"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, how can we be human traffickers, this is really our child, really our child."

The two traffickers also did not think that the wise man would have a mistake and often walk by the river, how could there be a reason not to get his shoes wet?

Raising his head, he glanced at Lin Mo with a fierce look, but this look flashed away.

This kid seems to have already discovered the two of them abnormal, the so-called loss of the mobile phone is just a pretense, in order to paralyze all of them, by searching the mobile phone in turn, the two of them are arrested.

Good boy, we remember you, even if it is really investigated in the end, they are only a crime suspension, in line with the principle of confession, leniency and strictness, even if there is a record of previous crimes, it is only a few years at most.

When you come out, your boy is dead.

Not only will your boy die, but if you have a wife and children, your whole family will die.

Ding dong.

At this time, all the police's mobile phones came to the group to send news that there was an assistance order from the law enforcement bureau of a town in Baicheng, and some traffickers entered the village and stole the children of a household in their village.

Everyone investigates immediately, but reports any situation as soon as they find it.

Immediately below the group, there are several photos of children.

When I opened my phone and saw the photo, I saw a child wrapped on the side, which was almost identical to the child's hair except for the hair and a few more obvious burns on his face.

After taking the photo for quick identification, within a few minutes, news came from the law enforcement bureau of a town in Baicheng, and the parents could see at a glance that this was their child.

But whether it is their child, you have to come to White City for a paternity test.

In a family that had just lost their child, the mother suddenly fainted at the Law Enforcement Bureau, and the family rushed to White City for treatment.

Hearing the news from the law enforcement bureau in the town, leaving his father here to accompany his mother, the little two did not dare to delay, and immediately took a car to the hospital designated by the Baicheng Law Enforcement Bureau to do a paternity test.

The two traffickers were successfully captured, although it is not possible to identify them according to the current situation.

Even if the lost parents think that this is their child, whether it is or not, it must be determined after the paternity test.

The traffickers are still there trying to excuse themselves, their children are already sick, they can't withstand such a toss, they have to go to the disease, how can this police officer care about the life and death of the child?

Li Lu snorted coldly.

"Don't worry, we have contacted the best local hospital to go together, if this is really a misunderstanding."

We will also send someone to raise funds to help the two of you get through the difficult time together, and we hope that the two of you can cooperate.

Okay, okay, all scattered, scattered. Originally

, because of Lin Mo's words today, he was still a little resentful, and looked at Lin Mo again, it seems that this kid is a person who sees righteousness and courage, but this personality is a little too withdrawn.

"Lin Mo, how do you know that their couple is a human trafficker?

How do you confirm that this child is not theirs, and dare to call the police?

Lin Mo thought for a moment.


Although the two of them can fool everyone if they disguise themselves well, their eyes cannot deceive people.

The eyes of the two of them for this child do not have the kind of love that parents look at their children, and the love of parents is a kind of unimpurity, unconditional love, but there is a kind of greed mixed in the eyes of the two of them, and seeing this child is like seeing a cash cow.

How do you feel in your eyes?

Li Lu's brows furrowed, and he looked at Lin Mo carefully.

"How do you feel that you are more alert than the people in the criminal investigation department?"

"Don't hide from you, I majored in psychology in college, and I originally wanted to become a psychology teacher after graduation."

"Okay, let's withdraw first, if the two of them are really human traffickers, you will remember you again this time and close the team."

The delegation of the Law Enforcement Bureau came and went in a hurry, arrested two criminal suspects, and rushed in the direction of the Law Enforcement Bureau.

Lin Mo smiled, and asked himself how he knew that the two of them were human traffickers, of course, with the help of the system, with the Eye of Death.

Nothing escapes its own sanctions.

Open the system this time to exchange the scope of the Eye of Death, and the range that can be detected is directly expanded to three times, and everything is received under your eyes.

It's just that as the scope of investigation expands, there is also a pain in his head, it seems that he absorbs more content, and the amplitude of his brain operation cannot keep up.

Click Redeem to triple your mental power, so your brain works very quickly without any problems.

It seems that this system skill exchange can comprehensively improve his body, and he can't simply add only a certain skill, so as not to be partial to the subject.

The surrounding melon-eating people left one after another, and the bus line resumed normal operation.

Someone posted today's events online.

"Human traffickers on XXX Road in Baicheng, the law enforcement bureau has gone to identify

" "Human traffickers or migrant workers, is it misunderstood or true?" The

Enforcement Bureau has already sent someone to identify it, and I believe that an announcement will be issued soon.

Came to the hospital designated by the Law Enforcement Bureau, and the fake couple first took blood tests for paternity testing, and the fake couple was very panicked while waiting.

Even if the two of them have experienced too much wind and waves.

As the test results got closer and closer, this child was not the two of them, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became, and Wise I actually planted a hairy boy in his hands.

Fortunately, they only knew about this case in the hands of the two of them, and if all the other cases were exposed, plus their previous crimes, 10 lives would not be enough to shoot themselves.

With the test results, the child was not related to the two of them, and the child had been sleeping and could not wake up, not because of illness, but because of sleeping pills.

The amount of sleeping pills used this time is very large, it is simply not something that the child can bear, but fortunately in time to the hospital, the doctor can immediately treat it from the dangerous period, if it is a few hours late, even if the child can wake up, there is a high chance that his brain will have problems.

Seeing the report sheet, he glanced at the two fake couples in front of him.

Damn, it really wasn't the child of the two of them.

The little two on the other side also hurried here, drawing blood tests and waiting.

When the test sheet appeared in front of the two, the father and mother of the child's genetic match 99% were biology, and they knelt down when they heard the two plop.

"Thank you, officer, thank you, without you, our child might really be separated."

Especially when the parents heard that the child was injected with sleeping pills by human traffickers, even if it was treated later, it may end up with permanent brain damage, which made the parents' hearts even more shocked, and anger rushed to the head, this hateful human trafficker deserves death.

In the General Bureau of Law Enforcement, there were all the stolen people, and the two confessed to the crime, and transferred all the information of the two of them, one was not long after the murder was released from prison.

And the other was a personal trafficker before, and the proper crime was added to the crime.

The cases of the two men were clear, and they directly applied for arrest, were prosecuted by law enforcement and thrown into the detention center of the General Administration of Law Enforcement, and after the court pronounced their sentences, they were thrown into prison to serve their sentences.

Both of them are also old fritters who have passed through strong winds and waves, and only said this one thing, and kept silent about the other things.

The so-called confession is lenient, resist strictness or confess to the other party, you can reduce your sentence, don't think about it, even if they confess leniently, it is a dead end, and it will not take a few years to hide it and come out again.

"Lin Mo, your kid's eyes are really powerful, you are right, the two of them are human traffickers.

I thank you on behalf of the families of the victims, and I thank you on my own behalf. "

The credit for this free gift is credited to yourself.

Seeing the message sent by Li Lu, Lin Mo turned off his mobile phone and sneered.

Human traffickers? You two wouldn't think this was the end of it, would you?

The punishment for the two of you has only just begun!!!!

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