Hearing what the bodyguard said, he had already called the police and would come to investigate later, and he was gasping for breath on the side, and then opened his mobile phone to search for what the city light was.

After entering the network of country A, searching for the light of the city, when he saw the message written on it, his whole face turned purple.

The first three people on trial, their end was so miserable?

Remembering what Li Lu said, combined with the strange sound I heard today, what is this city light?

He is now in the lighthouse country, how can he be targeted?

Or is it that the light of this city is a person from the lighthouse country, but aren't all three who were judged in country A?

Their distance is less than 108,000 miles, and they would rather believe that someone is maliciously doing things with them, rather than believe that someone is so strong that they can judge themselves from far away, it seems that someone has set themselves up in advance.

Force yourself to calm down and think about whether anything strange has happened recently.

Because of the reasons that often lie to others, his suspicion is much stronger than other ordinary people.

"Zhou Guowei, you need to know that don't do good as small, don't do evil as small, and how many families and families have been broken and wives have been separated by these mistakes you have made, but you do not repent.

Today, I will judge you on behalf of justice. Another

icy voice came, making himself more alert, thinking of escaping here again, but he didn't take a few steps and this invisible force made himself unable to breathe.

At the same time, a bank card fell at Zhou Guowei's feet.

"This is your bank card, and all your overseas assets have been transferred to this card.

A total of 570 million. "

How is that possible?

The property in his name is distributed in various countries, and he still knows the reason why eggs cannot be placed in the same cage.

Just when he was confused, a prompt sound came from the mobile phone text message, and all the assets under his name were transferred here.

Crazy, really crazy.

I wanted to call and ask, and all the money had been transferred to the card.

At this moment, he smashed his mobile phone angrily, and he was already trapped in such a cage and could not get out.

"Let's make a game, the deck of poker in front of us shuffles its own cards, chooses two cards by itself, and compares the size of each other.

Remember, as long as the second one you draw is smaller than the first, even if you lose, the price of your loss is that part of your money will disappear.

Of course, as long as the second card you draw is bigger than the first, even if you win, your money will increase, and the game will start for a total of 100 rounds.

Remember not to think about cheating, cheaters will pay.

Zhou Guowei shook his head.

"So what if I say this game is not going to participate?"

"If you don't participate, die immediately."

Something in his neck began to wrap around his neck so that he couldn't breathe, betting that there was a glimmer of life, if he didn't gamble, he would definitely die, and this gamble he could only take.

A brand new poker was placed on the table, his heart was plopping wildly, he drew two cards one after another, and he won the first round, and then a prompt tone came from his mobile phone, and a sum of money had really arrived on his account.

Seeing his balance, a smile appeared on his face, he didn't expect that this city light was quite creditworthy, and he really gave money if he won.

Immediately after the second round, the third round, the next luck was simply bursting, winning all 20 consecutive rounds, and the balance in the account has accumulated nearly 2 billion yuan.

Looking at this string of numbers like phone numbers, the money he has worked so hard to defraud for so many years is not as much as the gambling gains.

Live room.

"Abominable, crazy and crazy, how can our city light let this turtle grandson win 20 rounds in a row?

What the hell is going on with this city light, this is a bit excessive.

"Looking at that grandson's proud look, I really want to beat him up."

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation and began to leave a message, don't let this turtle grandson win, let the turtle grandson lose, let him lose and ruin his family.

Seeing the comments of netizens, Lin Mo did not give any explanation, and the gambling was still going on.

And he turned on the green light all the way as if possessed by the God of Gambling, and at this moment the roar of the police car of the Law Enforcement Bureau of the Lighthouse Country sounded outside the door, and a group of police officers from the Lighthouse Country got out of the car and came to the outside of the villa to prepare to break in.

However, through the glass window, I saw that the person they were trying to save was sitting on the side playing poker, and I called Nima, which made the police officers who came this time feel like they had been played.

It seems that it is necessary to go to the hospital to treat the brain, and this matter is no longer under the control of their police.

Hahahaha, I won again, 100 rounds of my own consecutive victory has won 60 consecutive rounds.

According to the current probability, even if he loses all the remaining 40 rounds, deducting the same amount of money he gave himself, he will still earn 20 rounds.

Live room.

"What the hell is going on with this city light? How do you keep this person winning?

Look at that kid's triumphant smile. "

The group of the White City Law Enforcement Bureau is also confused, according to the routine of the city light before, shouldn't this person be severely sanctioned now?

How could this still make this person so excited, could it be that City Light was with him?

Time flew fast and the gambling continued, Zhou Guowei fought more and more bravely, until he fought for 100 rounds, without exception, he won all 1, and the balance of the account reached 20 billion.

"I won, I am the chosen son, the light of the city, what else do you have to say?"

At this moment, Zhou Guowei jumped up excitedly when he saw his account.

At the same time, a cold voice came.

"I have to admit that your luck is indeed very strong, even I have to admire, and I will keep my promise and release you."

It's just that I still have a gamble here, do you want to take another one?

If you win, your money will be doubled, and if you lose, you will not be punished, and you can choose not to participate. "

This is simply a good thing to drop pies in the sky," Zhou Guowei was stunned when he heard this, and asked unsurely.

"What you said is true, when I really win, my money will double, and there is no penalty for losing?"

"Deceiving you is of no value to me."

Fight to turn a bicycle into a motorcycle, even if you lose, there is no punishment, this stable win situation is your own gamble.

Still grabbing the size of the poker draw, when the two cards are raised, this time the gambler does not favor himself, just one point away from winning, his assets are about to double.

Although I am unwilling, it is considered to be a win to see that my assets have turned over so much, cool, it is really cool.

There are many bad reviews in the live broadcast room.

"Alas, how did City Light do this time? When competing with such a liar, let this scammer win 100 in a row, and in the end, the scammer loses, and he is not punished in any way, which is simply giving people vegetables for nothing.

"What City Light did this time was very bad, making us very uncomfortable to watch, could it be that City Light is also admired, because this person has changed his nationality, so the trial of him is light?"

"City Lights, you win, the game can be over, right?"

"Yes, the game is indeed over, but you will be punished if you lose this game."

Hearing this, Zhou Guowei's face changed ugly again.

"City Light, what did you just say, you said that even if the game fails, I will not be punished in any way."

"Yes, I did say that you yourself will not be punished in any way, and the people who lost the previous game with me are dead. But I didn't say you don't get any punishment in other ways.

Since you like scamming money so much, empty your account completely. As

soon as the voice fell, his mobile phone suddenly received another text message, and all the accounts under his name suddenly became a zero egg.

"Oh no, no, it's my money, my money, why are you doing this?

I see, you must have lied to me, right? Good you turtle grandson, almost deceived by you, this money is in my bank accounts in various countries, how can you transfer money without me?

So everything just now is fake, a false image you made to deceive people.

As if he had seen through the strategy of the city light, he laughed loudly.

"If you don't believe me, you can call again."

Took out his spare mobile phone, dialed the bank's phone again to inquire, and the news that the account balance was not working came from the opposite side.

How is this possible? How can it be? Why is the money gone?

At the same time, the National Bank of the Lighthouse Country, a large sum of money disappeared out of thin air, transferred to an account named Zhou Guowei, and some time later, the money was transferred back to the National Bank of the Lighthouse Country.

Although the time was very short, and even this money was not less, but through this way it was suspected of stealing state money, suspected of washing before the laundering, the national bank of the lighthouse country immediately reported the matter to the law enforcement bureau, which intervened and locked Zhou Guowei's position and prepared to arrest him.

"City light, you look for death, you look for death."

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