When City Light turned off the live broadcast room, everyone's mobile phones, computers, and TVs returned to everything before.

But the shock tonight brought to everyone has made everyone forget for a long time.

In particular, the words of City Light demanded that all traffickers turn themselves in immediately, and everyone was full of expectation.

When the live broadcast was closed, a local law enforcement bureau ushered in the first couple, the two were only 30 years old, and the moment they came to the law enforcement bureau, they plopped down on their knees and muttered in their mouths to turn themselves in.

The two of them are husband and wife and human traffickers, and they abducted and sold several children, because they are husband and wife, and all the documents are complete, and they have escaped the arrest of the law enforcement bureau again and again.

I thought that I could be complacent after making so much money, but after seeing the video of City Lights, the two became scared.

Especially during the period, the woman also checked out that she was pregnant, and after watching the live broadcast, she thought that she was going to be a parent, and her heart was full of regret.

Maybe there are some things that can only be understood after becoming a parent, every day it feels like your child is kicking his belly and growing up in his belly day by day.

The two of them may not be caught by the Law Enforcement Bureau, but as City Light said, Skynet is not leaked, if one day they are caught by City Light and tried, won't their children become orphans?

Think of your child's lonely life in the world, and shed tears of regret again.

They came to the law enforcement bureau and turned themselves in, confessed their crimes, and gave them all the addresses where the children they abducted were located.

Seeing this young couple, who are in their early 30s, and their wife is also pregnant, the law enforcement bureau group has a feeling of hatred that iron is not steel.

So young to embark on the road of breaking the law and committing crimes, but fortunately the two lost their way, the two will definitely be sentenced, but surrender and tell all the circumstances of the crime, the law pays attention to confession from leniency to resistance and strictness, and after a few years to come out and be able to be a person again.

The latter thing is also as the law enforcement bureau said, the case of the two people was quickly filed, and after the investigation of the law enforcement bureau, all the lost children were recovered.

Both were also sentenced to imprisonment, suspended because the woman was pregnant, and the male protagonist was sentenced to three years and released from prison for two and a half years for performing well in prison.

During the period of imprisonment, the heroine gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix fetuses, and after waiting for her husband to go out, the two worked steadily and lived a small life.

Although the life is not rich, it is also considered a stable one.

Do more good deeds to make up for previous sins.

Throughout the night, dozens of traffickers chose to turn themselves in, and even during this period, some petty thieves also turned themselves in, mainly because the impact of City Light on everyone this time was too strong.

To be judged by Him, this is certain death.

Or turn yourself in according to the words of the city light, as long as they are punished by the law, they can leave their lives after they come out.

A character who can control life and death should not make such jokes with them.

And others who are wanted can only hide everywhere and know that if they turn themselves in, they will also be sentenced to death, and seeing what the city light said at night just snorted coldly in their hearts.

They think that it is just these little tricks done by the law enforcement bureau and one person, there can be no such existence at all, and they will not believe that such a person exists.

Still choose to remain anonymous, and must not be caught by the people of the Law Enforcement Bureau.

In the apartment house, Lin Mo turned off the system, checked the points of the system, and according to the evaluation of the world tonight, he obtained 3,000 points.

Although there are many people who may not experience so-called human traffickers in their lifetime, the vast majority will become parents one day and will have children of their own.

People are always like this, only by having can we achieve empathy, although children will not be lost, but every parent treats their children's emotions and love are all the same.

Because of the same love, I can make my own choices with empathy.

Lying in bed, checking the time has reached 1 a.m., turning on the mobile phone, all the night owls are still active online.

The forum of City Light has exploded, everyone is talking about tonight's affairs, all the posts, news, and constantly forwarding, tonight's things The vast majority of people think that City Light is doing very right.

The wicked deserve evil retribution and should be punished in this way.

There are also some people who think that what City Light does is too vicious, why should the two of them take such a criminal law when killing and not abusing life?

However, the moment they say this, they are frantically sprayed by the supporters, because you didn't lose the child, the whip didn't whip on you, so you don't know the pain.

If one day you lose the whip of the child and whip on you, it is estimated that if you can have such an opportunity, it will definitely be more vicious than what the city light did.

In addition, the word Ling Chi's execution was also sent to the hot search by netizens, which is a term that has never appeared before, and some historians have stood up and began to rub hot.

The term of this punishment of late execution was not invented by City Light, in fact, there are also such records in the long history of country A.

And the city light just happened to see which ancient book recorded the entry, but the ancient book that recorded this entry was not discovered by their group of historians.

The historian said these words, which attracted a lot of netizens to sigh.

It's really shameless, rubbing the heat of people's city lights, and in the end, you want to win people's city lights?

In fact, according to the city light such a figure even if you do not rob, this word also belongs to our country A, who dares to stand up and admit, admit it does not mean that they are the city light?

Although he said that he had done something very relieving, the law enforcement bureau had not yet issued a wanted for him.

This group of historians was stunned without the slightest temper, and quickly issued an article declaring that the words they said before were sent by some of their temporary workers, not by them, and those temporary workers have been fired by them, and there will definitely be no such low-level problems in the future.


Good things are all the credit of regular workers, and all those who encounter bad things or top pots are temporary workers, and everyone is already surprised that these people are so shameless.

Immediately afterwards, a statement was issued that the execution of Ling Chi played an important role in their study of historical and ancient criminal law.

For the new entry, Lin Mo did not care, he came to Maca Star to cross to country A, and also hoped to make a contribution to country A.

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