The police on the side saw the death invitation placed next to the two of them and immediately opened their mouths to dissuade them.

It seems that City Light is so determined this time that the two of them will not listen to what the police said and refuse to explain the truth, so they dare to gamble with their police.

It not only sold the face of the police, but also sanctioned the two of them.

In fact, as City Light said, their bitter words were dissuaded, but they were greeted by a burst of ridicule and disdain from the other party.

"I said, police officers, what era is this, and you still talk about these feudal superstitions?

City Light Death Invitation, we admit that we were caught, and we admit that we made these mistakes, but it does not mean that the two of us are fools, let you just take some things and fool you. His

eyes were full of disdain and mockery of this incident.

If you are an old fritters, how can you be fooled by this group of you casually?

He picked up the death invitation and fiddled with it alone in front of everyone's eyes.

Seeing the excited and worried looks of all the police officers, okay, this one by one can quite pretend?

If this is a newcomer who has just made a mistake and does not know how to do it, he will really be fooled by you.

It's just a pity that I'm not a fledgling rookie, and I said everything that was fooled by your words, and I want us to drag things out completely and do your beautiful dreams.

Not only that, but I also had to open this letter to see what the hell was written inside, and in the end it was nothing more than a group of blanks, which were used by this group of police to fool people.

As the saying goes, if you often walk by the river, you will not have wet shoes, but walking on this road, it is difficult for the timid to become a big thing.

"You two don't dismantle it first, even if the two of you really hide some great evil, even if you confess the crime you committed, you will be sentenced to death by the law, it will take at least 2~3 years from your confession of the facts to the death penalty."

At least you can live in these 2~3 years, but if you tear up the letter, our gamble with City Light will fail, and you two will be judged tonight. "

Hearing the police officer outside anxiously said, this is more and more similar, but unfortunately they have experienced too many winds and waves, these tricks are not up to use, you don't let me do it, we just have to do it."

"Captain, let's open the cell door and snatch this letter back, don't let the two of them open it."

"Officers, have you forgotten the gamble we just made, if you intervene, it means that you have lost this bet."

I have told you before that it is impossible for such vicious people as them, without any evidence for you, to know and reason and hope that they will change their minds and tell you what they have committed.

When this person makes a mistake, he has a fluke mentality, thinking that what he does is airtight, and no one knows it, but he does not know that Skynet is restored and neglected.

If you want people to not know unless they do nothing, since they have done something, they will leave evidence. "

Mei Yaqin, Jia Jie, have you two ever regretted what you did after you got out of prison?

Another cold voice came, and Jia Jie laughed.

"You police officers are really shameless, and you are really painstakingly trying to discredit us.

Acting again and this is just to make us scapegoats, I tell you that is impossible.

I will take apart this death invitation to see what you can do with me?

He is also an old fritters, and everyone in prison can learn everything, and without any evidence, he can't sentence himself to other crimes.

And the other crimes he committed, all the evidence was done seamlessly, and it was impossible for anyone to detect it, unless God opened his eyes and revealed all this, but how could it be?

When the police showed the portrait of the live broadcast room to the two of them, where there was surveillance inside and outside the cage, it was all done by City Light alone, and no one knew what his identity was, and no one knew how he did it.

He also told the other previous examples of being judged by the light of the city, and without exception, everyone died tragically.

Including the father and son who were burned by the fire yesterday, both of them were burned into jerky, why don't you two guys listen to advice?

Even now, the law enforcement bureau has concluded that there must be other big cases on the two of them, and this case is enough to sentence them to death.

Even so, the crowd hoped that the two of them would confess and lenient, and the court would intervene to impose final sanctions on the two of them.

Seeing that these policemen still did not stop moving, Jia Jie shook his head.

This is to see that they did not admit guilt and made a live broadcast, hoping that they could obediently confess their guilt, right?

Although he said that after being imprisoned for twenty or thirty years, there are some places that are somewhat out of touch with the current society.

But after a short familiarity, he also knew what this live broadcast was, and the dancing little ladies liked it the most.

The dancing and twisting posture inside the mobile phone is mesmerizing.

You can think that you don't understand art, but it doesn't mean that you are a fool, looking at their group of police with playful eyes, and slowly opening the death invitation letter under the persuasion of everyone.

The moment the death invitation was opened, an icy voice came out.

"You lost this bet, and then the lives of the two of them should be judged by me, are you willing to gamble and lose?"

"Abominable, abominable."

Everyone was indignant, why were the two of them so stubborn and why didn't they listen to the advice?

The moment the death invitation is opened, it means that their Enforcement Bureau has lost.

It seems that today is the time of death for the two of them.

Although they could not see the content of this death invitation, the sins of the two of them in this live broadcast room were clearly marked on it.

What did Mei Yaqin do on a certain day, month, and year.

What did Jia Jie do on a certain day, month, and year.

Everything they themselves have written out in detail above, read all the above content, and there is a line at the bottom, in a certain period of time, the two of them have been punished by the law and do not make a standard of judgment.

Seeing this, everyone exhaled deeply, it seems that their initial thinking was correct, those who made mistakes at the beginning but were punished by law, City Light will not be judged.

Anyway, those who have already made mistakes and have not been punished by the law in time will be harmed.

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