Law Enforcement Bureau, Li Lu rushed in.

"Master, Lin Mo's kid has made another prophecy."

"Aren't you on vacation today? What are you doing when you don't stay at home and run to the law enforcement bureau? "

Master is a big thing, Lin Mo's kid has made another prophecy."

When she said what happened today, she couldn't laugh or hear these masters.

His own apprentice was really more real, and he was lurking around to investigate under the guise of taking him to White City.

When he heard what happened next, Captain Zhao thought a little and directly sent police officers to the hotel to invite Zhou Guowei to the law enforcement bureau for interrogation.

However, a surprise interrogation did not find anything wrong, and the person was released back after the interrogation.

"Master, I think what Lin Mo said should be true, even if he is not the light of the city, he should have something to do with the light of the city.

It is imperative that we control Zhou Guowei.

Doesn't it mean that he will be tried in the evening, we will bring that Lin Mo to the Law Enforcement Bureau tomorrow night, let him be by our side, I will see what tricks he can play. "

Nonsense, what excuse do you use to bring people to the law enforcement bureau, is it interrogation, or do you mean to let people come as guests?"

Previously, under the guise of his righteous and courageous deeds, he asked while giving him a commendation.

Li Lu sighed.


Words about hotels on the other side.

Not long after Li Lu left, the squad leader was invited to tea by the people of the Law Enforcement Bureau, and anyone knew who was doing it.

It's just that after this operation of the Law Enforcement Bureau, it really makes everyone wonder.

People who were thinking about investing suddenly retreated.

However, in less than half an hour, the people of the Law Enforcement Bureau sent the squad leader back safely.

This operation made everyone excited.

The cause of the incident is clear to everyone, it must be Li Lu who made a ghost from it, and after an investigation by their law enforcement bureau, it was found that the squad leader did not do anything illegal and undisciplined.

Li Lu never dreamed that he would investigate this operation, but not only did he not investigate anything, but he also superimposed a layer of buff on Zhou Guowei.

Even the police personally investigated and did not find any problems, how could there be problems?

If it was a crime, the law enforcement bureau would have arrested the person long ago.

With this kind of thought blessing, students who were not sure took out money and invested it one after another.

The efficiency of personal withdrawal in seconds makes everyone believe it even more.

A party ended with everyone's laughter, and after everyone was arranged with enough wine and food, Zhou Guowei opened his mobile phone to contact his secretary and transferred all the money to the overseas account.

At the same time, he parked his car in an underground garage, changed into civilian clothes, and rushed in the direction of the imperial capital.

Arrived in the imperial capital overnight and got on a plane in the direction of the lighthouse country.

As the sound of the radio sounded, the plane had already left the scope of country A and reached the public airspace.

Asked the flight attendant to prepare a glass of red wine for herself, glanced outside, and a long-lost smile appeared on her face.

There is a 12-hour time difference between country A and the lighthouse country, and at this moment country A has reached the daytime, while the lighthouse country is at night.

A hospital in Baicheng.

"Wife, I just received news from the hospital, my mother is hospitalized, you go to the hospital and pay the fee."

"Oh, got it."

Open the mobile phone and glance at the APP, the balance of the account above has only been in one night, and the interest has risen so high.

If it weren't for his mother-in-law's hospitalization, he would really be reluctant to take out this money.

Open the mobile phone and click Withdraw, propose a part, pay the hospitalization fee first, and slowly let the rest of the money make money.

However, it was said that it was good to arrive in seconds, this time it took more than 10 minutes to wait for the account, and after waiting for half an hour, two hours, the money still did not arrive.

Could it be that there is a problem with your account, and I am full of worries, so I immediately contacted the class leader.

Turn on the phone to prepare to search for the contact group, the mobile phone prompt group has been disbanded.

Find the contact information of the squad leader and dial, and there is no one on the other side.

Don't dare to delay quickly contacting other students, other students have opened accounts to withdraw, and the result is the same.

"What's going on? Doesn't it mean that seconds come to the account? After

inquiring about the bank customer service, he did not receive any transfer records, and suddenly remembered what Li Lu said last night, this thing is not very safe, it may be a fraud, and everyone panicked.

"Husband, come back quickly, I may have been deceived."

The sound of a woman crying came from the other side of the phone.

