At this moment, as the director of poverty alleviation, I feel a special helplessness in my heart.

Originally, he should not have said this sentence, but he swallowed it again when it came to his lips.

His identity makes him unable to burst into foul language, what is called mud can not support the wall, at this moment this is called mud can not support the wall.

The two people did not have any diseases or physical conditions, and they were originally given two piglets so that they could make money as a poverty alleviation project.

After raising the two pigs, they can be sold directly to the next village, and after this safety quarantine, they can be sold by themselves or taken out.

After this breeding experience, can you raise 5 and raise 10 next year, in addition to pigs can also raise chickens and ducks, the village itself is backed by the mountain, chickens and ducks can be raised free-range, such chickens and ducks without any feed added to sell the price is higher.

Which one does not earn more money than this poverty subsidy?

However, giving them such a good project was eaten directly as food in the eyes of everyone, making them feel particularly helpless in addition to being angry.

The original intention of the poverty subsidy is to enable those families whose families are truly poor and have lost their labor force to be able to eat and survive.

It is not for people to rely on this poverty subsidy to make a fortune.

"Director Xu, your uncle and I are really short of money, so hurry up and arrange the subsidy for us.

I have to play cards with other people when I go back, don't nag you here, you all have this poor information, just submit it directly to us. Saying

that, Uncle Wang turned to leave, and before leaving, he still looked cursing.

The mouth is hairless, what is it, and I don't know who arranged them, can't I arrange some reliable ones?

The Xiao Zhang who was transferred before, this person is quite good, can also do errands, and give gifts to these people every New Year's holiday, and now the young people are becoming more and more unhappy, and they don't know more and more about respecting the old and loving the young.

Hearing Uncle Wang scolding and leaving, Director Xu was helpless again.

Sorted out the information in front of him and prepared to get up and leave.

"How was it stunned? I told you before that your approach simply won't work.

They are a bunch of mud that can't support the wall at all, and the country's policy is good, hoping that everyone can achieve prosperity.

But you also saw that the two piglets arranged for them were directly eaten, if these two pigs were directly eaten in the year of the disaster, it would be eaten, and if you don't eat pork, will you have to eat soil?

Usually can also eat, after this mountain has a lot of forage, now the pigs may be relatively small enough to eat some grain, and when they grow up for two months, as long as they are willing to go up the mountain quickly to cut some grass for the pigs to eat, they can raise the pigs white and fat.

In the same village, if you look at other people, some people are very diligent and raise chickens and ducks, and this little day has slowly become richer.

But some people are not unable to get rid of poverty, but simply lazy, and you can't help them change if you want to help them.

If I want to say that you might as well listen to my advice, people who were in this position before studying directly handed over the poverty allowance and handed it over to the county side for review.

Give them the money at once, and if the money can't come down and let them go directly to the county, none of them will come and make trouble with you.

The money is in place, how they want to spend it and how they get it, that's their own business, even if they don't have a penny, they won't come to you for trouble.

Originally, you came here to help the poor for only three years, and after the three years of time is up, isn't he fragrant to directly transfer your resume to another unit? Why do you have to care about this group of them?

Just this Uncle Wang who just came, he is a famous thorn in the village, and he was like that when he was young.

Your son is said to work in a coastal city and earns more than $100,000 or more a year.

They wanted to take their old couple to the coast, but they didn't go.

And the other ones in the village who can be named, are they poor? Logically speaking, they are not poor, but this person is used to taking advantage, and he should take these things as his own.

Usually give them an egg every time they eat, and suddenly one day if you don't give this egg, they will resent you.

In fact, they have forgotten that this thing itself does not belong to them.

Poor mountains and evil waters come out of the people, what do I tell you? Believe me this time, right?

You, just wait for the news here, this is the first family today, and you are busy today.

I'm going to eat, think about what I said, and take care of yourself.

After the staff on the side finished speaking, he stepped forward and patted Director Xu's shoulder and got up to leave.

As he said, in the afternoon, many families came directly to the door to ask for poverty subsidies, and they may not remember the other days, but the days about the money are better than everyone can remember.

He was impatient to explain to everyone, originally his own good intentions, but he was ridiculed and ridiculed by everyone, and some people even threatened themselves that if this poverty subsidy was not arranged, he would make himself unlucky.

However, these words of these villagers did not take them seriously, with their passionate work, how could they be afraid of these cows, ghosts, gods and snakes?

If you are afraid to do things, I am afraid that it is not very suitable for my style.

Some of them did meet the disability certificate, and they listed the form to submit it to the county, and some did not meet the identity and explained to them impatiently, and told them about the poverty alleviation policy, and led everyone to make a fortune together.

After another busy two days, on the afternoon of the third day, I thought about taking advantage of the time to visit the village in person, visit the field and understand the situation.

However, I went to the village in the afternoon and did not return for the whole night.

A colleague in the dormitory saw that Director Xu did not come back, and did not take it seriously.

Sometimes this busy day and night may not come back, and everyone is already familiar with this kind of thing.

Only after one night and another full day, no one came back after nightfall.

Someone was worried about the situation and called to inquire, but the sound of turning off came from the other side of the phone.

Seeing this situation, some people thought that it might be that the signal in the mountains was not good, and some people were worried that there would be any problems, and everyone decided to wait for this night, and if they couldn't get in touch tomorrow, they would go to find someone in person.

The next day, there was still a mobile phone turned off, everyone did not dare to delay, contacted all the departments that could be contacted, did not find that Director Xu had come, and then began to call the police and send the police to investigate together.

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