be tried by City Light. Although

he said this, his heart has changed into a different look.

This was his third prophecy, and he didn't notice anything wrong with him all day.

"Lin Mo, what if City Light doesn't sanction him tomorrow night?"

"Hey, these are all my guesses, and it has nothing to do with us whether or not sanctions are controlled.

However, I like the saying of City Light that it is not that the time has not come, do not do what is good, do not act with evil.

In fact, everyone has their own scale in their hearts, and good and evil are in one thought.

Today I promised you that the things have also been done, if I ride an electric car and get caught, you can't help me, I will go back first, you pay attention to safety on the road. Calling

a taxi, the smoke disappeared, leaving Li Lu standing alone in place, chopping his foot hard.

It's really abominable, can't you be gentleman as a boy and send yourself home first?

Straight man of steel, deserves no girlfriend.

Then he called a car himself, the Target Enforcement Bureau.

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