The contact information of the squad leader was all cancelled, and the phone call was no longer connected.

On the same day, the group of students who invested last night came to the Law Enforcement Bureau to choose to report the case.

They were scammed into putting all their money into software, and the person was missing.

"You are a loser girl, Laozi is working hard outside, you stay at home, afraid that you will not feel safe, so I handed over all the bank cards to you, and you poured hundreds of thousands of dollars into it, if this money can't be recovered, we will divorce."

"I was wrong, I was wrong."

There were women's wails and men's anger in the law enforcement bureau, and all the amounts added up to nearly 4 million.

Just as the Law Enforcement Bureau was about to intervene in the matter, the General Administration of Law Enforcement received a phone call asking them to go and arrest a man named Zhou Guowei.

This person started a shell subsidiary three years ago to commit financial crimes through high profits.

Three years is enough to defraud hundreds of millions of yuan, the law enforcement bureau has long launched an investigation against him, but there has been no detailed evidence, until today all the evidence is in hand, ready to arrest this person.

After receiving the news, the person returned to his hometown of Baicheng and immediately contacted the local law enforcement bureau to assist in the arrest.

When the White City Law Enforcement Bureau issued the order, news came from the airport that this person had rushed to the imperial capital overnight last night.

Half an hour later, news came from the law enforcement bureau on the side of the imperial capital that this person had already gone to the lighthouse country by plane overnight, and had already arrived overseas according to this time.

Although all of their accounts will be frozen, most of the funds have gone overseas and cannot be pursued.

"Hate that they investigated for so long and almost let this person run away in such a step?

The cooked duck actually flew, who is not angry with this news? "

Zhou Guowei ran away, and at this moment he has run to the lighthouse country, and the old classmates who heard this news all cried and fainted in the Law Enforcement Bureau.

So what about our money, which we have worked so hard to save for so many years, is it all gone?

What is your law enforcement bureau for, knowing that this person committed fraud, and even let this person go?

Didn't the Law Enforcement Bureau take people away for investigation last night, didn't anything come out of the investigation?

The Law Enforcement Bureau arranged a wanted warrant for him, and let the Lighthouse Country assist them in capturing people and bringing them back.

The lighthouse country is domineering and has not signed an extradition agreement with country A in this regard, as long as this person is in country A, there is no way to take him at all.

At the same time, all the students' mobile phones sounded, and the lights on the opposite side of the video were red.

I saw their squad leader drinking red wine and looking at their group with a proud face.

"You old classmates, you are all together, it seems that this is in the Law Enforcement Bureau?"

"The class leader, please return the money to us, yes, the class leader begs you, those money are my life-saving money for the child."

Someone begged, someone was angry.

"It's just a little money, just spend money to buy a lesson, you people are stupid yourself, blame others."

Li Lu and her boyfriend, have I reminded you, what you fancy is interest, and I fancy principal.

Still thinking that the world will drop pies because you and you are also worthy? Spending your money drinking my red wine, that's really fragrant.

By the way, I forgot to tell you, I am no longer from country A, I have already taken the black card of the lighthouse country half a month ago, an authentic lighthouse countryman, you guys have a good dream!! The

phone did not hang up immediately, and the sound of red wine and green came from the other side of the phone, and the dynamic music stimulated the nerves of all the students.

Some people plopped down on their knees and cried, while others begged the law enforcement bureau to severely punish this person, and to catch this person back and recover their money.

There are also people who keep begging, hoping to get the money back by playing the emotional card.

However, neither anger nor pleading seemed to be able to impress the other person.

"Zhou Guowei, we are from the Baicheng Law Enforcement Bureau, are you still a person who even lied to your own classmates?"

Captain Zhao stepped forward and took a mobile phone and scolded the people inside, but there was a mockery from the opposite side.

"What about the White City Law Enforcement Bureau, even if you are from the Law Enforcement Bureau of Country A?

Could it be that you still want to come to the lighthouse country to arrest me, but I am a citizen of the lighthouse country, and I have not violated the laws of the lighthouse country.

I feel so good to see you so angry but can't help me, okay, too lazy to talk nonsense with you, bye. Just

as he was about to hang up all the calls, a sharp voice came.

"Zhou Guowei, if you don't want to die, hurry back, otherwise I guarantee that you will die a very miserable death tonight."

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