Live room.

"Brothers, some people say that they are parents who lost their children, because of the city light, the child was found, just in a city has done DNA, is biological, the city light is too powerful.

Nor do you look at the identity of the City Light, which is the Night God being the Judge. "

Some people have also launched a request for help on the Internet, can the city light be so powerful can the city light find them a child?

Their children have been lost for many years, and they have searched for many years, and now seeing the city light has a new hope that the children find.

Even if you can be a cow and horse for the light of the city.

Seeing what everyone said in the live broadcast room, even some parents hope to be able to exchange their lives for one life, even if the child does not come back, it is okay to live in their adoptive father and mother, they only hope to be able to confirm that the child is still alive in the world.

Because only parents are the people who love us in the world.

After doing these days, he went down with hundreds of knives and fainted several times, and woke up several times, and the pain spread throughout his body repeatedly. At the same time, an icy voice came.

"All netizens watching the live broadcast room, this is the first trafficker in my trial, and it is also a warning I give to all traffickers.

From now on, there are no traffickers discovered by the Law Enforcement Bureau, I hope you can take the initiative to turn yourself in to the Enforcement Bureau and explain all your cases.

Don't question my abilities, let alone take chances, even if you are dead, I can take your soul out and let you die again. Seeing

those parents' help, how could Lin Mo not know how it felt to be a parent?

It's just a pity that the scope of his Eye of Death is limited, and he can only deter crime in a limited space, and when the Eye of Death covers all the scope in the future, all evil people will have nowhere to hide.

"Thank you City Light, thank you City Light."

With the words of the City Light, and after tonight's trial and sanctions, with the ability of the City Light, presumably this group of human traffickers will be able to be deterred.

Unless they are really fierce and evil, carrying countless lives on their backs, even if they surrender and wait for themselves, they will definitely die.

This hateful light of the city began to stir up the emotions of the people again and seduce them.

When someone came to pass on my order, I immediately arranged for a public announcement to be issued on the official website, ordering all the traffickers in my entire White City to obediently turn themselves in, confess leniently, and resist strictly.

"It's Captain."

Other law enforcement bureaus that learned the news also immediately rubbed the heat and issued an announcement, asking all traffickers to obediently turn themselves in and strive for the law to deal with it, if they are caught by City Light for sanctions, what the end is not necessary, they said, everyone should also be clear.

Other families who lost their children also secretly prayed in their hearts and saw the official emergency notice, hoping that their children could be found safely.

On the other side, Ling Chi continued until 1,000 knives, and there was no good meat on his upper body.

"Please, give me a happy death, please, give me a happy death, stop torturing."

Could it be true that the light of the city said that the prisoners looked like they were dreaming, but it was actually a combination of dream and soul, so that their physical bodies could experience pain firsthand?

Don't, don't, take fine salt on the wound and apply it evenly, and the pain of drilling the heart came, so that everyone saw that the heart had reached the throat.

It is simply too ruthless to have such a terrifying criminal law.

After 2,000 knives, the throats of the two have become hoarse, and they can only watch the flesh on their bodies being cut off piece by piece, trying to break free but unable to break free.

After 3,000 knives, this finger was cut off little by little, and his facial features were also cut off alive.

"Finally dying, no need to be tortured."

"It's not so easy for you to die."

Until the last knife cut off, it did not kill the two of them, and they were thrown into the salt lake water prison, and then the two were left to fend for themselves.

The salt water soaked the whole body and there was a hot pain, and I wanted to break free, but the iron chains were bound and could not struggle.

This happened in the live broadcast room, and the law enforcement bureau did not dare to delay, and immediately rushed to the local hospital to treat the two, even if the doctor gave them a tranquilizer, it would not help.

The whole time he kept convulsing and wailing, as if he had really been subjected to such a criminal law.

Until an hour later, the two people in the water prison were killed alive and cut off their breath.

"These two won't already be dead, right?

It's just hateful, after all, it's just a dream, if it can become a reality, how good would it be for the wicked to have such an evil reward?

Just when everyone was thinking secretly, the camera turned to the hospital, and the two who were still struggling desperately on the hospital bed stopped moving at this moment, with a smile in their eyes, it seems that facing death is the greatest relief for the two of them.

"No, two people died?"

The doctor quickly stepped forward to check, and saw that the two of them did not have any breath, and there was no movement of the two people on the instrument.

There was an exclamation in the live broadcast room.

"Wouldn't you? It turned out to be true, the two of them were destroyed just like that?

"It seems that what they saw should be true, the two people were killed by the city light in the dreamland."

I originally thought that the Ling Chi who had just been cast was just a scene of dreaming, but I didn't expect that when the dream extended to reality, the strength of the city light was actually so strong that it could dream and kill?

This kind of divine means surprised everyone's hearts.

A rustling voice came from the live broadcast room, and everyone who saw this scene understood that this trial was over.

Familiar lines, familiar everything, and another warning from the city light.

All traffickers obediently turn themselves in, and as long as they turn themselves in and are punished by the law, they will not be judged by themselves if they come out and be good people.

If you think that the law cannot be sanctioned, and you have exploited the loopholes in the law, then you are very wrong.

I advise the world to do more good deeds, do less evil, raise your head to have gods, good and evil will be rewarded in the end, not not unreported, but the time has not come!

Your judgment is over today, goodbye!!

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