"You kid is really crazy and what to say, be quiet, don't let the captain hear them."

As law enforcement officers, how can we know the law and break the law? What the city light does is sin.

Well, this time is not early, after the inspection we will go to the side to rest. "

We used to watch a movie.

Night duty is like this, although boring is not as busy as during the day, but it is inevitable that other police situations will appear, and they must arrange personnel to police at any time.

As the time passed by 1 minute and a second, the time of 10 o'clock quietly arrived.

As the rustling sound sounded, the waiting crowd saw such a familiar voice arrive, and they all knew that the trial of the city light was about to begin.


"Brothers, the night god has gone online and started the trial, and the night family army has gathered."

Then the camera turns into two screens, which are a man and a woman, in what looks like a prison cell.

The group of the General Administration of Law Enforcement saw the two familiar men and women who appeared on this screen, aren't these the two traffickers they just arrested today?

How come in the blink of an eye, these two traffickers were arranged?

Shouldn't it be that two people will be judged by the city light tonight?

Wake them both up, what the hell is going on?

The law enforcement bureau immediately rushed to the cell and woke the two of them.

"What's wrong, officer? What happened? This big night still doesn't let people sleep, even if we are criminal suspects, we must always have human rights, right? "

The most heinous thing is that the two trampled on human rights while shouting about their own human rights.

In the live broadcast room, everything can be seen in full view.

"I said brothers, how do these two feel a little familiar?"

Some netizens from Baicheng looked at these two people, familiar, too familiar, like where they had seen it.

Someone immediately turned over today's news, and the traffickers who appeared in White City were the two of them.

This really coped with this sentence, not not to report but the time has not come, but I did not expect that the light of the city did really powerful, these two traffickers are about to be tried.

The police officer on duty was also dumbfounded when he saw the image in this live broadcast room, and the image inside turned out to be the appearance of our cell?

Including what several of them said, it was also transmitted through the live broadcast room, how is this possible?

There is no surveillance in this cell at all, how did City Light do it?

Everyone did not dare to delay, and immediately reported the matter to the captain of the General Bureau of Law Enforcement, and at the same time immediately contacted Team Zhao of the Baicheng Law Enforcement Subbureau to come to the General Bureau to stand by.

They were the first to deal with City Light, and they should be able to find out through this matter.

After a busy day, Captain Zhao, who had already gone home to rest, did not dare to delay when he heard the news from the General Bureau, and immediately put on his clothes and hurried over, the city light will be judged again tonight.

Everyone in the General Bureau of Law Enforcement gathered together, but they did not expect such a strange thing as a prison trial to appear again.

In other words, is this really human-capable of doing this? All fell into self-doubt.

Seeing these enforcers standing outside the cell, the fake trafficker couple were also taken aback.

Could it be that the things they committed were discovered, and this was to interrogate the two of them overnight?

"Master, I don't think it's right, according to our previous practice of dealing with City Light, his City Light.

The two of them have been arrested by our law enforcement bureau, and the two have confessed to the crime, and when there is already a law to sanction them, City Light will not sanction, this time City Light does not follow the routine?

Or is it that the two of them confessed to not all the cases today, and the two of them lied? "

Although they have not seen City Light himself, after these cases, they have dealt with City Light several times, at least they can know that City Light is not the kind of person who targets anywhere."

Even if the person is hateful, at least follow some default rules.

"We know you can hear the light of the city, but they have been captured by us and are about to be punished by the law, I hope you will not intervene in this matter."

However, this sentence did not usher in a reply from City Light.

Damn it.

"Captain Zhao, what the hell is going on?"

"Officer Li guessed well, it seems that the things explained by the two of them are still hidden."

Captain Zhao and his party looked at the two people who were imprisoned in the heavenly prison and scolded.

"Are you two hiding something from us other than what you committed today?

Be lenient and resist strictly, otherwise the two of you will be sanctioned by City Light.

At the same time, an icy voice came from all directions.

"Okay, tonight I am willing to give the two of them a chance, as long as they tell everything they have committed, the two of them will be punished by the law, otherwise tonight will be the death of the two of them."

Everyone's faces change, you can doubt City Light's disregard for the law, but you cannot doubt City Light's control of evidence.

Captain Zhao stepped forward and reprimanded again, looking up to see the death invitation that was sitting next to their bed.

It seems that City Light is right again, and the two people in today's interrogation did not tell the truth.

Hearing what their group of policemen said outside, how could the two not know what was going on?

"I said officers, we have confessed everything we did today, what else do you want us to say?

Could it be that your law enforcement bureau has other cases, and you can't find anyone, and you want to buckle the basin on us?

Tell you that although we have made mistakes, you should not buckle us on things we have not done.

Except for this case, we do not recognize other cases, we have not done it. "

The two people are completely dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water, but also think of surprise interrogation, but also think of letting them tell all other things, even if it is frank and lenient, several crimes and punishment is also a death sentence, who will not live with a small life?

That unruly look, even in the cage, does not matter, makes people look really angry teeth itching.

Li Lu stepped forward and pointed to the death invitation on their bed.

"Didn't you two see this letter on the bed?"

The two found that they didn't know when someone handed in a death invitation letter at the bedside, and sneered in their hearts, this group of police is really boring, want to solve the case, actually engage in this kind of thing?

"This is a death invitation, sent to both of you by the Light of the City, with all the sins you have committed.

While the two of you haven't opened it yet, quickly explain everything you have committed before.

Confess leniently, resist strictly, if the light of the city judges the two of you, the end will be very miserable!!!! "

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