With the sound of the city lights, the cold sound came.

"Repent, on what basis do I repent, it is their own greed, they themselves deserve to be deceived, consider themselves unlucky, come people."

With his own order, the bodyguards outside the courtyard hurriedly rushed in and guarded their bosses.

"Everyone sent me out to investigate my yard, and someone should have come in my yard."

"It's the boss."

All the bodyguards left and began a carpet search throughout the villa.

"Sun Tzu, although I don't know where you are hiding now, but you remember not to be caught by me, you should know the laws of the Lighthouse Country, like you who break into other people's houses at will, even if I shoot you on the spot, it is a legitimate defense."

Remember, you have to hide obediently and don't be discovered by me, otherwise you will definitely die a miserable death. Zhou

Guowei said threatening words while looking at 4 weeks, wanting to judge the source of the voice, it seems that it must be some kind of high-tech, but it has not been discovered by himself at present.

"You really don't shed tears when you don't see the coffin, and you don't die if you don't see the Yellow River."

It seems that fraudsters like you simply cannot repent on their own.

But I ask you again, have you ever had a trace of remorse for what you have done before?

"No, why should I repent? I now want money and money, I want a house, a car, a car, a woman, a woman, a woman, and I am happy every day, isn't he fragrant?

Why should I repent and remember what I said, they were deceived because they were stupid, not because I was smart.

They were deceived, and they deserved it. "

Arrogant, this person is really too arrogant, and everyone in the live broadcast room criticized him.

Even if everything is as he said, those who are deceived are because they are greedy and a little stupid.

But should a person be deceived if he is greedy and stupid, and every ordinary person's money is not saved up by penny, and who is blown by the wind?

But you want to get something for nothing, sweep away the money that people have worked hard to praise for many years through other people's greedy and cheap psychology, and finally let people's wives and wives be separated, and their families are broken, which is a crime.

Our country A has always paid attention to collecting gold, and if we find valuables, we will hand them over to the law enforcement bureau to wait for the owner to claim them.

But being deceived and using fraudulent means is not recognized by anyone, this is just a crime, why talk to him?

Some people wrote a lot of words in the live broadcast room with righteous indignation, hoping that the light of the city could pass through the link of judgment, and that this kind of evil person should be blood for blood, for tooth, let him know what price to pay if he made a mistake.

Some people shook their heads repeatedly, thinking that a direct trial was too light for a criminal like him.

He should also play a death game with him, let his family be destroyed, and experience the pain experienced by the people he has killed.

Just when the netizens in the live broadcast room were talking, all the bodyguards in their villa swiped and began to search.

I just searched all the places that could be searched, and I found no trace of anyone.

Moreover, although the villa is very large, there are very few places where people can be hidden, and all the trees on the ceiling of the cellar wardrobe have been investigated.

Hearing the news from the bodyguard, Zhou Guowei's face turned livid.

Can hear other people's voices, but can't find anyone, it seems that it should be high-tech, immediately ask someone to take a high-tech detector, for monitoring detection.

Live room.

"Brothers, look at that grandson, he panicked.

As far as his turtle grandson is concerned, it is simply unforgivable, and the light of the city must severely sanction him. Seeing

that the person on trial kept searching in the live broadcast room but still couldn't find anything, everyone laughed when they saw this scene.

Just as the wicked need the wicked to grind, such a means is the way to deal with such wicked people.

"Zhou Guowei, I have said it all, don't bother in vain, even if you empty the house, you will not find my existence.

Instead of spending my mind searching where I was, I should repent of my mistakes.

If you are sincere, maybe I will be a little more tolerant of your sanctions later. When

he heard this, he stood up, looked at the voices of talking around, and saw the bodyguard standing on the side with a dumbfounded look, and his anger surged in his heart again.

I spent a lot of money to hire bodyguards to protect myself, this sound is already so loud, how can these bodyguards be like a nobody?

"What is the voice of the boss? We can't hear anything. "

Seeing the boss's crazy appearance, as a bodyguard, I also panicked in my heart, it won't be that the boss has a problem with his head, even if you have a problem with his head, you must not forget to pay us."

Far away in country A, the White City Law Enforcement Bureau and the group.

"Master, this is the method used by City Light to try the first prisoner, and when we broke down the door before, we could hear his voice in the live broadcast room.

But we could not hear or see anything in the criminal's house, and the means of the light of the city were indeed very strong. "


"You can't hear such a loud sound?"

The more Zhou Guowei said that this expression became more and more excited, wouldn't it be that these bodyguards and outsiders played on themselves together, this group of people who ate things inside and outside, took the money given by Lao Tzu, and secretly did something to betray Lao Tzu?

"Grandson, hurry up and get out of here."

Raise the gun and aim at 4 weeks with a shout.

Maybe the boss was really targeted, but now the situation is no longer that their group of bodyguards can arrange

, guard the boss in the middle, immediately dial the phone of the local law enforcement bureau, and wait for the arrival of the law enforcement bureau personnel.

"You are a grandson, Lao Tzu is not afraid of you, Lao Tzu is not afraid of you, you are a turtle grandson who hides his head and shows his tail and does not dare to come out."

To tell you the truth, if you dare to come out, Lao Tzu will directly break your head. "

People didn't search, some high-tech didn't detect it, but this weird voice didn't know where it came from, and it surrounded my mind over and over again, and I felt like I was going to drive myself crazy."

Although I don't know how this person did the ghost, fortunately, his residence in the Lighthouse Country is not only this place, and thirty-six counts are the best plan.

"Let's go, go to the company."

"Zhou Guowei, are you planning to escape?"

"That's right, City Light you are a turtle grandson, although I don't know what way you use a turtle grandson, but Laozi doesn't play with you, I'll withdraw first, bye."

Ask the bodyguard to prepare the car, go back to the company first, and then move to another residence.

A few bodyguards got up to arrange, and the rest followed behind the boss, and when they walked to the door, they only felt as if their necks were strangled by a rope, and the further they went, the more they felt suffocated.

Until the moment he walked out of the door, he had let himself breathless, and he fell to the side.

What's going on? Why do I feel like I'm out of breath, suffocating, so uncomfortable.

"Zhou Guowei, I told you, just honestly stay here to be judged, and the people on trial who are targeted by me will be punished wherever they run."

"Boss, boss."

The accompanying bodyguard saw the boss's appearance, immediately stepped forward to carry it to the house, came to the sofa, coughed sharply twice, and his face gradually became restored.

At this moment, panic spread throughout the body, and the feeling of just dying was so real.

He dared to be calm, if he dared to walk out of this room, he would really die.

"Don't worry, boss, we have called the police."

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