Sure enough, just as they thought, the city light really won't let them go.

"Officer, officer, save us, save us."

"Hmph, Captain Zhao, a small city light, why should our law enforcement bureau be afraid of them?

Still pleading like this, it is simply a loss of the face of the Law Enforcement Bureau, and people immediately transfer the prison, I don't believe that this city light really said so evil, can he still chase it to other prisons? "

As the captain of the General Directorate of the Law Enforcement Bureau, he has always been on the front line of the war against evil, and although City Light has indeed done some things, he just can't lynch!!

"Captain, the ability of this city light is simply not something we can imagine, even if we transfer the two of them now, we will be sanctioned."

"Open the door and transfer, go to the Qingcheng prison next door, I don't believe that the city light is so powerful, my Baicheng Qingcheng has been infiltrated by him?"

I will contact the Qingcheng Law Enforcement Bureau now and transfer immediately.

"It's Captain."

Inside the live broadcast room.

This group of people from the Law Enforcement Bureau is really shameless to do things, obviously two criminals, and they want to protect the two of them at all costs?

If the two of them are just criminal suspects, is it really ironic that two criminals who have been stolen and unforgiven are protected and transferred by the Law Enforcement Bureau?

There are also some people who are more rational, thinking that even the moment they know that they are extremely vicious and have not been judged by the law, the two of them, no matter anyone, can take their lives.

The upstairs is because it was not you who lost the child, if it was you who lost the child, see if you can still say this sentence?

Opening the heavenly prison, everyone did not dare to delay and immediately contacted the Qingcheng Law Enforcement General Bureau, and the Baicheng Law Enforcement General Bureau was fully armed and prepared to escort to Qingcheng.

"Thank you, officer, thank you, officer."

The two did not dare to delay, got into the police car under the drag of the police, contacted the Qingcheng Law Enforcement Bureau, and quickly rushed to Qingcheng with the police lights on.

The moment everyone left the Heavenly Prison, the picture in the live broadcast room stayed in the empty Heavenly Prison.

Sitting in the police car, he was personally escorted by the captain of the law enforcement bureau, looking at the empty heavenly prison in the live broadcast room, the captain of the law enforcement bureau sneered.

"A little city light scared you like this, he is judging, why can't he judge now?

In my previous meetings with you, I emphasized that evil does not suppress righteousness, and in the end we will be able to defeat all evil, including the light of his city. "

As long as you follow the team to Qingcheng, and then summarize all the files and submit them to the court, the court in Qingcheng can also conduct the trial."

Live room.

"It's over, it's over, the two fierce people were actually taken away by the police, maybe this time the light of the city will really fall."

Some newcomers saw this scene and spoke one after another, expressing their helplessness.

"The people upstairs are newcomers, and they don't know how strong the city light is, and when you see the city light's ability later, you will understand why we call the city light the night god."

Lin Mo in the rental house looked at everything that happened in the police car and smiled.

You don't think that your system is really just a decoration, you can escape just by thinking about escaping, right?

I told you before that whoever is sent an invitation to death will be judged regardless of whether he goes to heaven or earth.

Since you are willing to gamble, you have to lose, and it is not so easy to renege and play tricks on yourself.

"Why are you a little sleepy?"

It may be that what happened today was too sudden, and made his expression tense, Mei Yaqin, Jia Jie and the two only felt a little sleepy, and they sat on the side and fell asleep.

Just when the two were sleeping, the live broadcast room turned into a portrait, a particularly eerie forest, Mei Yaqin, Jia Jiao appeared here, the two looked at everything in front of them in horror, all this was very sudden.

"No, I'm obviously in a police car, how did this suddenly become another place?"

What the hell is going on here? A

white mist rolled in, and only giggling came from inside the white fog, and the white fog dispersed, and I saw black and white impermanence coming out inside.

"What's going on here?"

"Sinner Mei Yaqin, Jia Jie, the two of us were ordered to come today to take the lives of the two of you, don't resist and obediently take your lives."

Two iron chains soared into the air to lock Mei Yaqin and Jia Jie, making them both unable to move, and then with a blink of their eyes, a city appeared in front of him, and above the city were written the three big characters of Yan Luodian.

The live broadcast room frys the pan again.

"We understand this trick, the anchor is opening the dream trial."

"The last time those who were judged were sanctioned by bringing them into a dreamland, this time the two of them are in trouble."


In the police car rushing to Qingcheng, some people are driving intently, and some people are staring at the live broadcast room, for fear that there will be any abnormalities in the live broadcast room.

"It's not good master, a picture has appeared in the live broadcast room, and the black and white impermanent Yan King Hall has appeared, it seems that the light of the city is going to enter the dream judgment."

"See if the two suspects are asleep?"

"Captain, both suspects are already asleep."

"Damn, hurry up and contact the captain in front, something happened to the parking."

When the vehicle stopped on the side of the road, everyone quickly came to the middle escort vehicle to see the sleeping two, and saw the portrait from the live broadcast room, and immediately called someone to wake them up.

However, no matter what methods the police used, the two of them remained asleep, showing no signs of waking up.

At the same time, this cold voice came from the video.

"Gentlemen, I told you before, anyone who receives an invitation to death, whether it is a person who goes to heaven or earth, will be dead.

I have decided on the fate of the two of them tonight.

"Damn, find a way to wake up the two of them at all costs."


"This is the Hades Palace, I clearly remember that I was sleeping, could it be a nightmare?"

"Maybe it's a dream, but it's a little too real."

It seems that he really does too much evil in ordinary times, and even dreams that he has gone to 18 layers of hell.

"Mei Yaqin, Jia Jie, I said that tonight is the time of death for the two of you, and no one can save you.

I think you also saw my trial yesterday, since everyone likes to vote, then tonight, I will also have a referendum, the first layer of delay punishment!! "

Ling Chi was one of the most cruel criminal laws in the ancient times of the planet before him, tying people to pillars and sending people to cut off the flesh on their bodies one by one, a full 3357 knives, and the last knife killed them.

And the sins committed by the two of them can be ignored!!!

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