Li Lu pointed at the fake couple and waved his hand for the two of them to come over for inspection.

"I said officer, if they want me to say it, there is no need to check."

"Yes, officer, the two of them really don't need to check, people are going to see the child, the two of them didn't even move after the car, it is impossible to steal anything, we can all testify."

Seeing that the couple was about to be searched, some enthusiastic people simply stood up directly and opened their mouths to dissuade.

The trafficker male protagonist in front of him said with a smile.

"Thank you for giving us two testimony, but this little brother must be very anxious if he loses his mobile phone.

Although we plan to see a doctor for the child, but we are not in a hurry for these few minutes, we should not embarrass the law enforcement bureau, just a few minutes to let them search, the law enforcement bureau people are also for work.

"We'll take care of the child for you first, and you two will go in and search it."

"Then there is Officer Law."

The more you get to this time, the more you can't panic, if you panic, it is easy to expose the horse's feet.

When the child handed it to the female police officer accompanying him, the female police officer opened her mouth to mention.

"This kid is asleep, why doesn't he cry or make trouble?"

There were melon-eating people who had just been in the car and told them what they had just learned.

It also attracted a group of people who were very sympathetic, really poor husband and wife and poor children.

The two rushed towards the direction of the police car step by step, but suddenly looked up and saw the police officers around the police car looking at the two of them with unkind eyes.

The two of them spent all year round in prison, and the one they had the most contact with was with the prisoners, and the other was the prison guard.

And the eyes of these policemen looking at the two of them were very subtle, but they could quickly detect something in them.

Damn, the two of them were put together by the police.

I saw that the policewoman holding the child took a few steps back, and what she said about searching the mobile phone was simply false, this time purely to arrest the two of them.

At the moment when they were about to reach the police car, the two men gave each other a hint with their eyes and ran.

The sudden operation also made everyone stunned for a moment, but let them be quick in their eyes, itself is a strategy to arrest the two of them, handsome only three seconds, before escaping tens of meters was directly caught by the police, pressed to the side, handcuffed.

The police's sudden operation startled everyone, and then everyone moved.

Li Lu scolded.

"Everyone don't move, it's the two of them that we arrested today."

"Ah, did the police officer have some misunderstanding during this period?

We stood next to the two husband and wife, the distance between the husband and wife and the little brother was 108,000 miles, there was no edge at all, how could they steal the little brother's mobile phone?

"It is, it is."

After this comparison, this operation of the police, anyone can see that the two of them are the poorest two in the entire carriage, and they are holding a child, and the child is sick.

Besides, if you want to wronged someone, you can't just feel wronged because the two of them are poor, right?

Some righteous people directly stood up and fought for the two of them.

Some people even directly picked up their mobile phones to upload the police to enforce the law violently, and there was no reason to arrest people online.

The fake couple were handcuffed and began to search their bodies, but no controlled knives were found.

Oh hey, for a while everyone sighed again, the search is over, right? There is nothing, don't you hurry up and release people?

Why did the two of them run, they were real rural people, they had never experienced such a big scene, and they were frightened.

That's why they made such radical measures and explained well to others, presumably their husband and wife will also understand.

"We just want to search and search the two of you, why are you two running?"

"Officer, we are all farmers who came here to see our children.

Yesterday there was not enough money, so stole two buns to eat at the breakfast place, us, we we were afraid. The

vivid expression and the way he spoke aroused the sympathy of everyone.

If a person is lazy and eats well, so he goes to sin, this is his problem alone, and if a person sins because of bread, this is the problem of the whole society.

The corresponding welfare system should be improved as soon as possible, rather than allowing the situation of the husband and wife to lose their families due to the child's illness.

While everyone was talking, a police officer found a bottle of sleeping pills inside the woman's clothes.

"You two, let me ask you what is the name of this child? When was it born? In which hospital was it born?

You two can have birth certificates and identification, what are your husband and wife's names?

What's going on with this sleeping pill? The

trafficker couple was stunned and explained.

"Our child does not have a birth certificate, and our family cannot afford to go to the hospital.

This sleeping pill is our last plan, if we go to the next city and the child's disease cannot be cured, our family of three people who eat and drink sleeping pills all commit suicide.

We don't want our children to live alone in this world with this disease, and in this world we are full of strange eyes. "

For a while, the surrounding people were incited again.

"You policemen don't search for other cases, why do you grab this impoverished couple?

Just said that they lost their mobile phones, searched them, but did not find their mobile phones, and now they are holding on to their children, what are you going to do? "

And your little brother, have you ever lost your phone?"

Other people who lose things are in a hurry, I see why you are not in the slightest hurry?

"Don't be impatient, let me explain to you, we suspect that the two of them are fake couples, wandering around various cities and villages just to steal children.

And this child does not have any diseases at all, and the sleeping pills they prepared are to prevent the child from crying and pouring it on the child.

But all this is also our guess, and we will take the two of them to the law enforcement bureau to investigate in person.

Please rest assured that we will investigate this matter clearly. "

Human traffickers, stealing children?

The three words of human trafficker are all changed by everyone.

In recent years, although their country A has vigorously rectified the matter of human trafficking, there are also many people who have taken risks to engage in human trafficking.

The most during this period was the buying and selling of this group of children, and after the police said so, everyone's eyes changed slightly when they looked at the couple.

This police should not be unreasonable, generally only arrest people when they have evidence, can't the two of them really be human traffickers?

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