The boy's father immediately took the child's photo, and the child's body did not have obvious features, but it could be roughly distinguished through the photo.

Immediately afterwards, the law enforcement bureau here immediately reported the matter to the city, hoping to jointly establish a law enforcement bureau and the transportation department to jointly find out.

On the other side, on the bus.

The fake husband and wife did not expect that the people here were so enthusiastic, otherwise they would never have taken this route according to their plan, and now that things have appeared in such a situation, it is imperative to withdraw first.

Just when the driver was still dozens of meters away from the platform, Lin Mo quickly rushed to the driver's side and shouted from behind.

"There is a thief in the master's car, don't open the door yet, my newly bought mobile phone worth more than 10,000 yuan is gone."

There is a thief in the car, don't open the door, don't call the police, my phone is gone.

And what, there are thieves in the car ?

Lin Mo's shout immediately aroused everyone's alertness, and everyone looked at each other, and the people around them were still talking and laughing, and they instantly became wary of each other at this moment.

Some people immediately checked their belongings to see if their belongings were lost, the bus stopped at the stop, the door was not opened, and the people waiting outside gently patted the door.

What's wrong with this car? What happened? Why doesn't the car door open ?

"Master, open the car door, we still have to go to work."

Yes, master, open the car door, we still have business.

"No, since this little brother said that there was a thief in the car, he must catch this thief, take him to the law enforcement bureau, and teach him a lesson."

"That is, now this thief is too rampant, and he actually steals things in broad daylight."

"Master don't open the door first, let's call the police for this little brother."

Seeing some passengers complaining in the back, the driver's master said.

"Dear passengers, please don't be impatient, the Law Enforcement Bureau is very close to here, and it will delay everyone by 15~20 minutes at most."

Please bear with us. At

the same time, someone turned on his mobile phone and dialed the police, said the specific location and began to quietly wait for the arrival of the police.

The driver parked the car aside, closed the door, explained to the passengers waiting outside, and everyone began to wait quietly.

"Hey, I said that the one who stole the mobile phone, now take advantage of the fact that the police are not coming, obediently take out the mobile phone and return it to this little brother

, so that it can be regarded as surrendering, lest if the police arrive and search it out, it will not be so easy to deal with this matter by then."

"Does the one who stole something have a bit of morality, we are still waiting to go to work, we are going to be late."

The couple who had just gotten up saw this scene and cursed angrily in their hearts, this hateful thief, who is stealing at this time, should it be the two of them who were discovered?

Just looked up at the person who lost something, this person looked anxious, his eyes kept looking at everyone around, the afterlight swept the two of them and hurried over, it seems that there should really be a thief who stole something, as long as it is not something else.

Even if the police came to search the two of them, the two did not have any mobile phones on their bodies, and they were originally too worried that the police would come to search, but now it seems that they can take advantage of the opportunity of the police to clear the suspicion of stealing and quickly escape.

Who would have thought that the two of them were stealing children under their noses?

There were people in the car who complained, and there were people who spoke righteously.

It seems that the bus driver and other enthusiastic people are determined to catch the thief, so they have to call their company and report the matter to their leaders.

It's not that they want to be late, but because something has gone wrong in the middle of catching thieves.

While everyone was waiting quietly, about 15 minutes later, the whistling of police cars came, and the surrounding melon-eating people muttered softly when they saw all this.

"People from the Law Enforcement Bureau are here, what's going on here?"

"I don't know, why did this bus stop here?"

"It is said that someone inside lost his mobile phone and wanted to catch turtles and catch thieves in the urn."

The fake couple looked at everyone again, and the hand holding her child, which played the role of a mother, couldn't help but snort.

"It's just that the kid lost a mobile phone, and we didn't steal the mobile phone and were afraid of something?"

Don't worry, as long as we check it out, we can go. "

The man has seen too many winds and waves in the end, and a few words calmed down the mood of the woman who partnered with him.

It seems that when they just chatted with the big guy, it was very wise for them to share their own affairs with everyone, so that even if someone from the Law Enforcement Bureau found out about the two of them, there would be other people to testify to themselves, so as to achieve a perfect crime with the help of others' hands.

"Who called the police? What happened? A

woman's voice came.

"The policeman's sister was the police we reported, and the little brother had his mobile phone stolen on the bus, and suspected that there was a thief on the bus, so he called the police."

Originally, I was going to continue to search for the city light with my master, but a phone call came, just as the two police cars stopped by and arranged the task over, first solve the matter of the people calling the police and then deal with other things.

When I heard a familiar voice, I didn't expect it to be her, it seems that the two people really have a fate.

Following the direction pointed by the policeman, it turned out to be this kid?

"Officer Li, we meet again."

"It turned out to be you, I didn't expect that your kid was also very sad to take a bus and his mobile phone could be stolen?"

Lin Mo smiled awkwardly and nodded.

"yes, I've always had bad luck."

The other people in the carriage all exclaimed, my obedience, I didn't expect that this kid actually knew someone from the Law Enforcement Bureau?

I don't know which unlucky bastard doesn't have long eyes and stole people's mobile phones, if he just took the initiative to confess, it's good to say, the people of this law enforcement bureau rushed over, and the time to detain up and down is not a matter of people's words?

"Officer Li, I want to talk to you alone."

"What are you going to say? Just say something directly in front of everyone, there is no need to tell me alone.

Li Lu's face was expressionless, since he wanted to be a familiar stranger, he didn't blame himself for being selfless.

Lin Mo cursed angrily in his heart, this little policewoman is really fierce and brainless, he doubts that he came in purely through the back door, just because of what he said to her today, he is also going to start targeting himself?

The reason why he did this was to take down the two of them without scaring the snake.

Who knows if they will have knives, if they tell the matter directly, once the dog jumps off the wall, the two of them will do something dangerous.

"Officer Li, this matter is very important, if I don't tell you that something happened, you can't bear the responsibility."

Lin Mo stepped forward and said what he was aware of.

"Don't look inside the car, don't look at the couple.

Later, in the name of searching, the two of them were checked separately, and they were not alarmed, I was afraid that they were carrying murder weapons.

Lin Mo said his guess, and Li Lu looked at him again.

Although I didn't catch this kid, what does it have to do with City Light? But this kid's alertness himself admits that it is indeed very high, and if what he said is true, it is really possible to solve a big case this time.

The other officers were called to discuss for a moment, and everyone made a plan.

The doors were opened, men and women lined up, and each came to the police car to be screened by police officers of the same gender.

The first man and a woman walked into the police car, checked all the things they were carrying, and walked out of the car after all the inspections to eliminate suspicion.

Some people signed and left after eliminating suspicion, while others stood on the sidelines and wanted to see the liveliness.

There were many melon-eating people who wanted to come and take a look.

"You two come and check."

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