Although the two of them have been arrested by the police and submitted to the court for the two of them to sign and draw, the two have not escaped the trial of City Light, which is enough to show that the two of them did not tell the truth, there are other cases, and the cases committed can also make City Light make a big move.

There is also text below, you can see it.

On the first side, there are detailed labels at the bottom, all of which are the location of these children who have been trafficked, as well as the contact information of their biological parents.

When everyone saw the news provided by City Lights, if the news provided by City Lights is not false, doesn't this mean that these children who were abducted before may return to their biological parents?

No one thinks that City Lights' move will cause some confusion to the adoptive parents of these children, who are more precisely buyers than buyers.

Everything is like this, how can it hurt if it is not bought and sold?

It is only hated that every time even after solving the case, these buyers will not be punished too much, which is one of the reasons why everyone feels very uncomfortable.

Some melon-eating people in the live broadcast room saw the news written below, and suddenly found that eating melons actually ate melons to their own bodies?

His ID number, home address, and name all match, and City Light shows that he was trafficked here 20 years ago and is now in college.

When I saw this news, I only felt a thunderbolt, in my impression, my parents and sister were very good to me, even if there was a piece of sugar when I was a child, my parents and sister had to keep it for myself.

But now he was told that he was not biological but abducted by human traffickers, one is his biological parents and one is his adoptive father and mother, this is the first time in his life that he did not know how to be good, after a little thought, he still called the police, and by the way, he dialed the phone of his biological parents and told him about his side.

Anyone who has watched City Lights live knows that no one would think City Light jokes about this kind of thing.

On the other hand, the baby search for relatives and other law enforcement bureaus who learned of the incident immediately launched an investigation.

You can say that the City Light sanctions are inhumane, but you cannot say that the things City Light says have no credibility.

Even a 1 in 10,000 chance cannot afford to lose this opportunity.


"I said Lao Sun, what happened to your husband and wife who didn't sleep in the middle of the night?"

"Boss, we want to go out, just now we heard other workers say that there is our son in the live broadcast room called City Lights."

"What? Your son has been found, then your husband and wife go quickly, I hope you can find your child this time, you can rest assured, this month's salary I will hit your card a lot. "

Thank you boss, thank you boss."

With the heart of all the people looking for trafficked children throughout the country, the couple traveled all over the country, came to a place, while doing odd jobs while looking for their children, over the years have traveled to countless cities, come to every city and meet everyone is kind-hearted.

Sympathize with their plight and give them moral and material help.

After all, good people are still the vast majority, and evil is only a small part.

For the vast majority of people, this live broadcast room is just for everyone to see the punishment of evil and promote good, but no one knows what a joy tonight is for those families who lost their children and recovered.

But everyone knows that the city will also resound throughout country A because of today's events.

When he saw all the news above, Jia Jie's face changed, these things were all on the file of the murder and imprisonment, they were all from the Law Enforcement Bureau and wanted to get the file easily.

Still want to deceive yourself with such a trifle?

On the other side, Mei Yaqin opened the letter and read it, and fell directly to the side.

At that time, in order to be able to reduce the sentence, he only said part of the words about those abducted children, and the rest were all buried in their stomachs.

Now that his old background has been exposed, the whole person is full of deep fear in addition to being shocked.

How could anyone know something so detailed, this is simply the same feeling that they were being watched in the process of committing the crime.

It's a fear and overwhelmed.

Seeing this expression and action of the perpetrator, all the law enforcement officers frowned, it seemed that City Light was talking about the crime that the perpetrator did not confess before.

Immediately contact the prison where the person was previously detained, contact the local law enforcement bureau to transfer the person's previous file for comparison, it seems that this time the person is going to add to the crime.

On the other side, Jia Jie is still particularly disdainful.

However, after reading all the cases that happened before he was imprisoned, he saw the things that followed.

Robbery and murder, stealing children, because the child cried too badly and was covered alive by himself, in order to prevent others from discovering the digging pit and throwing the body, and two cases of abduction and trafficking of the child have been sold for sale, the child's current location, and the child's biological parents' information are all listed.

Until everyone in the law enforcement bureau turned gloomy, I said why the two of them were so slow to talk about the previous events even now.

I didn't expect the two of them to commit such a big crime?

These cases add up, even if they turn themselves in, and the number of crimes that await them is a death sentence.

The two of them really deserve to die.

"Come, immediately contact the Law Enforcement Bureau of Tao County, tell them about this matter, and let them go to the burial site to check."

"Yes, Captain."

The intelligence from the general bureau of the urban area, the law enforcement bureau of Tao County did not dare to delay, and immediately sent troops to the site to start excavating.

The barren mountain is very large, and the exact location is very fast, from receiving the news from the General Directorate to the excavation of the burial site, it took less than 15 minutes before and after to find the baby that had become a corpse.

The DNA test was given to the child's family, and it was detected as their biological flesh and bones.

The family who lost the child for a while was completely in tears, originally thinking that the child was just abducted and trafficked, at least the child can still live, as long as they look carefully, one day the child will be able to find it.

However, this news came out, and the family was destroyed.

Just when all over the country began to search for this death invitation, the White City General Bureau.

Jia Jie plopped down on the side, and all the things he committed were exposed without exception.

How arrogant he was just now, how embarrassed he was at the moment, who would have thought that what he thought was seamless, who would have thought that it would be exposed?

The next thing he will face will be the death penalty.

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