Although he was reborn in the planet Maca, there are some places on this planet that are similar to his previous planet, but there are also many things that everyone has never heard of.

What kind of criminal law is Ling Chi, everyone in the live broadcast room looked confused, this kind of punishment has never been heard, until City Light explained this punishment to everyone, everyone gasped.

What a cruel punishment, thousands of knives to gag on people's bodies, usually their skin even if they accidentally cut a hole feel very painful, these thousands of knives can't die alive?

However, seeing that these two people whose crimes are unforgivable, and using this more vicious criminal law to severely punish, can it reflect that evil has evil retribution.

"What kind of criminal law is this Ling Chi, have you ever heard of it?"

All the police officers looked at each other, shook their heads, opened their phones and searched for no entries, which seemed to be a newly created word for City Lights.

"Captain, we've exhausted all methods, and the two of them won't wake up at all."

Whether it's slapping or pinching your nose, using everything imaginable, the two of them still fall to the side like a pool of mud.

Ling Chi to death?

When they heard the introduction, Mei Yaqin and Jia Jie were frightened, this is simply a person who is more vicious than the devil, why is there such a vicious criminal law?

"We are wrong, we are wrong, please let us accept the punishment of the law?"

Dragged by black and white impermanence to the torture room, they were tied to a pillar, their clothes off, and the executioners were sharpening their blades on the side, ready to open the knife on them at any time.

"I remember that when they tried their father and son yesterday, everyone also wanted to participate in the trial, since this time the opportunity for trial will be handed over to you, open each round of voting, according to the number of people in the live broadcast room, as long as half of the people agree to the punishment, the death penalty will be opened."

Give the two of you a chance, pray for the chance for netizens to forgive you, I can make you die faster. Hearing

this, the two people snot and tears kept wailing, not seeking torture but quick death, at this moment the live broadcast room with the mobile phone has jumped out of the voting page can vote, in a few minutes the vast majority of people choose punishment, treat people like them who are not even as good as animals should use this method.

Seeing the voting button on the mobile phone, the person who pretended to be the light of the city yesterday just watched quietly and did not choose, and silently said a word of thanks in his heart.

It seems that the little brother he saw that day is really the light of the city, presumably he already knows that he has been investigated by the police, and today's trial used the same way as himself yesterday, thinking of shifting his gaze to him.

Such kindness can only be silently thanked in the heart, remembering what he said, he will definitely be a good person, do more good deeds, do good deeds, accumulate virtue, marry a wife and have children in the future and have a new life, and then silently turned off the mobile phone and came to the table to start working again.

"How about our technical experts over there who deciphered the IP address?"

"The captain is still the same situation as yesterday, all the IP addresses are constantly changing, and we don't know where the IP where the city light is located."

The police officer who spoke was also very helpless, and the technical experts were hurrying to decipher, but this kind of breakthrough also took a certain amount of time, and each time it was almost broken by a little bit, and as a result, the people had finished their work and left dashingly.

Seeing the votes in the live broadcast room, the number of punishment votes has accounted for more than 90%, and these people are the few who voted against.

"5 minutes to close the voting of all netizens, let's see the final voting results.

I am two of you are really unfortunate, more than 90% of netizens hope to severely punish you, it seems that these things you two have done are really angry, now even if the king of heaven Laozi comes, I am afraid that I will not be able to keep the two of you.


As the sound of sharpening the knife became more and more rapid, the two people who sharpened the knife slowly got up and came to the front of the two of them, it was a bullhead horse face, raised their sharp knife to look around on their bodies, and then cut off a piece of meat with a knife, and the painful wail of the two came from the live broadcast room.

"It hurts."

The law enforcement bureau group was still studying what the situation of the two of them was at the moment, and the painful wails of the two people came from the police car.

"Two people woke up?"

"It's the two of them who shouted that it hurts, and the two didn't wake up!!"

A policeman pointed to the body of the two of them, and saw that with the execution of the person in the live broadcast room, in reality, the two of them covered the place where they were executed and shouted for pain.

Tearing open the clothes of the two of them, nothing happened.

Two blocks, three blocks and 4 blocks, the executioners in the live broadcast room continued, and in reality, the two people in the police car heard painful wails with their eyes closed.

"How the hell did this man do it?"

Until dozens of pieces of meat were cut off, the bloody scene made everyone can't bear to look at it directly, and some people even had a trace of regret because they chose to punish just now.

Unexpectedly, each of them became an executioner, and some people silently got out of the live broadcast room and rushed to the toilet and began to feel sick to their stomachs.

More people are clapping, the wicked will be punished by the wicked, the light of the city is doing a beautiful job, the two of them also know that the pain and wail, what about the children, were the children who were abducted and killed by them also begging at that time?

But how can the two of them ever be pitiful, this matter should be posted on the Internet, so that everyone knows what the price of being a human trafficker is.

Well done, some people want to find the live broadcast room of City Light on the Internet, but this live broadcast room can not be shared are random invitations, some people directly set up a live broadcast, invite everyone to watch together, was directly banned by the official warning.

Even so, according to the hearts of everyone who want to relieve themselves at human traffickers, they have recorded videos and mosaics and uploaded them to the Internet, so that all human traffickers should take a look, and all those who have become human traffickers or are planning to become human traffickers can watch well.

That's the price they have to pay.

"We were wrong, we were wrong, please give us a pain."

Today's two can't tell whether it is real pain or a dream, but the real pain, this feeling of this skin pain is thorough, making people have a feeling that they can't survive or die.

"Hmph, it's not so easy to die, the trial begins, until the end of the last knife, I won't let the two of you die so quickly, remember that if you have a reincarnation in the next life, you must be a kind person, and don't do bad things again."

At the same time, in City Light, all the trafficked human beings of all the two were released, and the law enforcement bureaus in various places dispatched to match the information of these people and DNA identification.

All the city lights said without exception, all the identity information is correct, it is indeed their lost child.

Seeing everything that happened in the live broadcast room, when they were resentful of the two traffickers, those parents all knelt on the ground and thanked the city light.

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